Intro to Souless
The 193rd company's real purpose was officially "unrecognized" by the u.s.c., its existence kept at the highest level of classification, a special operations outfit black as they come.
B... uh, _secondly_, i was making an editing pass of the special two (the missing 2011 christmas story) just prior to upload when i suffered a power surge.
Hotel sunbloom 2/2
Jolteon and eevee were waiting to umbreon anticipating the special dessert, but it was strange that it took so long. "i'll go to his search , you will surely have difficulty to lifting the special dessert." says jolteon.
AJ, the Dingo Cowboy in the Old West
''that's some special tail you got going on there kid. what, you got the hots for me or something?'' well, i think i've let this go on long enough. aj stood and looked at lonestar coolly in the face.
My Little Annoyance
It's nothing more special than that, really, when you grind down to the nuts and bolts of it. but he thinks it is.
Crash Course
The special organism in it will pad the entire crash, you wount even feel a thing." replied taka.
New Beginnings
It had better be the most special song i've ever heard." he chuckles once again, and he pulls out the violin once more. placing the bow to the strings, he begins a gentle melody.
Not even a demon can split us apart
They've heard that the school nearby was specially made for young anthros with special needs.
A Quick Short
"now, just like with my chaos sorcerer, i can banish one light and one dark monster in my graveyard to special summon and grow my assets even more, so i banish my paladin and my sorcerer in my graveyard from the game to special summon my darkflare dragon
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.05: A Kirin's Origin - Ep02
You might not know it yet, but you're special," hazard told her. "what do you mean 'special'?" "well, have you felt that there's something different about you? any strange or abnormal happenings?" "haz, you're losing me here..."
The Couple that Eats Together
It was a special place. not only was it truly all you could eat, but zack was a fat admirer who wanted people to eat as much as they could and to enjoy every bite. he even made special orders for gainers, at an extra large price. "oh, april!"
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 16
special, mysterious allure to her already charming personality.