The Quest part 1
I took a shower, got ready to go to school, grabbed my 6 pokeballs and my hoddie and sat in the front room waiting for mother to dive me. school was out of our town of new bark all the way to goldenrod.
Fire: Lost and found
In the end, her pokeball was now in the possession of the infamous robber, the young trainer was no match for him, especially in his sudden sorrow.
Uncatchable: Zoroark
Both turned their head toward john and before he could pull out a pokeball from his belt, the zoroark bolted. he held onto a ball even after the wild pokemon was gone and ran to the little girl. "hey, are you alright?"
A Twisting Ladder to Heaven Ch2 : Brothers
The girl scrambles to get out a pokeball from her belt and quickly hits the button to release a young growlithe, he looks a little wet but is otherwise unharmed.
A Quick Bout and Devious Plans
The only hints that he was a trainer were the pokeballs he was juggling around in the air. "what? are you two dumb looking and deaf? i said i challenge you to a battle!" shouted the kid. "dumb looking?
A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 2
Tomas just stared, looking especially pitiful while the green-bandana teen reached into his backpack and produced a pokeball. "chimchar, go get it!"
Rebirth ch33
She seemed to accept that for the moment but didn't take her eyes off of me for a second or rather the belt that currently held the pokeball that housed her daughter.
Rebirth ch20
I let go of his shirt, pulled around my backpack, and opened up the pokeball flap. 'i have a wide assortment of pokeballs in here. i'm sure that we can come to an...arrangement.'
Total Trust Chapter Four: A Whole New World
Max took his bag off the bed and moved noctowl's pokeball to his belt before unclipping that and pulling it off.
Chapter Eighteen - A New Friend
He said as he fished a pokeball out of his pocket, laughing as he tossed it down at me. "um... go pokeball!" he said as he tossed it at me. i made a face at him as it bonked me on the head and fell to the ground.
Mystery of Pokerus Prevention
The infected are contagious for one week, and must remain outside of a pokeball in order to heal. after the infection, the transformed human would resemble any other pokemon, with no trace of being human.
Cherubi's Story - Chapter Three
It was her pokeball you jumped into earlier, and when she saw how weak you were she brought you here. she's a really nice person; she's been looking forward to meet you. when you were awake, i mean."