Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #16- A Fine See-Saw Series
A/n: i did not write any piece of this story, merely copy-pasted the summary results as well as the amusing side-story that was written in honor of this series. all characters referenced below are copyright to their own creators and used with permission.
A Place to Belong - Chapter 21
There is also a character summary for those who are interested in reading about your favourite characters. if there is some type of information you'd like their profiles to have in them send me a note and i'll see if i can update them as such.
Encyclopedia V2.2 (Aa - Dd)
(the) **demon lords** refer to the character summary for details.\* they reside in the underworld\* and are constantly trying to gain entry to the world to spread death and destruction. they are the sworn enemies of the twelve guardian deities\*.
Copy of From Foes to Minions
The end summary: two warriors attempt to take on a fire giant. it goes very, very wrong for them.
Chapter 9
"not the whole summary, lydia." james didn't think he could sit through that. "ok, party-pooper. so, you told me that pure elementalism was hard because you had to focus intensely on several different things at once right?
More than Kin, Less than Kind: Chapter One
#1 of more than kin, less than kind more than kin, less than kind: an undertale story pairings: chara / frisk; chara / asriel characters: chara dreemurr, asriel dreemurr, frisk dreemurr warnings: mature themes, references to past child abuse and violence summary
He awoke...
A summary or something of what is happening, and someone for me to ask multiple questions of. but, and this ashames me, i have forgotten my own name.
LAWT #8 ~ Engage [Encounter Pt.2]
#8 of lorrie, alex, wynne & tobi [ summary: ] alex and stray do a cliche by having a coffee date, chat a bit and decide what they're really doing. [ ~2400 words ] it's stray's birthday today, and while i hadn't intended to have this finished to be a gift,
Clawless - Chapter 1
But you want a proper story summary, yes? ~~ the boundless splendor of city spans the entire world, sprawling from deep beneath the oceans to above the cloud-wreathed peaks.
Story of the Year
"i already gave my summary to the last crew, and i'd much rather take a nap." there was silence for a moment -- a long enough pause that he re-opened his eyes to find the shih-tzu staring daggers at him. "c'mon, dog... speak!"
Voluntary Compliance Chapter 1: The Lottery
The epigraph may serve as a preface, as a summary, as a counter-example, or to link the work to a wider literary
Under Moon and Sun Chapter 2
The end summary: thenyr is given a new mission, and a dangerous one at that. tags: no sex, fantasy, bird, thordani, temple, lycanthropy, magic, magic items,