Bonds of Love (13)

"ah i see well come on let's go to the jewelry shop and get you two a ring." miss cortez took the lead and showed us a place that were selling rings. i saw one that caught my eye it was a ring with black diamond on top with white pearls circling it.

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Sentinels Youth Part 2

Beyond the door, her ears were blasted by loud music and the cries of multiple people forming a ring around... well, a ring. a fighting ring, to be exact, shaped like a hexagon and flanked on all sides by spectators.

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Book I: The Humble Beginning

The ring immediately began to hum, and some of the markings on the ring changed. "well, we figured out how to make it hum at us," sabre remarked with a grin. ragnarok grinned back and poked at another marking. the ring began to hum more insistently.

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt2

Hopefully you all get at least three goes in the center of the ring.

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Ricky vs Yarred [Boxing spar]

He plopped his bag off the side of the ring and put on his gloves as well, making sure the velcro was secure. he tapped his gloves a few times and let out a deep breath as he made his way to the center of the ring. "alright pup! let's get this started!"

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Couples' Experimenting

Such jewelry was a holy ring of an angelic digimon as a prize from his human partner and a red ring for a different purpose. that red ring began to shine brightly, using the energy the gazimon x had been gathering up for another purpose.

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Ch. 4 -- Reboot

After much struggle to remove the rings which preceded it, he eventually removed mira's ring, placed it on the counter and slid it across to the dragon. his face was noticeably sad as he placed the other two rings back on the finger.

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College life: Chapter 1 (Edited)

I know is a bit short but the next part will be much larger and more intreresting ring! ring! ring! ring! shut up you god damn clock! wake up honey. it´s yours first day of school! coming mom! i shouted to my mother.

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G.R.R. Chapter 8

The referee gets down in the hole that's in the ring and tries to talk to me, but the pain in my stomach is so immense i couldn't say a word back. "ring the bell," the referee says. "and get the emt's."

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A Shifters Tale

I made my way to the center of the ring dropping the string of null disks at the side of the ring as i did, serinity stopped at the edge of the ring by the disks and looked at me as i pulled the two i had modified for her out and clipped them to my belt and


An Umbreon's Quest Chap 12 Watering leaves with a shine

Arch then stood and his vines came out and scooped up blue ring off the ground. "you're alive. fo real man." his accent is not normal i think.

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.Hack//Furry- The Return- Chapter one

A few moments pass after choosing his class, he found himself in a large town with a floating ring with a clear blue in the inner ring. "what is this place?" ask tigz as he walks forward hesitantly.

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