An Umbreon's Quest Chap 12 Watering leaves with a shine
Hey everyone! Sorry for the wait. I finally gathered myself to write this chapter.
However, this would not be a very long chapter.
I do not own Pokemon, I own the story and characters.
The character "Shadow" belongs to Drakenguard42, now known as Alex Kitsune.
Please Enjoy
In Keltorie's point of view.
We were still on the path to Esamo Falls, about a mile away. The sky was was just grey in colour, filled with clouds.
It was very humid, hot and sweaty isn't what I'm really used to.
"Can we take a break, I don't want to get there bushed." Amadea suddenly asked us and we agreed.
We all sat at a tree and the ground was suprisingly dry.
"Hey Shadow, how much do you know about Team Ater? Why they would kidnap those Pokemons?" Garomun asked the Umbreon.
"Well, they give a brand to the dark Pokemons that are with them. I'm pretty sure you've seen them before. They made me battle other dark Pokemons." Shadow paused then continued.
"I've seen the guy who is the head of Team Ater only once. Most of them support Team Ater while some of them including me disagree."
I asked Shadow, "Umm, how did your family got taken by them?"
The dark pokemon said, "We were in our home, an old warehouse then they just came in crashing in. The guy who leads all of this said he was Grand's ally."
"Your ally?" Nicarun said with an aggravated voice as he stood up.
"Grand never told us about this team. He's like our boss and a bit of a father to me. What's your problem Nicarun?" Shadow asked.
"You shot that shadow ball right past my ear." Nicarun replied.
"I didn't hit you ok?" Shadow stood up, starting to get annoyed.
"Were your eyes closed when you made that shot?" They stared at each other with stern eyes.
"Maybe you like one stuck in your-"
"Hey guys knock it off already." Garomun said and stood in between them.
"Let's go already." Amadea said. We all carried on.
Me and Amadea were walking behind the boys.
Looking at Garomun, his fluffy tail, its pretty cute.
I asked Amadea quietly. "Hey, Amadea. After my parents are freed, should I go back with them?"
"I don't know. Do you want to go back with them or continue on with us?" The Espeon responded. "We could use your help Keltorie. An electric type would really come in handy."
"I guess, but my parents would be worried sick."
"You're not a small little pup already. Look, we do need your help ok?" She said.
I turned my head to look at Garomun. "Yeah, I shouls go with you guys. An electric type could be an advantage. And I should help Garomun-"
"Garomun? What about him? Wait, oh no." Amadea giggled.
That was so stupid of me! Like shouting to the enemy. I couldn't help but kept stammering.
It was obvious that Amadea was enjoying the moment. "Relax, Keltorie. Your secret is safe." She said.
"It better be." I sarcastically.
Back to Nicarun.
The ground was soggy and the sound of water appeared. As we entered a clearing, a river was shown.
"Esamo falls is very near." Shadow said under his breath.
The width was about 4 metres wide. Clear and sparkling water, a sense of thirst suddenly came to me.
We all bent down have a drink. The cool water went down my gullet, quite refreshing.
Then I heard a very faint flapping noise and looked up. A black object was flying in the sky. I squinted my eyes to see the thing.
It was a Honchkrow, flying in parellel above of the river. The rest soon noticed the pokemon and we followed it at a safe distance.
Very soon, I could see structures. Dense shrubs were everywhere. An outpost similar like the last one, only way bigger.
Warehouses and a building about 2 storeys tall with an antena on top, surrounded by wired fences. The Honchkrow land on an open window of the building and entered the building. Strangely, no one was guarding around the area.
"We should check those warehouses. Let's go to the back." Blue Ring said to us.
We quickly got to the back. Amadea then said to Keltorie. "Can, you check if its electrified?"
Keltorie placed her paw on the fence, but no sparks came out.
"The fence is ok. Weird, but lets go." The Jolteon.
We've climbed over the fence and dashed to the back of the warhouse on the extreme left of the compound.
Shadow went first, sneaking up to a chrome metal door on the far end of the warehouse wall. Followed by Keltorie, Garomun, Amadea and then me.
Blue Ring got on his hind legs and opened the door. And we entered, it was rather dark.
In Amadea's point of view
Rows of cages, in them all the Pokemons in that are trapped in the cages are asleep, some of them look pretty bruised badly.
I was walking behind the group. Then I heard I whisper, "Psst, Espeon. Over here, please." I turned around and saw a Roserade in them cage on my right. She was the only one awake, unlike the other pokemons in their cages.
"Please help me. Please help me, let me out of here." She begged.
"Ok shh shh, I'll get you out. Once you're free, get out of here." I said in a comforting voice as I looked at her hands, cuffed by some unique handcuffs.
I took a few steps back and concentrated. My tail then glowed, I ran towards the cage and broke the lock with an Iron Tail.
The Roserade stepped out of the cage. "Thank you. Thank you, lets go." She said.
"No you go. I have to help my friends. You seen two Jolteons, a leafeon and a shiny flareon?" I asked her.
"Well, two jolteons and a leafeon should be further down the cages. I didn't see any shiny flareon." She paused, then she said in a strange tone.
My name's Enkyla. I can handle it from here. I really hope we see each other again." With that she ran to the entrance until I couldn't see her anymore. I wondered what was that weird tone all of a sudden.
"Amadea." I heard Nicarun's voice and I turned around. "What were you doing?" He asked worriedly.
"I was freeing a Roserade. She said that Keltorie's parents and Arch might be further down." I told him.
"Don't fall behind like that again." He said.
"I'm sorry Nicarun." I didn't want him to be upheaved.
"Where's this Roserade now?"
"She left, probably escaped already." Something was a little fishy about her.
Back to Nicarun.
"Nicarun. Amadea. Over here." I heard Garomun's voice. We caught up with them, they were standing in front of a cage.
"Arch. Hey Arch" Blue Ring said, looking straight at a Leafeon sitting on his haunches. As he looked up at Shadow, he said. "What do you want and how do ya know my name?" He had some inner-city accent.
"Arch, its me." Blue Ring looked him with concerned eyes, but the Leafeon was still weary.
Then Shadow let out a sigh and said. "Its me, Shada?"
Suddenly Arch's eyes widened. "Shadow? You're an Umbreon? I can't believe it! I- I thought you were dead. Who are the rest?"
"New freinds."
"Just get me outta here man." Arch said. I told him, "Ok hang on, I'll get you out."
"Another Umbreon?" He looked at me.
"I'm Nicarun." I concentrated and my tail glowed white, I dashed at the door and performed an Iron tail at the lock which broke.
Amadea then stepped into the cage. "Don't move, I'll get these cuffs off. I'm Amadea." She used psychic on the handcuffs and they spit into two.
Arch then stood and his vines came out and scooped up Blue Ring off the ground. "You're alive. Fo real man." His accent is not normal I think.
In Garomun's point of view
Keltorie tooks a few steps away from the group, further into the rows of cages.
"Hey where are you going?" I asked her as I came to her side. "I'm gonna find my parents duh." She replied.
"Can you just wait for the rest first?"
"We don't have time Garomun?"
Then I heard another female voice, an older and slightly low voice. "Keltorie? Garomun?"
Keltorie made a gasp and eyes widened. "Mom?"
"Keltorie! Garomun! What are you doing here?" Keltorie briskly walked to the sound of her mother's voice.
"Nicarun. Come here, we gotta free her parents." I called for the Umbreon.
Nicarun and I got to Keltorie, she was looking at another cage. I looked into the cage, two jolteons the male looked bruised and the female has a scar on her left cheek.
The cage bars are rusted, that might I be able to break through with a tackle.
"Step back." I told everyone including Keltorie's parents. I rushed at the cage and smashed through the cage.
Keltorie rushed to her family. I let them be while they reunite, then Nicarun called me.
"There's still Tomi. But he's not here, Amadea and Blue Ring searched the whole area." He said. Then Arch the Leafeon came to my side. "He's down in the bunker. They dragged him out just before you came."
"Keltorie and I will get her parents out of here." Amadea said.
Back to Nicarun
While the girls were getting Keltorie's parents out, we got to the entrance of the bunker, stairs going down with a row of light bulbs hanging above us. The stairs came to a stop and we were at a basement. "He was dragged by two houndours." Arch said. "That shiny Flareon submitted to two houndours?" Shadow replied.
"Shh, someone's comin." Garomun whispered to us. We hid at a corner, in the darkness. Concentrating my eyes on the door which further into the basement, a Houndour stepped out.
"Thats, one of them. He knows where Tomi is." Arch whispered. Then, the ear of the Houndour flickered, and he started heading our way with a upheaved face, he must have heard Arch.
I was completely concealed in darkness. He couldn't see us, he took a few more steps into the corner. I lunged out, pinning him down. Pressing my right paw agaisnt his face on the floor, my left paw closed his mouth and nose.
"Where's the shiny Flareon you brought in?" I asked him quietly with intimidation. As I removed my left paw from his mouth, he whispered, "You're in way over your head, you think you get out of here al-" I placed my paw back to shut him up.
"Tell him where he is. Now." I growled and my claws were hooked on to his forehead. Dragging my claws back across his head, his eyes widened, muffled whimpers of pain came from his mouth. I could hear him trying to say, "Ok I tell you." I removed my claws from his head and removed my paw from his mouth.
"Cell 13. Down the corridor-" Blue Ring striked his head swiftly, knocking him out. "C'mon lets go." Shadow whispered. Treading cautiously down the corridor, a massive room came before our eyes. A bridge, rusty and old connecting two corridors. Beneath it was a fast flowing river. Sticking to the corridor we were in, we followed the cell number. Pokemons in cells were either sleeping, or dead.
"Number 13 is coming soon." Garomun said. I spotted the cell a few metres ahead. Shadow got ahead of us, reaching the cell first. "Tomi. Tomi. You here?"
"What the hell you want Umbreon?" A angry and threatening voice came from the cell. We all caught up with Shadow, I looked inside the cell and a shiny Flareon was standing inside the cell, scars were on his right arm.
"Its me, Shadow we-" Blue ring tried to tell him but Tomi interrupted him, "Yeah, and I'm Jirachi. You know something about my brother where is he? Tell me where he is."
Arch came in to prevent anything bad happening between them. "Tomi, this is our bro man." He said to the Flareon. Tomi seemed to calmed down a little. "Why are you an Umbreon?" He asked Shadow.
"For my family's sake." He replied. "Who are these guys?" Tomi asked, turning to me and Garomun. "They're here to help ok? No more questions lets get you out and we're outta here."
"Alright stand back now." Tomi warned us. He opened his mouth, pointing it at the gate. "Wait. What are you doing?" I asked him but he didn't answer. A red-orange stream of fire came from his mouth and blasted the gate. We ducked out of the way just in time and Tomi stepped out of the cell. Fire was still burning on what remains of the gate.
"You just let them know we're here." I hissed to Tomi. "Well then we better get outta here." He retorted. As shouts and roars were nearing us, we ran back to where we came. We ran past the bridge, tying to get back to the stairs. However, Skuntanks and houndours, including the one we've encountered blocked the exit. We ran back and tried crossed the bridge, but they've blocked both ends of the bridge., we were surrounded by various dark pokemons.
"We're dead." Garmoun panted. "Jump of the bridge." Tomi said to us, looking at the fast flowing, white water river. "Uh you su-" Arch questioned him but the flareon used flamethrower on his end of the bridge, burning off the end connecting to the corridor. With loud creaking, and metalic sounds the bridge tilted at an acute angle. We yelled as we slid off the bridge uncontrollably, and plunge into the river painfully.