Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 127

She was pregnant with ander's child. this fox was carrying the child of his brother. this child... this unborn baby girl... banno's heartbeat increased, and that caused the blood to flow from his torn face at an even faster rate, but he barely noticed.

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Tale of Tails Prologue

As his lifeline smashed into a dagger-like bolder the log is shattered into pieces sending the child's small body flying into the air.

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Nicole's Story

I don't want a child.

Tarase - The Story of Ibsin ad-la Adda

And with that, the advo set about the young child's path in life, a path that the child would undoubtedly never be able to change.


A True Leader

As a child all the meaningless drunken rage beating he took from his bastard of a father. he was only called a failure and for what? why would you tell an eight year old child he was a failure? why?

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Search For His Happiness Chapter 2

"it's not really that hard to figure out, my child.. have you not heard me address you as my son?" a small smile pursed onto the larger wolfs lips, bales eyes only widening. "d...a...d...?"

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The Dragon and the Apple Trees

He had good parents who taught him discipline yet were also kind and loving, and so the child thought that was what the world was. a little harsh at times, but kind and loving in the end. so the child also strove to be kind and loving.

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The Orphan

"bring the child forth." called the chief to the two lovers as they brought forth the baby.

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Clan War, War of Light, Chapter 2 Lost memories

Be gone spawns of darkness, you shall not take this child's soul for your master, a mysterious voice yells. and then everything turns black. "open your eyes my child, the monsters are gone." a voice says.



She responds, "i talked to cassie and asked her to look the child over from where she was. cassie believes the child stopped being contagious a few days ago, no idea as to who could catch it.

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Astrega blasted lightning from his paw toward the child, but the boy batted the electricity aside as if it were some toy! astrega's eyes widened in astonishment as the child attacked him with another spell before he could even recover.

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A Polar Bear's Christmas

He suddenly did not want to hear it, because that would mean disappointing the kid on what was probably his last real christmas. "you, uh, did mention that the sleigh is already loaded, kid.

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