Splintered Light, Ch 9.4: Looking Ahead; Looking Back

He had been raised by a very pious father who believed strongly that a life well-lived was the greatest prayer that could be provided.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 9

Iris intoned quietly, her melodic voice a palpable reverence, the whisper so familiar to a personal chant, a prayer you mumble before bed so no one can see "why you won't leave me alone?"

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 2

"let's go, leave him to his prayers" coriza suggested, legs already moving before her mouth managed to voice every word, prayer was something she always looked forward to, but this one, in zapir's case, was nothing else but terrifying she wanted to be as

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Gaming the System

Having been on three such retreats in my checkered career as a nun, i've cheated: i renewed my faith in god and, in so doing, i've let my actions speak louder than my ritual prayers.

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The exceptionally long night of Judaus Kellton

They were already immersed in their prayers. beatrixe, however, stared at him blankly. "judaus was an elf? how can you know this?" "i served as a medic for the argent crusade during the war with the lich king.

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Virtually Unreal

As she speaks a secret prayer in an uknown language, their target's magical concealment drops. tex wastes no time, and rushes towards the creature that resembles a living tree. aislin begins another prayer that will give tex a protective aura.

The Furry Dead (Medieval Style) Chapter II

Chapped, cut lips shivered as she spoke, hoarsely whispering the only prayer that came to mind.

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World descriptions

Wings and prayers major pcs: kawheek, thenyr based off the greyhawk d&d setting, this includes the thordani and asari as existing races in a small area in the southern part of the hellfurnace mountains.

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The reality of the situation

"arceus if you hear my prayer i ask you give us the power we need to defeat him" ethan glowed and so did the rest. "what the?!" the mew looked at them, nike turned black, comet turned gold, derek turned white, and ethan turned brown.

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Lord of Anthroan Chapter 1

He gave a silent prayer when he discovered that the creatures' pistol mags fit his gun perfectly. he made preperations to move out. he fixed his pistol and selected a rifle and gathered ammuntion. it then struck him.

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Death's Master. Chapter One. (Terror's of War.)

"_ he said in an almost prayer like chant, letting his newfound instincts take charge. he felt the warmth of the soul he had managed to find go out of his hand and back into the dead man, bringing him temporarily back to life.

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Roger began to blurt out prayers as he ran, working the words in between the rasping breaths of ice-cold air.
