Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 5
"yeah, i do some sketches," chance explained, "but they're not really that good."
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 49
Those hands must be dream hands, or maybe the hands from her sketches, something that existed in a different world altogether. that was the only explanation that made sense.
5 : BlindSighted
._ "it was a sketch, i've done a lot better." "can i see." he said in an inflection. "i don't know." she sounded a lot more eager than she tried to pretend to be. "please? i'm sure they're wonderful."
Eon's Story: chapter two
Eon woudl growl as he'd grab his back pack, stuffing in the few things he owned. a book, a few pencils, sketch book, and his good clothes.
Adora and Maria and the Staff of Apep concept chapter” - Wax Amazon, Wax Amazoff
"well, you're in luck," said adora, pulling out a piece of paper, on it a sketch of a cobra-headed staff, it's mouth wide open in a fang-baring hiss, with some writing about it. "because we're heading there to recover the staff of apep.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 38
He took the spiral stairs two at a time, dropping past framed sketches of the mill his late sister-in-law had drawn up for them a few years back.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 38
He took the spiral stairs two at a time, dropping past framed sketches of the mill his late sister-in-law had drawn up for them a few years back.
Of Ice and Earth
With a sigh, winter looked down and realized he had sketched her. his lip curled into a snarl before he stood, the desk wobbling from the force of his sudden action.
Chaos Chapter 12: Kidnapped
The six papers each had sketches on them, each of a different pokémon. but what really caught his eye was the layout of the paper's contents; a sketch, followed by a posted reward below them, and contact information of where to collect it.
Family Drone
#3 of space station dystopia when i read the theme for blfc this year, i was immediately reminded of my sketch for this story, which i filled in here.
Dragon Story: Chapter 4
Some dragons said his tail tip resembled a mirona leaf, but celadon knew they were just guessing, for they only saw claw sketches on limestone of what they truly looked like.
TS: Chapter 2
With fifty minutes to kill, i took out a blank sheet of paper and began to sketch random things. before i knew it, the bell rang. "turn in your papers as you exit," said ms. ravencap as everyone packed up.