The Last Dragonboy Chapter 7

Story by Percival94 on SoFurry

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#7 of The Last Dragonboy

Chapter 7 of my Christian fantasy story, The Last Dragonboy!

Percival, Fenris, and I landed gently in front of the large volcano. Looking up at it was pretty scary. I wondered if it would be close to erupting.

"This is it, dragonboy. Ignatius is in there I'm sure."

We slowly walked through the entrance of the volcano. It felt so hot in here! I was boiling up! This is the hottest place I've ever been in! Fenris wiped sweat from his forehead, looking nervous.

"I'm scared of lava...I don't like fire!" Fenris whimpered and whined.

"It'll be okay Fenris. We are here to see Ignatius"

We looked across a lava pool to find a large red dragon with a gold underbelly laying against a rocky wall and sleeping in the lava.

"Is that him?" I whispered in Percival's ear.

"That's him alright...I'd recognize him any day"

Percival chucked a rock at Ignatius to wake him up. The rock pelted Ignatius in the cheek. Ignatius grunted and growled and slowly opened his eyes.

"What did you wake me up for?" Ignatius looked at us as he swam to the edge and got out. He gazed down at me and licked his lips. He looked hungry! For ME!

"You didn't tell me you were bringing a little snack, Percival. Why didn't you say so?"

I shuddered in fear as I clung onto Percival's leg. "Percival..."

"It's okay dragonboy. Ignatius is good"

Percival looked up at Ignatius. "He is not a snack, Ignatius. He is the dragonboy of prophecy. The one who will bring peace."

"Really? Is that so?" Ignatius stretched his wings and leaned back. A pop could be heard. "Ah...that's better. Honored to meet you, dragonboy. Glad you found me. Sorry I mistook you for a snack..."

I chuckled at Ignatius. I was glad to meet him too. "I forgive you, you big old lizard" I teased him.

"Ignatius, everyone in the Dragon Defenders believes in God except for you. And this dragonboy has embraced God as well. It's imperative that you join God's army like the rest of us" Percival ordered.

"I didn't think I needed God for anything...why should I care?" Ignatius snorted. He had a big ego. Like I used to have. I could relate...but I was on the good side now.

"You should care because God is your creator. Creator of the universe, you, and us. And He and the dragonboy are the keys to making peace with Betsalel, the shadow dragon"

Ignatius looked down. He really didn't want to believe, but he had a good enough heart to not let the dragon defenders down.

"Alright...I don't want to let the team down. I will believe. I'll do whatever it takes to help the dragonboy"

Percival sighed in relief. This was easier than we thought. "Now let's go Ignatius. It's time for the dragonboy to go to our world and meet us all there"

We all walked out and I looked at Percival. "I have to go to your world? Will I see my world again?"

Percival frowned at me. "I am not sure dragonboy...that is up to God. If you are needed in our world, then you must stay"

"Then that means I won't see my family and friends here in this world again..." I felt a little torn. I couldn't deal with change very well.

"Yes...but sometimes we have to sacrifice things we love for the greater good..."

I looked down and sighed. Percival was right. "I guess least I will have you guys. My new friends"

" still have the crystal, right?"

"Yes, I do. Why?"

"That crystal will take us to our world. We will all regroup there. Then we will face the shadow dragon. All of us"

"Okay..." I nodded as the dragons took off. I looked at the message on the crystal. The message had magic words written on it. I said the magic words...then before I knew it...I was in another realm...