
Story by Tiaris on SoFurry

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#46 of Dragon Hunter Saga

Sometimes you have a impressive family tree

I shake my head in disbelief, "how is that? From what I knew Lancelot and her split when Arthur's city failed." Cheshire jumps through the window, "he did yes. However Gwynevere was pregnant at that time and had not yet found out." He shakes his head at Atsuko, I am sure Hunter Lance would have preferred to tell him herself you know." Atsuko shrugs her shoulders, "it came up. So best to let it all out yes?" Cheshire nods his head with a sigh and looks at me, "when she discovered she was pregnant she took a trip to Avalon. She had heard, from the people she had been persecuting; that Mary had gone there in secret to have her child."

So she went to the Isle, and learned that yes; Mary had gone there. Learning Mary had a daughter, and while the daughter had become a priestess and later performed a land marriage for a king. The resulting child was born a Hunter and given to the King to raise, as is their custom." He turns and looks out the window, "Gwynevere; however bore a son. She could not return to her home with him or her people would know she was not loyal to her husband. She was more worried about being a good Christian woman than her child. The priestesses sent out a messenger to find Lancelot, whom at the time had fallen into a depression. When he discovered he had a son who had Hunter ability he decided to dedicate himself to the Gods of his fathers. Including Morrigan in thanks for the gift they had given him."

I think on that, "a gift? Aside from having a child what was the gift?" Cheshire turns his head to look back at me, "the gift to redeem the wrongs he was party too. While Arthur was not considered the 'evil Hunter', he did harm a great many intelligent beings. As he considered the species who followed the older Gods to not be good beings, even if they were children. He encouraged hunting of non human intelligent species, Lancelot believes that the true reason for Arthur's fall was not him. He believed it was the evil Arthur put into the world that caused it, this might be odd to someone from this time. However, Lancelot upon hearing what Mordred wanted; believed in Mordred."

That was surprising to me, Cheshire continues. "Yes, but as Lancelot was an honorable man he would not openly go against his liege Lord. He at the time believed it was best to just do what he thought was right where he could without going against Arthur. His son made him realize he should have stood up long before everything fell apart. Lancelot spent the rest of his days training his son to be the best and most honorable Hunter ever, and tossed away the ideas of knighthood. Your family has a strong view on -doing the right thing- verses -doing the acceptable thing- yes?" I nod my head and he responds, "that is because it has been so well trained into your family that no one in your direct line would think otherwise."

Atsuko stands, "alright we've talked long enough. Time for me to go see this child." I nod in agreement and step outside noticing Zander quickly changing the look on his face to utter calm. I guess he really doesn't want me to know something was bothering him. The four of us walk back to the enclosure and Atsuko asks a question along the way, "Hunter Gwen. I have never heard of your father, yet your blood sample shows your blood isn't 'diluted' by human genes."

I shrugs as as continue to walk, "he was in the military; and died in Afghanistan. Not long after I was born, so I really know nothing about him. I know my mom never talked about his family, and her brother made sure we had everything we needed. Uncle Lance did not approve of my stepdad, I do not know why."

Cheshire speaks up, "because Gwen; your step dad wasn't Hunter born. Your father was, there is word that his family line came down from a historical figure that we aren't sure if they were a Hunter or just carried the trait." He turns his head to eye Atsuko, "most Hunter in the last few centuries stuck to their own kind. Thankfully enough 'randoms' were born to keep them from in breeding."

Atsuko looks thoughtful as we exit the city, "what line was your father from then I wonder." My uncles rough voice sounded annoyed when he spoke. "One of Lady Joan's brothers was his ancestor. Gwen might have some cousins running around she doesn't know about, as there was at last count ten before the awakening that were her age. That family liked to breed like rabbits while our line was careful," he shakes his head. "Ancestor Lancelot would not have been please with who your father was Gwen, but he'd be proud of what you've done." He glares at Atsuko, "I was planning on telling her before she left to look for her target." The woman shrugs her shoulders and goes inside the enclosure.

Starburst lands nearby with Queen Azure in his fore talons, I raise an eyebrow. "Majesty isn't it a bit dangerous to not have a source of water nearby if danger appears?" She smiles, "just Azure for you my dear as I hear you have discovered your lineage you'll know that technically you are royalty." I blink stunned and she giggles, "ah I see." She glances at my uncle who gives a slight nod, "because of who your female ancestor is and you being female with the talent you have. This by default makes you a 'Queen' of your own species Gwen," she waves a hand to the surroundings. "The dwarves built all this for two reasons, one was to aid you. The second reason is that the Elf King has your family's treasure trove and paid them in a few choice pieces to help smooth the process along."

"A fact that I am sure the King would have preferred to tell her himself or have his daughter tell her." Says Gilorndir walking toward the gate from the inner building. He the looks at me with a half smile, "seems you have learned a great deal about yourself today. Most of which were meant to be told at specific times." He shrugs then, {why do I get the feeling that everyone is managing me}? Zander pats my back gently after I thought that as if reassuring me.

Gilorndir then looks back at the building, "Atsuko is looking them over and will tell me what she thinks of what I have done for them when she comes out. I think she 'spilled the beans' in an attempt to stall for time so she wouldn't ask me a thousand question about how my talents work while helping these people."

Queen Azure speaks up, "what about the little girl? I heard from Starburst about her, dreadful what her mother did to her making her walk while sick like that." I spy a twinkle in Gilorndir's eye, "Majesty. Are you interested because I think she's half Selkie?" The Queen shakes her head, "not as much as you'd think. I am curious how one of their half breeds 'got away' as it is apparent she has no seal skin. If she wasn't as ill as I think she is I'd suggest letting her rest in some salt water and seeing if it revitalizes her."

Gilorndir nods his head, "I have thought of that. Like you just said, not sure if that would be good with her being ill however. So we will deal with one problem at a time, and I will have someone brink a portable tank here so you can visit when she is awake. I gave her a sleeping herb that will keep her asleep till morning. I know Atsuko would prefer her awake to be examined, but she's to exhausted for that."

I turn to the Queen, "Azure; if she's half Selkie should we tell the Selkies? Maybe they could find her father?" She shakes her head, "she's from America yes? The possibilities of finding her father are very slim, also she has no seal skin. They couldn't care for her without one, I might have a solution though depending on things when she wakes up. Lets hope the Gods granted her some gifts due to her harrowing life." I nod my head thinking on the Selkie server at the restaurant, her hair was always wet. I guess they must have their homes with the merfolk in the ocean, not knowing if the girl could live like that would be cruel to just hand her to them.

Atsuko comes out of the building looking worried, "the traders should be fine in a week or two. The adults have all either been vaccinated or gotten chickenpox as a child, they are not showing early signs of measles thankfully. The girl however, I know Gilorndir said to me he thinks she's of mixed bloodlines." She pauses a moment as if steeling herself, "she is going to be sick a very long time. Hopefully just till the end of the warm seasons, the exhaustion is keeping her body from healing from the illness. So having forced her to sleep will help with that, I suggest keeping her asleep for most of the next seven days. Wake her up long enough to feed her and do necessary thing and then have her sleep. We'll give her what ever medicines you make then as well."

She then shakes her head, "that should help with her problems." She nods to the mer Queen, "if you have suggestions once we can let her stay awake I'd welcome them.." The Queen nods her head, "Just keep me posted and I will see what information I can find on the half seal folk."

Atsuko turns to everyone, "I moved her to a separate private room. Thanks to her mother this girl is now patient zero of a new illness. I will call it Dragon Fever due to it's time in History. It seems the measles staying in her body so long and the addition of the pox has mutated the illness." She waves a hand at us, "while I would love a sample of her blood, I have no way to keep it safe from spreading this illness to the city."

She looks back at the building, "we need a constant eye on her. I have one of the caretakers in there watching her. Her temperature spiked and bottomed in the span of a few minutes. Gilorndir said she had makeup all over her to hide her rash, it must have been caked on. As I have never seen such a rash on a measles patient, the girl will at least be scarred for life from some of it. I also think some of the patches are infected, most likely due to being coated in makeup."

Atsuko looks em dead in the eyes, "if that woman ever comes back I want to commute her death sentence. If you don't sentence her to death I will hunt her down myself. This poor child could die because we don't know what this illness will do to her."

Queen Azure looks extremely angry and Starburst lets out a puff of smoke, my uncle comments. "No worries Dr, I doubt my niece will let her go unpunished for this." He glances at the Queen and then speaks to Atsuko, "can you tell if it is contagious; and to who?"

She responds, "I talked to Cassie and asked her to look the child over from where she was. Cassie believes the child stopped being contagious a few days ago, no idea as to who could catch it. However we should keep a stricter eye on incoming people for Dragon Fever."

A middle aged woman rushes out of the city, "yes Auntie Queen; you sent for me?" Queen Azure shakes her head, "I thought I told you to call me just aunt." The woman cocks her head, "but Auntie Queen; you are a Queen." Azure sighs and the woman chuckles, "come now; you know we have this argument every time we see each other."

The queen chuckles and nods in agreement, "yes I did call for you." Azure turns to me, "this is my half mer niece Rally. I want her to help care for, Sarah?" I nod my head at the name, "yes her name is Sarah." Azure looks to the healer and doctor, "this is also my favorite niece; and my most trusted. She spends a lot of time with other half water beings so she can watch for things the rest of us would not see."

Azure turns to the woman, "that girl in there has a new disease; a mixture of chickenpox and measles. She is half Selkie, but has no seal skin." The woman frowns upon hearing about the lack of seal skin. Then she nods her head, "I'll do my best -Auntie-. Maybe I can find something to help her and then see if we can figure out where she fits."

The woman follows the healer and doctor back inside and I glance at Azure, "you brought up seal skin again. Is it odd for a half breed to not have one?" Azure nods her head, "they're born with it. While they are not wearing it when born it is up against their skin. For her to not have one means something happened to it. Based on how sick she is I'd say they destroyed it, as it is important to their health to have one." I look to the building hoping the girl will be alright.

Science Verses Magic

I head into the city trying to recall where Atsuko was placing her new 'workshop'. She had convinced the dwarves and elves of how important her work is, and she now had a few re-engineered pieces of equipment for scientific pursuits. Then I recalled...

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Stupid People

A Few days later while I was getting some upper body strength training from my uncle when I hear from Cassie. {Pardon Hunter Gwen, can you come to the gate? We have a situation, and could use your help}. I send her an agreement and I look to my uncle,...

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A Minor Family Reunion

I walk back towards the city after a couple of long days discussing the vampire envoy with Defeck Largechest, who will come to our city tomorrow with some crafters to build an ambassador's quarters above the council chambers. The only thing is as it is...

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