He awoke...

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry

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He had dozed off a while back, not remembering a single thing from the dream he had. No trigger. When he awoke, it was to the sound of gunfire. Pistol shots. He got up and held his breath, listening for them again. Two more fired and he heard a door slam shut. More than likely one of the bulkhead doors like the one to the room he was in.

"Great. Another mad person. Damn radiation gets to ya quick."

"Roudeh. There's another opened down the hall. Think there might be anyone in there?"

'Roudeh?', Roy thought.

"Come, love. We must make this quick, then return to the bunker before another wave hits."

Roy eyed the knife he left where he was sitting down and then turned to the door. He didn't even notice that he had gotten up and approached the door.


He heard the two people move, a shuffle like they were readying themselves.

"State your name, purpose, and why you're here."

"If I knew my own name I'd tell you. Why I'm here, safety. These rooms have months of food supplied. And my purpose, I guess protecting Alei."

"Who is Alei?"

"First, tell me something. Are you Roudeh?"

"Yes. The one and only. How do you know my name?"

"I guess it would be better if I came out."

Roy walked out and closed the door, but what he thought would be a safe welcome was met with gunfire, forcing him to take cover behind a shelf.

"What the hell?!"

"Seilla, go around the other end, we'll make this a quick kill."

"Wait! I don't even know what is happening!"

He was only met with more gunfire as he tried to come out of cover and then he just ducked even further down. The other person rounded the corner, a female human. In her mid twenties, it looked. Immediately, Roy threw his hands up in protest.

"Don't shoot!"

From behind him, Roudeh, jerked him up into a choke hold and put the gun to his head.

"Stop it now!!!!!"

Alei had walked from the bed, opened the door and witnessed nearly everything.

"Who is this? Your mate?"

"For your info I am the AI, Aleipha Beiora Quadora. And you are in violation of multiple laws laid by the world leader herself!"

Seilla looked at Alei, then at Roudeh.

"Who the hell is this?", Roudeh laughed.

"So you'd assault someone without thought of who they might be? I may be an AI, limited to many things in knowledge, learning wise, but through firm interpretation and even quick thoughts, which seem to be slowed, I can easily tell that you're just another military dog who'd rather kill the enemy on sight instead of asking why he was there. You did do that for a short time, until he showed himself to you. He doesn't even remember his own name and you think that he'd rather kill you. I mean, look at him! He was cowering behind a bookshelf! He had no weapon and by the looks of it and much obviousness, he has no clothing on him! You sir are a dumb ass."

Seilla put her pistol back in it's holder and then crossed her arms, chuckling a bit as she looked at Roudeh.

"Looks like you just got told. I don't see why I haven't figured that out by now."

"I'm not going to take chances."

"Well then it looks like you're just being an ass."

"If it means being safe and keeping you safe, then I'd rather that."

A few minutes later and after much struggle, Roudeh finally had Roy in a seat. Actually, tied to it, and his arms were locked in a metal bracer which covered the arms up to the elbow.

"Ok, time to talk. What do you know."

"You are Roudeh, she is Seilla, the blue mouse girl is the AI, alei, and I don't know who the hell I even am or what I'm even doing down here. Seriously, I woke up to Alei browsing through a computer. Though I did find some of your stuff. A few guns, a large knife, and a duffle bag filled with other things. I took the pistol in hopes of some protection but without ammo, or even a clip, it's just for intimidation."

"I believe you know more."

"The only thing else I know is that there is a war between humans and something else. I don't even know what it is. The image in my memory is blurred."

"You never told me that.", Alei complained.

"I figured it didn't matter. Plus,. I just want to live in peace. But the few scars and sore bones of mine say different."

"Still not enough to trust you. No weaponry unless you find it yourself and keep away from Seilla."

"As long as I can survive. But for now, since you apparently don't believe that Alei is the AI, you keep from her."

Roudeh untied him and unlocked the restraints, allowing Roy to stand.

"We got a deal?"

Roudeh stared at Roy for a few seconds then shook his hand in agreement.

"Deal. Remember this from every day till you earn my trust or die trying to survive."

"Then it's settled. I need clothing. And so does Alei. Know where we could get something?"

"Yes. Down the hall, to the...Just follow me."

Roy did as told and Without hesitation the other two followed behind.

"So. Who made your synthetic body? It looks really accurate. From the head, to the bust, to the legs and loins."

"I suspect that it was made by someone who had more of a high job and the free time to make a whole new model."

"Well then. I'd love to meet him. If you really are the AI, then why have you not lifted the quarantine lockdown?"

"There is no connection through this synthetic body. Must be a wireless connection malfunction or it's just broken."

"Well, lets hope so."

Roudeh walked into a single room, a blank walled, white room. There was nothing there, but as he held his hand up, the holographic illusion became a passive problem.

"There. You know the secret. Don't let anyone else know. Get some clothing and get out. No weaponry."

"Fine. A knife is good enough for now."

Roy walked through the hologram wall and found a set of clothing perfect for him and Alei. A military uniform, for him, and something which looked similar to a nurse outfit, but it was black and red. He put his on first, fitting him with thick clothing which stuck to his skin closely like latex, but it still breathed. It was all a dark grey, except for the tiny clips which ran the waist line and front. Roy walked back out of the hologram wall and threw the clothing to Alei.

"Go ahead and get dressed. Don't want to get raped on a battlefield."

She was first astonished by the projectile of clothing which was thrown at her, then the statement Roy made. Without hesitation, and fear of further exposure to anyone, she put the clothing on, with help from Seilla, who had to show her how to actually do so.

"There. You're good. Well, you look good and you're good for a fight.", Seilla smiled.

"Thank you. Though I'm not sure what this feeling I'm having is. Being in a synthetic body and all."

"Must be happiness."

"No, I've felt that. This is like a deeper happiness. But also mixed with something, luscious."

"There are a few things from that. You could feel very happy, you could be in love, or you're just jealous of something."

"I see what you're saying, but this is something really deep. But it's passing now. Not even sure why."

"It's a mystery. Now go on. Me and Roudeh need to get a few supplies. You two might want to find some weaponry."

Alei nodded and ran after Roy who had been scavenging for anything useful on his way to the room where he had left that army knife. A knife that sharp and durable would be perfect for protection from others. Unless the enemy had ranged weaponry.

"I'm ready for a small fight, but nothing large scale. You prepared to go out?"

"I just want to find my purpose of being here. If it's a mission, I'll carry it out as well."

Roy nodded then turned to the other two, gave them a wave, then they both assumed their positions beside them.

"I take it you two are ready to go?"

"Yeah. But I have a question. Why did you shoot at me, why did you attack me?"

"Well, it's pretty easy to explain. But harder for you on the battlefield. You and Alei are what we are fighting against. Yeah, some of your kind have joined us. But a little under a few hundred thousand. They are good fighters and they expose the weakest spots of their ships and even their tactics. Great help, they are. But most died because we didn't trust them."

"I understand. But what do I do if someone shoots at me? Like, an ally, a human."

"Don't shoot back. Just take cover and tell 'em to back off. Intimidation works well for your kind. Tell him/her you are one of us. Or just shoot the nearest enemy, AKA, one of your own kind trying to kill us humans."

"Got it. But I have no weapon other than a knife. How do you think I will survive?"

"I've watched your kind survive without clothing, protection, and even shelter. You are all mostly carnivorous. Like, you are carnivorous and Alei is omnivorous."

"Well, you people know a lot don't you?"

"Yeah, just like you're going to help us take down a fleet ship. All we need to do is get the team up to the Blown down skyscraper next door on the top most floor which hasn't been blown off. There, we will fire the cannon which was placed there two weeks ago."

"So it's going to be tactical isn't it?"


"So what do I do with Alei?"

"Find a safe place for her, maybe even one of the camps that your kind lives in. But she'll need to get rid of the clothing first."

"So, just hand her to the enemy?"

"Nah. She could play double agent for us."

"I think my current goal is to protect her, not endanger her."

"It's her choice, not yours."

"I'm not going anywhere without Roy.", Alei spoke up.

"Well then it is settled. We don't need to put her in any camp. But you really need to get her a weapon. She won't last long without one."

"Noted. So where are we going?"

"I told you, the skyscraper next door."

"No, to get out of here."

"Easy. We take the elevator."

"Oh. I guess we'll just see what we go through afterwards."

"You never remembered your own name. But I've seen you somewhere before. Maybe someone close knows you.", Seilla stepped into the armory.

Roudeh stepped in behind Seilla and Roy and Alei followed. The first thing sighted was the clothing and weaponry on the walls, but upon further discovery, there were two thick elevator doors shut closed and locked by a heavy security system.

"So that's the elevator.", Roy states.

Roudeh swipes his security ID in front of the scanner and the locks all disarm and the doors open. All step through and as the doors close, the light disappears as well. The elevator shifted and began its accent to the world above. The elevator did not keep a slow pace. Instead it sped up quickly, then once it reached maximum speed, the floor counter came on above the button system on the wall. The lights flickered on and the buttons flashed on. It was a system which you typed a number in with the keypad and you were brought to that level. The number counting down was actually a negative number counting up.


Roudeh readied his gun and so did Seilla. Both braced as the elevator began slowing. The numbers finally entered the two digit zone and it slowed up until it got to the B10 level. Then it stopped.

"We've got a problem.", Roudeh said.

"What do you mean?", Roy asked.

"What name do you go by, Roy?"


"Ok, Roy, I told my team that if any enemies were to show their faces, lock the top level for the elevator at B10. They will more than likely be somewhere in the area of the ground floor, but we have a few enemies to go through first."

"Then lets have at it."

"I want to try something though."

"And what is that?"

"You scout ahead. They might see that you have clothing of the enemies, but may think you're a double agent. The enemy has multiple of those."

"Well then. Lets go."

The doors opened and Seilla and Roudeh hugged the walls, staying out of sight of the three large crocs standing guard up ahead. The three all stared at Roy, then as he approached they stopped him at about five yards away. He turned to Alei, who had stuck behind him the entire time, and smiled.

"Wait.", he spoke.

Roy journeyed further and the crocs let him pass, paying no attention to the female mouse standing in the middle of all of them. The large crocs could do nearly anything they wished with her. Roy journeyed forth through the small camp and everyone there each gave him a look. He stopped and stared at a single sign on the wall. A symbol of a gang or collection of his own kind. He remembered what it stood for. He remembered who created, who owned it, who ran it, who financed it.

"It's good to be home.", he said aloud.

Immediately everyone around him all greeted him in the simple way of a snort or sound off of their own noise of the animal which they were. All anthros, all humanoid, except for the avians. They had only a single set of wings for arms.

"First, I would have to inform everyone here that I need a repeat of everything that has happened. A summary or something of what is happening, and someone for me to ask multiple questions of. But, and this ashames me, I have forgotten my own name. Don't even remember how I got down there, don't remember what I did except for that I run this camp and that this war is upon the humans which have populated this planet."

"Ey boss, If you really have lost your memory then your mate is gonna be pissed. Majorly.", a nearby lamia informed.

"Well, it's the truth. Where is she now?"

"Well, we don't even know. She went top-side over a month ago. You were still exploring the lower levels when she did."

"Hmm. I went very far down then. I think somewhere in the triple digits."

"Well, you better go look for your mate or she might not come back. I mean, she stormed off shortly after you told her to stay."

"Sounds like I was a little harsh. But no matter. I'll find her. And, I'd like to introduce someone. The human AI, her name is Alei. Now what puzzles me is that she is a neon blue mouse. Much like that female in that corner.", Roy pointed out.

"Well, boss, the most I can tell you is that your name is Jork."

"Sounds better than Roy, I'll keep that in mind. Push that human name out of my head."

The lamia laughed and then slithered off.

"Remember, her name is Aur."

Jork nodded then turned to the others.

"I need weapons."

About a few minutes after he had entered, he left, carrying several weapons. Large weapons to be exact. They were energized weapons, firing off bolts of plasma from a small energy cell which equaled the energy to that of a fuel rod. But it was much safer. He had three pistols, two rifles, and he took a large weapon called the Vassour. He could not remember how it worked, nor what it was called, but the name was informed to him by the armory guard. Upon exiting the camp, the immediate sight was enough to piss him off beyond the point which kept him from hurting anyone. Two crocs were holding Alei down as the third crawled on top of her. Jork did not sigh, nor make a sound. He lifted the pistol in his hand and fired a shot through the croc's head, completely missing his brain but knocking out part of his snout. As the croc reared up, cradling his snout, Jork took another shot, this time, hitting his mark and killing the croc. What was a large heaping mass of muscle was now just a heap of bloody protein to the other crocs, AKA, food. They jumped on the bigger croc's remains and began tearing the flesh from his bones. Jork paid no attention to The gore or the fact that Alei was shivering in a corner, far away from the two. Instead he walked on past them and into the elevator.

"Come Alei. Let's go."

She stood up and scurried into the elevator, clinging to Jork like it was the safest thing to do.

"Oh my god, they tried to..."

"Don't say another word."

He awoke...

"So?", Roudeh asked. "My real name is Jork. Got plenty of weapons underground here, I had ventured down further into the depths of this facility to explore. I suppose I had done it for supplies. By the way. Weaponry. Not very hard for me to...

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He awoke...

Besides a throbbing head ache, and her numb arm, Alei felt nothing. Nothing other than the bedding she had been lain on. She opened her eyes, looking around in the dazed state she was in, seeing only blurs of everything. She sat up and discovered that...

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demigods and mortals of Asfeiren: Chapter 1

I want this to kick ff. Goign as slow as I can. Man, without my laptop, it gets to where I have to use my desktop. Well, I have the entire week to myself. So I'm planning on dishing out a chapter a...

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