
Outside the front of our house, across the driveway, was a rocky wall upon which rested a grassy plane. when it rained, it pooled in the parking lot, the drains placed a those exact spots so large puddles would not form.

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Thursday Prompt - Just a Little Push

She and her husband were going through a rocky time. she was afraid divorce was on the table if things kept up this way. "i don't know how you managed." beatrice hummed softly, setting her own glass down. "oh, luck has nothing to do with it.

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The Goodness of Nothing

The hunter had tracked his prey to the stretches of the kingdom, where a chasm had opened up to a rocky clearing. the fox peered his armored head from his vantage point on the ledge to see the dragon below. the fair maiden was also there.

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The Last Dragonboy Chapter 7

We are here to see ignatius" we looked across a lava pool to find a large red dragon with a gold underbelly laying against a rocky wall and sleeping in the lava. "is that him?" i whispered in percival's ear.

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Inauguration Day in Devout America

It is considered by its citizens as a day of remembrance towards the old america and the fall of democracy west of the rocky mountains.

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Silver Stream Memory 16

Posted using postybirb sko and i alighted at the rocky region in front of a mountain of rock. there, carved into it was a cave, of which was a quarterly covered by a large circular stone. then, beside it were two sleepign red plumed cloaked warriors.

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Abandoned Chapter 1

I crossed the rocky creek and knelt at a bush that was a few feet back into the trees. i discovered plenty of ripe berries and began harvesting them. i was using my bandanna as a makeshift sack when something white caught my eye through the foliage.

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However, in contrast to hammerfell, elsweyr is much sandier, whereas hammerfell itself is rocky. the many cities of elsweyr, ranging from the tropical city of torval to the dusty city of dune, encompass all the uniqueness of the khajiit.

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Medicine Bear

By the time i stopped to eat some of the corn bread, i was already high up and approaching a narrow pass between rocky crags. avonaco's words preyed on my mind as i climbed. i had to face the bear before i crossed the pass - but what did that mean?

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A mewtwo Story Chapter 6

The onix lunged at the charizard but fell short of hitting him because the venusaur had grabbed the end of his rocky tail with a vine. charizard grabbed the onix by his tail and venusaur let go.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 13

However when you're alone it isn't a simple task to take out a golem, capro is a good example of that, or perhaps you just need to see the weakness appearing on the golem's rocky body to count it as one.

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Knight of Soular: Chapter 8

He muttered, easily sliding down the rocky landscape with gryphon's assistance. with his guidance the pair practically bounded downward, and whenever something went to slip them up, gryphon compensated and kept them righted.

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