#2 of Story of the Khajiit
First real chapter.
The Home of the Khajiit
"It's full of tropical forests and dusty badlands. Sounds awful."
Ah, Elsweyr, the ancestral home of the Khajiit. Once upon a time, the great Aldmer explorer Topal the Pilot came up the Niben river where his boat was attacked by ancient Khajiit. Albeit, the recorded attacks took place far from Elsweyr, but the Khajiit are obviously from Elsweyr. Not only are we built for the climate, but it seems as though the climate were built for us. Hot sands, lush trees, beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Ah, compared to Elsweyr, Skyrim offers little. But I digress.
Topal made other encounters with the Khajiit, but it was obvious that we were the natives. Ah, how the Altmer like to prance and claim they were the first, that all elves are descended from them. They even call us "Betmer" or, "Beast Elves", all to uphold their original beliefs on Altmer having arrived first. Though, to be honest, I give them too little credit. I should probably respect that they even still admit we're in the Dominion. They don't much like us cat-folk, even though many notable Khajiit served in the Dominion in the three banners war, with such influential figures as Dar'mhira (65) and Razum-Dar (70) springing to mind.
Again, I digress. To describe Elsweyr simply, I will put it into one word: Hot. If you look at Elsweyr, in the desert regions, one would be reminded of Hammerfell. Sands, rocks and sparse oases. However, in contrast to Hammerfell, Elsweyr is much sandier, whereas Hammerfell itself is rocky.
The many cities of Elsweyr, ranging from the tropical city of Torval to the dusty city of Dune, encompass all the uniqueness of the Khajiit. The city of
Dune, just as a lone example, is carved from a giant geode, with streets of crystal and walls of rock. A magnificent structure.
The two provinces of Elsweyr consist of the merchant kingdom of Anequina (9) and the warrior empire of Pelletine (6). Both are/were powerful kingdoms, but both are now united under the common flag of Elsweyr, which is a hail back to the Khajiiti proverb "A perfect society is always found elsewhere." Hence the name Elsweyr.
Some notable areas of Elsweyr include the small town of Khenarthi's Roost. It was here, of all places, that the noble Dar'mhira (No known relation to the current Dar'mhirr (50)) washed ashore. It was here that the Soul-Shriven Hero first met the Eyes of the Queen, Razum-dar, who pulled him from the sea and helped him immensely in his quest to stop the Daedric Prince of Domination, Molag Bal.
Topal is also brought to mind as a notable city. This city is based right beside the Torval River and is believed to be the original spot where Topal the Pilot (Also known as Torval the Pilot), made an entry into Tamriel. Across the bay is the Bosmer city of Haven.
We Khajiit have not always had sterling relations with the Bosmer but, since the High Elf takeover, relations have improved. Both Bosmer and Khajiit are underappreciated in the Thalmor's rule and so we've bound together. The High Elves never mention the purges they do in Valenwood, where they send teams in to dispose of troublemakers and bring the population down. As the Khajiit still suffer from the effects of the Void Nights, the Thalmor have done no purges.
Elsweyr, oh my Elsweyr
How I long for you
Through worlds apart
I may trek
My home lies with you
Though travels long,
And journeys far
My thoughts will return
To thee
My Elsweyr