A mewtwo Story Chapter 6

Story by Jardenon on SoFurry

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#6 of A Mewtwo Story

Chapter 6


Golem carried Molly through the clearing into the woods, and lumbering slowly due to sever pain brought on by bullets that managed to slip through his thick armor. Golem was running on pure adrenaline. After about a mile of carrying Molly the Pokémon could carry her no longer and slumped over. It was only then that she realized there was something wrong with the one remaining Pokémon she had. Golem was dying.

"Golem? What's wrong?!"

Golem only looked at her, and growled weakly as he lay there on his side. She saw blood coming from places in his rocky armor.

"No, Golem...You were my first Pokémon...Please Don't die Golem..."

What seemed like too short of a time for her passed, and tears welled in her eyes as she cradled Golems neck in her arms. The Pokemon had saved her life at the cost of his own. She remembered tripping over him when she was only three years old, and he was just a Geodude. She remembered The Geodude finding a cave to shelter her from the rain. She remembered the day he evolved into a Graveler, and fought off multiple Beedrill trying to kill her for disturbing their hive.

He was never away from her. Even when she joined team Rocket, they trained together. Until He evolved into a Golem through the help of a link stone, given to her by Giovanni for her excellent performance, all for naught as she watched Golem's breathing become heavy and erratic.

"Please Golem...Don't leave me...I need you...Please don't die...I don't want to be alone again...."

Golem put a paw on her shoulder and licked her face. She continued to cradle his head.

The Golem let out a long breath and the paw fell off her shoulder to the ground completely limp.

She didn't feel him moving. Feeling utterly wretched she shook the Pokemon's body trying to get him to move, but he would not. She started beating on him trying to stir him but he remained motionless. Finally she rested her head on Golems body and began to cry like she hadn't cried in years.

Her one and only friend that she had left was now dead; killed by the hands of team Rocket.

* * *

The forest was calm that morning, Red and Mewtwo walked along the lake, red's collapsible bike in his hand as they walked.

"This is it. This is where I found you. Upstream from where I found the Corpse of a decapitated Gyrados."

Mewtwo looked solemn and said nothing at the mention of what he knew he did. The guilt was written across his face with very human distinction. Red saw the look and was glad to see it, for it told him that there was honesty in Mewtwo's heart.

"It attacked you first didn't it? The Gyrados I mean..."

Mewtwo turned to Red.

"Please forgive me. I didn't want to do it but it was attacking me. I had to kill another Pokemon at the facility too, and I didn't like having to do that either."

Red smiled and straightened his hat.

"Let me guess, Boss rocket wanted to test how strong you were, so he pitted you against one of his tough Pokémon right?"

Mewtwo nodded. Red was surprisingly perceptive.

"This wasn't a normal Gyrados. This was an alpha male; toughest of the tough. Your power is very obvious to me. You are definitely one of Giovanni's Pokémon. He only likes the strongest. Where did he catch you?"

Mewtwo looked Puzzled.

"What do you mean where did he catch me?"

"Trainers catch Pokémon from different locations in the world by throwing their Pokéballs at them. It then becomes legally yours by the laws of our world government. Humans and Pokémon have been in this relationship far longer than any of us can remember. Some people, like Giovanni for a great example abuses this relationship, turning powerful Pokemon into a tool of evil and destruction."

Then Red proudly points to himself with his thumb.

"While I on the other hand have dedicated my life to being what A Pokemon trainer should be, defender of the weak, righter of wrongs, and loyal all around good guy to Pokémon and humans everywhere. And we are going back to that facility. I'm going to teach Giovanni a lesson for not doing what I told him to do a month ago."

Mewtwo grabbed his arm stopping his walking.

"NO...No you mustn't bring me there, He'll kill me."

Red looked confused but then smiled.

"It's okay. He ain't got nothin' on me."

Mewtwo shook his head and in a pleading stance he begged.

"No he put something...In my head. He called it a Craniator. He said if I tried to remove it, or tamper with it in any way that it would blow my head off my shoulders."

"He's still using those stupid things? He used to use those on all his Pokemon. I often use my Espeon to remove them from his Pokémon before setting them free."

"You can't do that with mine either as he had Psychic countermeasures installed in the one I have."

"I bet bill would know how to get rid of it."


"Yeah, He's a techno wizard. He designed the Pokemon storage system and the communications system most Trainers use. I'll give him a call."

But just as Red was about to press the call button on his Cell phone, he looked up.

"Do you hear that Mewtwo?"

Mewtwo scoped the area, and heard something as well. It was the sound of a human being, with a feminine voice, crying and was remaining quite stationary.

"Yes, I do."

"Let's check it out!"

Mewtwo and Red Crept closer, and then Red pushed Mewtwo back when he noticed that the one crying was wearing the very distinguishable Black team Rocket uniform. It was torn in places but she was definitely a Rocket.

Red whispered to Mewtwo.

"It could be a trap, though I don't see why. Giovanni doesn't know my whereabouts and wouldn't come lookin' for me."

Then Red turned to Mewtwo. Red had a smile on his face and in his own thoughts he knew that he could easily have his Espeon do it, but he wondered if Mewtwo was just as powerful.

"Hey do you think you could check out her brain to see if she's trying to pull a trick?"

Mewtwo nodded and gazed in the girl's direction. But as the familiar thought patterns came to his mind he recognized the trainer that was with Thaddeus the day he killed the Zapdos. It was Molly. He remembered her name and her black shoulder length hair. He remembered that it was her that patched the first wound he ever received. Her mind was not as easy as Nurse Joys to read, but he knew the feeling she felt. He didn't like that feeling.

"It's not a trick Red. Her mind is filled with Despair."

Red was amazed. It took His Espeon months to gain such power, and it strained his Espeon to even manage a small inkling of what Mewtwo had easily done the first time Red asked him to do it. They trained him well he thought.

"Mewtwo, exactly how old are you anyway? You seem pretty dense for such a powerful Psychic Pokémon."

Mewtwo could only remember back about three days when he awoke from the tank that birthed him.

"About three days, but I was told I was growing in a tube for three years where they accelerated my growth to maturity. The acceleration was ceased when they brought me out."

Red was intrigued. If this Pokemon was indeed only three days old, then all the powerful things he has done up to this point were just the beginning. Now he was a little frightened at what kind of evil Giovanni was capable of. If Mewtwo was created in a lab, then Giovanni could do it again. This time Red knew that Giovanni could perfect This Pokemon even more.

"I think I better get some answers from this Rocket Girl over here."

Mewtwo and red stepped out into the open.

"Hey Rocket, What are you doing all alone out here. Where is your patrol?"

Molly lifted her head from the deceased Golem and turned to face Red and Mewtwo. She recognized Mewtwo and certainly recognized the champion. She slowly got up and wiped her tears on her sleeve.

"My patrol can go to hell. And if you are here to take me into the cops Red, I'll go willingly."

Mewtwo could feel her pain, but he couldn't understand why she was in pain.

"She is not lying."

Red looked to Mewtwo and then Back to Molly.

"Was it them that killed your Golem?"

Molly only nodded. She could not look Red in the eye.

"I swear Mewtwo...Them Rockets only know how to hurt people. Heck, they even manage to hurt their own."

Molly was surprised that Mewtwo was with Red. She wondered what Mewtwo was doing with him. She then just looked back at Golem.

"He was my first Pokémon. How would you feel Red? I don't think there is anything else to feel. I'm done with team Rocket...I'm done with everything."

"Those ain't good words Mewtwo. Look what the Rockets did to her."

Mewtwo came closer to Molly.

"What happened to you Molly?"

Mewtwo's mental voice showed up in her mind dismissing it as if it was just regular speech. But then who was speaking it? And the voice was not coming from a direction but it was just as if she had heard it. It sounded of a masculine voice; one that sounded rather musical and deep, almost like that of an opera singer. She then turned to Red.

"Did you just say something?"

Red nodded, he then smiled and pointed at Mewtwo.

"Big guy here said it."

"But, Pokémon don't talk"

"This one does. Right Mewtwo?"

Mewtwo nodded to her.

"Oh...Well I saw him the day he took down the legendary Pokemon Zapdos. Autopsy of the bird revealed Sand particles in its brain. I have to warn you about this Pokémon Red. It's more powerful than it looks...and what is he doing with you?!"

"The reason he's with me is because of how smart he is. It registered in his brain the magnitude of Giovanni's pure suckage level, Right Mewtwo?"

Mewtwo nodded at Red. He then looked down at the Golem.

"Did my father do this to your Pokémon?"

"Not directly, he ordered his grunts to fire on me with their guns."

Red heard just about enough, but there was still one thing on his mind.

"What made you ditch the team?"

Molly turned to Red, and remembered the gruesome events play out in her head from her view outside the door to the lab.

"For not pleasing Giovanni's insane expectations, he Gunned down Doctor Thaddeus Grayson, and Professor Valerie Witting. And her only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time...I could see the pleasure Giovanni took in their murders."

Red could hear no more. Giovanni had now gone too far. He gave Giovanni the chance to clean up his act, only to find out that it had been one of the worst choices he had ever made.

"I'm going back there. I'm going to bring him to justice."

Red started to walk in the direction of the Facility. Mewtwo started to follow, and molly continued to stand there.

"Mewtwo, I know you want to have a reckoning with your "Father" But Since you got that thing in your head I think it would be best if you stayed here and kept an Eye on Molly."

Mewtwo nodded. He remembered the intense pain the craniator gave him. He then looked to Molly.

"I will let nothing bad happen to you. I remembered you. I wanted to thank you for what you did back there for me with my wound."

Molly nodded.

"I was doing my job."

"Still, I am grateful. What of this Pokemon?"

Molly looked to the corpse of her fallen friend one last time. She placed a hand on his now stone cold head.

"I shall bury him right here. Can you help me?"

Mewtwo nodded and began to mentally move the earth away from the ground. More and more dirt collected in a large clump above the forming hole until it was large enough for the Golem to fit. He then lifted the golem, along with the dirt and placed the Golem gently as he could in the ground. He then made the large mass of dirt hover back over the hole. Releasing his psychic hold on the dirt, it fell into the hole.

"Do you think you could lift that rock over there, and put it on the grave?"

Mewtwo saw the boulder in question. It was an oddly shaped boulder that was about 3 feet in diameter. It was larger than it seemed when Mewtwo started lifting the boulder. It weighed almost a ton. Mewtwo almost dropped it picking it up due to the strain it had on his mind. The rock rumbled as it ripped from the ground. He made it hover over twenty feet to its new location. The rock, dipped a few times as it floated, showing for anyone to see the burden it had on Mewtwo's mind.

Mewtwo dropped the rock on the grave, and fell backwards not knowing the after effects of moving such a heavy object. He gripped his head with one of his hands, feeling a slight migraine.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. That was just unexpectedly heavy. I might want to practice lifting stuff like that to make it easier. It could come in handy."

Molly came over and put her arms around Mewtwo her head pressed against his chest.

"Thank you Mewtwo."

Mewtwo didn't respond, but placed a hand on her head. He then looked up to where he had last Seen Red, wondering if the young trainer would return.

* * *

It only took a short time for Red to reach the facility. Upon seeing a rocket grunt he brought out his Charizard. The rocket grunt yelled as he saw the Charizard. Multiple grunts were alerted and they threw their Pokemon at him and some also started firing upon him with machine guns.

The charizard blasted a large forty-foot cone of fire from his mouth. The rockets that were immediately incinerated were the ones carrying the guns. Their charred Skeletons and molten guns were all that remained of their bodies. The charizard landed in the middle of the courtyard of the facility. Multiple Pokémon ganged up on the Charizard but with no avail as the charizard easily sent them flying.

One trainer Brought out an Onix on the charizard, and that is when Red brought out a second Pokémon; His Venusaur. Multiple rocket grunts were almost instantly taken out of the fight as the Venusaur sent out huge vines that wrapped them up. The Onix Lunged at the Charizard but fell short of hitting him because the Venusaur had grabbed the end of his Rocky tail with a vine.

Charizard grabbed the Onix by his tail and Venusaur let go. The charizard flung the large snake-like beast around in circles. He then let go of the Onix causing him to slam into the side of the Facility. Large clouds of Debris flew out the side of the building with a thunderous crashing sound.

Red continued to run towards the Facility, but before he could get any closer he heard the sound of Jet engines.

Suddenly a Large harrier jet rose out of the top of the facility. It swiveled around and faced Red. Then red heard Giovanni's voice over a loudspeaker in the jet.

"So you came back to finish what you started eh? Well I'm Afraid you are a little too late!"

"You'll never get away with this, Giovanni!"

Giovanni looked back at Cassidy and smirked at hearing Red's words over his monitor.

"I'm afraid that this time you are wrong! My new base of operations is ready. I was growing tired of this place anyway. Sorry I can't say more but I gotta fly!"

The jet started to take off. And Red sent his Charizard after it. One of the jets compartments opened and a Gun popped out of it aimed at the Charizard.

"We have a lock sir!"

And with a smile on Giovanni's face he responded to Cassidy.


A large red laser beam erupted from the gun; it hit Charizard in the membrane of his wing and caused him to fall out of the sky. Red started running to Charizard. Charizard Crashed to the ground but after his disorientation looked up at the vanishing Jet and roared in frustration.

Red tracked down his Charizard. He found it licking its wounded wing. Red saw a large hole burnt in the wings membrane, cauterized by the laser. Venusaur ran up to red and stopped to look at Charizard. Red looked down and clenched his fist enraged.

"It's all he knows how to do. Destroy things! I'm going to make him pay Charizard."

Suddenly a large explosion was heard behind him. He turned around and watched as the Facility started crumbling to the ground as it was imploded. A few minutes passed and the smoke cleared. Red decided to start walking back to where he left Molly and Mewtwo.