The Wastes (Teaser)
The drifter took the ammo, meat, and all but a few of the drugs, and stuffed it all into the courier bag that he kept strapped below his duster.
Pokemon Journey to another world Ch5
After we had tied them up and stuffed into a few lockers did i carefully walked out the door. it didn't take me that long until i had rendered all the fake police officers that were in the lobby unconscious.
I closed the journal, stuffed it into my bag, and closed it up again. i got up, and continued towards the back of the cavern. there were 16 walls, each documenting a period in the land's history.
Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 27 - New Plans...
The sight of his friends nodding at the request stuffed a lump into alex's throat.
Special Delivery
The order, deciding that the good pupper needed something much better~ contains: implied transformation (maybe), living plush, reality warping, null groin, reference to quarantine, big soft bappy pawbs, pinning and teasing (this was written weeks before stuffed
A Sad Love Story
Some other things were a framed photo of me and him (which now sits on my desk), his favorite book (the testing), and his stuffed fox with buttons for eyes. the stuffed fox looks a lot like me. it has the same pattern as my fur.
Day 38 3:49 AM 1/2/2023-Chapter 8-Empty Road
He pulled his stuffed dog close to him. "i miss mom and dad." i felt my heart brake. "i do too little brother", i said, "i do too." raf crawled into his sleeping bag, "night cameron."
The Fattest Doll of All
Mike departed, and as treb was sending him off the panda noticed a felt doll with a heart on its chest similar to his own stuffed almost to bursting laying on his coffee table.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Forty
After a few seconds of rooting around, and i lay back down with a deformed stuffed animal in my arms. i'd given blister to kimberly, but she'd given it back after stark had bought her some of her own stuffed animals.
A Good Influence
Keep stuffing that fat face of yours and feel yourself grow fatter and fatter..."
Bigger is Better
So the machine kept running, and i just kept getting stuffed with more and more frosting . . . i swear, i was probably the biggest i've ever been that day. now you, you're on your way.
Dragon's Heart Prologue REDUX
_fortree_ a little boy sat playing in the middle of the living room, making sound effects for the stuffed pokemon dolls in his hands. "ppshhh! gengar used shadow ball!