Chapter Eighteen - A New Friend
#18 of Part Two - Dallas, Electra, And The Fight Against Team Onyx
I sighed happily as I peeled the banana I had in my paws, purring softly as I took a bite. It was slippery enough to just swallow without having to chew it, so I did just that. Even though I didn't know where I was, I figured it had to be my home, right? I mean, I could have just gotten into an intense battle and forgot all about it because I was so exhausted. That's the only thing that made sense to me, so I stuck with it. As far as I knew, I was a normal Pikachu, lost in a jungle.
Finishing my banana, I tossed the peel to the side and looked around. Now I was thirsty. But I had no idea where the water was...
Standing up tall, I sniffed the air, relying solely on instinct to guide me to a pond or something. Perking my ears up, I listened closely to the sounds around me, and sure enough, I heard the sound of flowing water just up ahead.
I smiled to myself as I headed in the direction of the sound, sighing happily as I dropped down onto all fours and lapped up some water out of the little pond. A magicarp leapt out of the water right in front of me, causing me to jump back, startled. Sighing, I walked back over to the pond and continued drinking, ignoring the fish as it hopped out of the water a couple more times, until it managed to hop out onto the ground.
I sighed as I stood up, walking over to it and picking it up. It wouldn't stop wiggling, so I dropped it, growling as I kicked it back into the pond.
Those things are really annoying.
I sighed again as I wandered off into the jungle. It didn't cross my mind that I might be in danger at all, because it was daytime, until I heard the voice of a human. Perking my ears up, I listened closely for the direction the voice was coming from, and when I picked up on it, I immediately ran in the opposite direction. All I knew was that humans are bad, and I should stay away from them.
But... This one sounded different... It sounded like one of the smaller humans... And it sounded like it was sad...
I quickly stopped running, and turned around, frowning as I tilted my head, my ears perked up as I listened closely to the human. It sounded almost as if it were... Crying...
Now curious, I began to make my way over to the human, or at least in the direction of its sounds. I didn't like things being sad, and besides, small humans are harmless, right?
As I approached him, I took the proper precautions, ducking down onto all fours and raising my ears and tail, taking cautious steps forward, ready to spring back if any danger were to pursue.
Indeed it WAS a little human, a really little one. Judging by his size, and the tone of his voice, I predicted that he probably wasn't that strong, and wouldn't be able to harm me. I have electric attacks anyway, even if he were a big human I'd still be able to get away.
I wiggled my nose as I sniffed the air, slowly lowering my tail and ears, as I figured taking precautions was no longer necessary. I watched as he lifted his head out of his arms and looked at me, his face full of tears as he sobbed.
Now we had eye contact. Eye contact was a good thing, right? Or was he challenging me... He was trying to show me that he was more dominant that I was by staring longer than I could. And I wasn't about to let that happen.
I let out a low growl as I raised my tail and narrowed my eyes at him, my growl quickly ceasing as the little boy blinked.
Maybe he wasn't challenging me after all... Maybe he was just looking at me...
Lowering my tail, I sat down, watching him curiously as I brought my right paw to my mouth and began grooming my fur.
"H-hey there..." He said as he sniffled, holding out his hand. "A-are you f-f-friendly?"
Friendly? That sounds like he wants to be friends... I have no problem with being friends. Friends are good. If he wants to be friends then I'm okay with it!
Nodding, I smiled as I copied his actions, sniffling as I held out my right paw. The little boy tilted his head in confusion, and I did the same.
"S-so you're friendly?" He asked, to which I nodded.
"W-would you um... Mind if I touched you?" He asked as he wiped his eyes with his other hand.
Shaking my head no, I smiled as I walked up to him and rubbed my cheek against his hand.
"Ooh!" He laughed as he quickly withdrew his hand. "Watch out for your electric circle thingies!"
I forgot about that...
Nodding, I smiled as I wagged my tail. Humans liked when we wagged our tails. Besides, he really WAS harmless. He didn't want to hurt me, he just wanted someone to cheer him up because he was sad.
"Why are you crying?" I asked as I sat down in his lap, wagging my tail as I looked up at him.
"Oh boy, you're so soft!" He said as he scratched me behind my ears.
"Aaaahhh..." I sighed as I closed my eyes halfway, leaning into the scratching as I purred.
"Awww look at you! You're adorable!" He said, sniffling and wiping his eyes. "I've never met a wild Pokemon as friendly as you are!"
"Well you're only little and you can't harm me like the big humans can." I said.
"So cute." He giggled as he rubbed the top of my head. "You cheered me right up!"
"Well I'm glad I could help." I smiled. "What was wrong?"
"I'm trying to become a Pokemon master!" He said as he picked me up, hugging me as he got to his feet.
"Um, okay... But why were you crying?" I asked.
Why don't humans ever listen?
"But everyone laughs at me... The only Pokemon I have is a... Well... A Caterpie... And I brought it to school to show everyone what I caught. I was so excited, but when I got there and showed them, they all laughed at me. I didn't want to put Caterpie through the pain of being made fun of so I let it go..." He said as he looked down, a tear forming in his eye as he set me down, wiping his nose. "They all made fun of me... I don't know if I can go back... especially without a Pokemon..." he said as he began to cry once more.
"Awww..." I said as I looked down, my ears drooping to the sides as my tail ceased its wagging. "That's terrible..."
"And they think they're all better than me because they have big Pokemon like Bayleef." He said.
"Having a Bayleef doesn't make you better than anyone else... I can have Arceus, and that doesn't make ME better." I said as I looked up at him, rolling my eyes. "It makes my POKEMON better."
"W-what are you saying?" He asked as he sniffled, looking down at me.
"I'm saying that those humans are real jerks." I growled. "And they need to be taught a lesson."
"A-are you upset?" He asked as he shivered. "Y-you're growling... D-did I get you mad? I-I should leave." He said as he turned around. "I'm sorry!"
As soon as he turned around, I hopped up onto his back.
"AHHH NO I SAID I WAS SORRY!" He squealed as he ran forward.
"I'm not attacking you..." I said as I climbed up onto his head, flipping myself over and hooking my claws to the front of his shirt, smiling as I looked up on him, latched onto his belly with my claws.
"Stop it..."
"Y-you're not mad at he?" He asked as he stopped running, looking down at me.
"No." I laughed as I shook my head. "I want you to show me these humans that are mean."
"You want to come with me?" He asked.
Nodding, I withdrew my claws and hopped down onto the ground, smiling as I wagged my tail.
"OHHHH That would be GREAT!" He squealed as he stuffed his hand into the right pocket in his pants. "Come onnnn I know I have it somewhere..."
"Have what..." I asked as I looked up at him.
"AHA!" He said as he fished a Pokeball out of his pocket, laughing as he tossed it down at me. "Um... Go Pokeball!" He said as he tossed it at me.
I made a face at him as it bonked me on the head and fell to the ground. I looked down at the ball, then up at him, frowning.
"What the heck is that?" I asked as I pointed to the ball.
"It didn't work..." He said as he frowned. "That's the only one I have too..."
"Well what's it supposed to do?" I asked as I rubbed my head with my right paw.
"Oh yeah! I let Caterpie go so I have to reset it!" He said as he picked it up. I watched as he twisted something on the front, then pushed a button.
"Okay, it has to verify that Caterpie's gone..." He said as he stared at it, a little red light blinking on the front.
"Aha! There we go!" He said as he looked at me, smiling. "Now, Pokeball, GO!" He shouted as he tossed the ball at me again.
"Am I supposed to catch it? Are we playing a game?" I asked as I turned sideways, blocking the ball with my tail. "Don't hit me in the head again!"
I watched as the ball bounced off of my tail and rolled to the ground, lifeless.
"Awww what's wrong now?" He asked as he bent down to pick it up. Just before he got a chance to touch it, it popped open. My vision became red and blurry as I was digitalized and transferred from the real world to the ball. I looked around in confusion at my white surroundings, frowning as I dropped down onto all fours and pawed at the metallic floor.
This is weird... So that ball thing teleports me when it hits me?
I heard a beep, and then a click, then all of a sudden, I felt all tingly again, and my vision was replaced with that strange red blurriness from before. When it all stopped, everything was normal again, and I was standing in front of the little boy, who had that red and white ball in his right hand.
"Um..." I said as I watched him press something, frowning as the ball got smaller, and he put it in his pocket. "What's... That thing do exactly...?"
"Awww come here you!" He laughed as he picked me up, hugging me tightly as he spun around. "I'm going to take you home right away! They won't laugh at me anymore! I got a REAL Pokemon now! Something tougher than a Caterpie!" He laughed. "Ohhh I hope you're not tier six or something. Then I'd make a fool of myself for sure." I said as he sighed. "Just think, I befriend you thinking you'll help me out and you turn out to be level five and no help at all. But that's what training is for! If you're level five I'll train you real hard to get to level one hundred! Then we'll be better than everyone! And plus you make a good friend too! Someone to hang out with. And it doesn't matter what level you are, you can still make lightning and fry all the meanies!" He laughed as he hugged me. "Ooooh we're going to have so much fun! But first I have to get you registered properly! That's rule one of being a Pokemon master!" He laughed.
"Um... What are levels?" I asked as I hugged him back.
"Okay let's go!" He laughed. "But first I need to pick up my bag. I'm lucky I found you because I wasn't going to go to school today!" He laughed as he took off running. "We have to hurry or I won't make it!"
I shrugged as I held onto him tightly. Even though I was sitting in his arms, he was still only a small human. And he could accidentally drop me or something. I had no problem going with him to tell the truth. I mean, if the big humans were picking on him then that's not fair. And since we both hate the big humans then we can work together against them, right?
"Okay here we are!" He laughed as he set me down. "Be right back! Stay here!"
I nodded, sitting down on the wooden deck as I watched him go inside.
"Moooommmmmmmm I'm going to the Pokemon Center real quick! Don't worry about breakfast I'll grab something from the PC!" He yelled as he dashed out the door, laughing as he put on his backpack.
"Okay!" He said as he shut the door behind him. "We're all set! Just hop in here!" He said as he pointed to the bag.
Frowning, I looked at his face, then the open bag, before leaping up and grabbing onto it. Sure enough, there was plenty of space for me to fit inside, and if I ducked down and curled up he could probably even close the bag with me inside. Not only that, but it was shady and cool in here, so I didn't have a problem with it. It was better than being in that ball!
"Okay here we go!" He said, laughing.
All of a sudden, we started moving. I wouldn't have thought anything about it if we were just moving, but... It was smooth, as if something were moving US, rather than him running. The bumpiness and sound of his footsteps were replaced with smooth clicks and the occasional bump. Not to mention we were going really fast. I could feel it.
I curiously poked my head out of the bag, frowning as I looked down. He was on something small with two wheels, and we were going fast on it. It made clicking noises when his feet stopped moving, but I didn't really mind them. The wind flowing through my fur however, is what got the most of my attention. It felt so nice. I figured there was no harm in keeping my head out of the bag. I mean, the only purpose of it was to hold me, right? Because he couldn't hold me in his arms all the time.
About five minutes later we rode into a little town. There were cars driving on the road, humans walking around, Pokemon battling, lots of activity. We turned into a little pathway, and he got up off of his wheel thingy, and placed it with a bunch of others. A human walked by, and I ducked down into the bag. To tell the truth, I still didn't like humans. I just liked this little one. He seemed so nice... So lonely... I mean, he was crying when I found him, and now that I'm here, he's so happy...
About a minute later, the air around me suddenly cooled off, and I once again, was struck with confusion. Sticking my head out of the bag, I realized that we'd entered a building. Everything was quiet inside, or at least quieter than it was outside, which made me feel a bit more comfortable with my surroundings. Not to mention I loved the cool air.
"Okay here we are!" He said as he took off his bag and placed it on a desk. "Come on out little guy." He laughed.
I climbed out of the bag and onto the desk, and he picked me up, placing me on this long white thing.
"Okay, lay down on your back." He laughed.
I didn't say a word as I lay down, looking up at the roof as he pushed a button on the pad I was on, and it began humming.
"What are you doing to me?" I asked.
"What?" He said as he stared at the pad, frowning. "Okay! I've healed you back to full health! But this can't be right..."
"What? What is it?" I asked as I sat up.
Full health? I didn't feel any different...
"This says you're already registered as... Dallas... And it says your level is too high to measure..." he said as he picked me up, frowning as he looked me over. "It also says you're an electric and psychic type... And that you know ten moves..." He said, frowning. "You don't look like you're a really high level though... I mean, I guess I can call you Dallas, but... You look like a normal Pikachu! How was I able to catch you if you're already registered? Ah there must be something wrong with the scanner." He laughed as he placed me down. "I like the name Dallas, so I'll stick with it, but I'll have to try to register you later. The scanner is being weird right now." He laughed. "Or we could go to another Pokemon center, but this one is the closest so I chose this one. But no worries Dallas! You're still registered to me with the Pokeball! And that's enough for now!" He laughed as he ran out of the Pokemon Center.
"We have to get to school fast!" He laughed as he reached behind him with his right hand, before turning around and dashing back inside the Pokemon Center.
So the pad thingy named me Dallas... I guess I can remember that. I kind of like that mane...
"AH! I forgot my bag!" He laughed. Silly me! I guess I have a lot on my mind!" He said as he placed me inside the bag, zippering it up and putting it on, running out of the Pokemon Center.
I sighed as I curled up inside the bag. The sound of Pokemon and humans yelling random things filled my ears as I closed my eyes. Someone honked their horn, but I ignored it, because for some reason I was tired. I don't know how long it took for me to doze off, but somehow, I managed to.
I awoke to the sound of a bell ringing. It was so loud, that it literally made me jump. But, since I was in a bag, I didn't get very far.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" He said as he reached down and opened the bag a little. "I thought you were asleep!"
"Hey Cameron, what'cha talking to?" Someone laughed as they walked over and shoved his backpack off of his desk, laughing as they smacked him. "Comforting that puny thing you call a Pokemon again huh?"
"Caterpie is not puny! And it IS a Pokemon!" he yelled.
"Well I don't care if it's a Pokemon. It's not a REAL Pokemon. A fighting Pokemon." He laughed.
"What the hell..." I growled as I landed flat on the floor, growling as I tried to get to my feet, but I couldn't, since I was in the bag. "Who the hell did that?"
"Shut up Caterpie! You little wimp! You cry about everything!" The kid said as he kicked Cameron's bag across the room.
I squealed as I was nailed in the side by his foot, and sent sliding across the room, before smacking into a desk.
"I got it!" Someone laughed as they kicked his bag to someone else, who in turn laughed and kicked it to someone else.
"You're not getting anywhere in the world with that puny little Caterpie!" He laughed.
"Come on guys, cut it out." Someone else said.
I growled as I was suddenly picked up, and I looked through the little opening in the bag. I was placed on Cameron's desk, only to be pushed off again.
"The next one that does that is dead..." I growled as I clenched my paws into fists, growling under my breath as a few sparks jumped from my cheeks.
"That's ENOUGH!" Someone yelled. "Brandon get in your seat and leave Cameron alone!"
"Yes Mr. K..." the boy said as he walked away. I sighed as I was once again picked up and placed on the desk, which is when I got the idea that I would probably do better on the floor, but I didn't do anything to let Cameron know...
So his name was Cameron huh... Well that's actually a pretty good name... It's too bad he's picked on all the time though... I mean, it's bad enough they have to pick on HIM. He's my friend, and that already upset me... But to throw ME around... They crossed the line when they smacked Cameron, but pushing ME around pushed them MILES over the line. And I was ready to just jump out of the next person who pushed me, and just tear their head right off.
Upon peeking out of the hole, I realized that the desk I was on was in the back of the room, and there were lots of other bags all around the one I was in. It was like a bag holding table. The classroom was a wide open space, and there were no chairs around, except the ones in front of the table I was on. Probably because Pokemon battled in here. The windows were like five inches thick, and I could see by looking out of them, that the walls were probably a foot or two thick themselves. How bad did the Pokemon battles in here really get? There were a bunch of little humans sitting around a big one, and I could see Cameron in the group. And he looked all sad again, which only made me feel angrier at this... Brandon human...
He's lucky I didn't get to see his face...
"I shouldn't have come in..." Cameron whined as he buried his face in his hands. "No one likes me anyway..."
"That's not true." The big human said, smiling. "The road to becoming a Pokemon master isn't a walk in the park. There are going to be some bumps in the road." The human said, smiling.
"Yeah, well this road is full of pot holes!" Cameron shouted.
"Don't be so hard on yourself." The big human said. "You'll get a Pokemon sooner or later..."
"I already have!" Cameron shouted. "And he's not the Caterpie! He's a really good friend! I was crying and he cheered me up and agreed to be my friend and now he's my friend!" He shouted.
"Is it a Metapod?" Brandon laughed as he placed his hand on Cameron's shoulder. "A Metapod isn't a friend, or really a Pokemon at all. All it knows is harden-"
"It's not a Metapod!" Cameron shouted. "Ohhh I'll show you! He's really tough and he's a Pikachu!" Cameron said as he dug into his pockets, pulling out the red and white ball.
I'm NOT going back in there...
"Oh yeah, he's in my bag." Cameron said, sighing.
"Go get him. You see, you're doing fine! You've already got yourself a Pikachu!" The big human laughed. "Come on Cameron, don't be so hard on yourself."
"Oh boy a big yellow RAT!" Brandon laughed. "I could easily beat that thing with my Charmander!"
"I bet you can't!" Cameron said as he rushed over to me, unzipping the bag and scooping me out.
"HA! Bring it!" Brandon laughed as he pulled a Pokeball out of his pocket, laughing as he tossed it into the air.
I watched as a Charmander popped out, and Brandon grinned.
"You JUST caught that thing! It has no battle experience whatsoever. MY Charmander has been trained for months! I had him way before you had your puny rat!" Brandon laughed as he folded his arms. "My Charmander knows four moves! Your rat probably only knows one!"
"Actually I have... I don't know, ten?" I said as I stared at him. "Your Charmander only has four, and I have ten... So you don't know what you're talking about." I said. "Cameron told me the pad thing said I had ten moves. And it also said that I was psychic... Somehow... Is YOUR Charmander psychic?" I asked. "NO!" I laughed as I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Shut up rat! No one told you to speak!" He laughed. "And stop making stupid faces. Your original face it stupid enough, we don't need you to... Um... You know what I mean!" He said.
"Pikachu is cute." One of the little humans said.
"Yeah, he's awesome." Another said.
"Is that...?" Mr. K. asked as he walked over to me, kneeling down and rubbing my head. "It can't be..."
"Can't be what?" Cameron asked.
"Can't be a winner!" Brandon shouted.
"Well there's only one way to find out..." Mr. K. laughed as he took a few steps back. "Well for one, Brandon could use a good beating. Teach him a thing or two..." Mr. K. said.
"Me? Lose? To that THING!" He said as he pointed at me. "HA! Yeah RIGHT!"
I growled as a few sparks jumped off of my cheeks, and I ground my teeth, narrowing my eyes at Brandon as I unsheathed my claws.
"It's feral!!! It's got a disease!" Brandon shouted. "LOOK AT IT!"
"No, he's just mad." Mr. K. said, sighing. "Cameron, don't let me down." Mr. K. said as he winked, smiling.
"O-okay..." Cameron said as he stepped behind me, nervously scratching the back of his head. "M-m-my first battle... W-what do I do..."
"The battle begins when the challenger, in this case Brandon, makes a move. The battle does not end until one of the Pokemon on either side is unable to battle any further. The Challenger goes first. Now, BEGIN!" He said as he threw his hands into the air, before moving back with the little humans against the wall, where they were a safe distance away from the battle.
"Why does he get to go first..." I growled as I scratched my claws against the floor.
Okay, so that thingy said I was a really high level... So that means I can take this guy out in a couple hits, right? And I can take a lot of damage?
"Let's take this rat out!" Brandon laughed as he pointed at me. "Rodents never win battles with champs like me!" He said. "Charmander, use flamethrower on that rat!" he shouted.
"U-u-um... D-Dallas!" Cameron shouted. "U-um... D-dodge it, I think!" He said.
As the Charmander charged up to fire his flamethrower, Brandon gave me the finger, and I don't know why, but I just lost it. All that picking and pushing at me, not to mention being kicked around the room in that bag... All the anger, the irritation just surged out of me in one big blast, and I dropped down onto all fours, growling as I raised my tail.
"HA! You even NAMED it already!" Brandon laughed. "What kind of STUPID name is Dallas? It doesn't even LISTEN to youS!" He laughed. "This will be an EASY w... win..." He said, frowning. "Hey I'm supposed to hit first!"
As he was saying that, I took the time to charge up an iron tail attack. With my tail glowing a bright silver, I dashed forward, sparks flying from my cheeks as I snarled at him.
"FUCK... YOU!" I yelled as I took a huge leap forward, the Charmander still trying to charge up his attack.
I let out an angry yell as the anger took over, and I leapt forward, spinning around with all the force I could possibly put into the attack. I closed my eyes and swung with all I had, but my anger quickly faded, as what happened next surprised not only be, but everyone in the room. Everyone except Mr. K, who simply raised an eyebrow.
As soon as my tail came in contact with his Charmander, I heard a loud crack, my tail returning to normal as I perked up my ears. I watched as the Charmander practically folded in half with all the force I'd put into the iron tail, and he FLEW backwards. And I mean flew. He was going so fast, that you could hear the WHOOSH in the wind as he traveled through the air. He smacked into Brandon, and sent them BOTH airborne. Mr. K, obviously prepared for this, pushed a little button on a little thing he had in his hand, and a huge pad popped out of the wall. I laughed as Brandon bounced off of it, his Charmander in his arms as the momentum continued, and he slid across the room with the force of the bounce, all the way to the other side.
Mr. K. pushed the button again and all the walls went back to normal.
I turned around and looked up at Cameron, who stared at me with his mouth open.
"D-D-Dallas... Y-y-you're so powerful!" He choked out as he stared down at me, his mouth still open.
"Apparently!" I shouted, laughing.
I was incredibly surprised at the power that that iron tail truly had within it. "I did NOT know it would be that strong!" I shouted.
"We did it!" Cameron laughed as he picked me up and hugged me.
Everyone in the room gasped, and began talking amongst themselves, except Mr. K, who walked over to us and knelt down once more.
"Cameron... I don't know how you did it, but befriending that Pokemon was the best choice you've made in your whole life... That Pokemon is extremely powerful... Although it's rumored that he's supposed to live on the other side of the WORLD, so I don't know how you managed to find him, let alone catch him, but... What you have there is a power that not even Arceus can match." Mr. K. said as he placed his hand ontop of my head, smiling as he scratched behind my ears. "When he's mad enough, not even Arceus can stop him. Now, no one knows how all this power was placed into a Pikachu, but it was." He said, smiling at me. "I hate to say it, but... You catching Dallas there automatically makes you a Pokemon mater." He laughed. "All you have to do is learn his moves and plan out battle strategies and stuff, and you're unstoppable. But I heard he's never had a battle partner before. Well besides his mate, Electra. But yeah, Dallas is a well known Pikachu. Almost everyone knows about how he took out Team Onyx on his own and saved his mate." He laughed as he looked at me. "Oh yeah, how's Electra doing? I Can't wait to meet her!" He laughed. "I heard you two never went anywhere without each other. Seems like that rumor was wrong too." He laughed.
"Who the hell is Electra..." I said as I tilted my head. "Surely if I traveled everywhere with Electra I'd remember who she was..." I said, frowning. "I don't have a mate. Whoever told you that was wrong." I said.
"I get it..." Cameron said as he looked down at me, before hugging me again. "Ohhh this is so awesome!" He laughed. "I feel so good about myself now! I knew befriending you would help me out! I just knew it!" He laughed. "We can be best friends forever! Me and you! No one will pick on me anymore with Dallas around!" He laughed as he rubbed my back.
"Hey Cameron, your Pikachu is strong!" One of the small humans said, laughing. "Can I pet him?"
"If he says it's okay then fine." Cameron said, to which I nodded, purring softly as the little human scratched behind my ears.
"I never thought I'd see the real Dallas... Ever..." Mr. K. said as he stood up. "Wow... And I almost thought everyone made it up..."
So apparently this big human says I'm stronger than Arceus when I'm mad. That's a good thing, right?
"Hey Dallas.... Um... Sorry for kicking you before..." One of the small humans said.
"Yeah me too..." Another said.
"Don't... Remind me of that..." I said, growling as sparks flew off of my cheeks.
It was bad enough that they picked on Cameron like that. But by kicking me around like I was worthless just drove me over the edge...
Brandon slowly made his way back into the crowd, and I watched his every move, completely ignoring the massive amount of petting and scratching I was receiving, until someone yanked on my tail.
"HEY!" I shouted as I whipped around, growling. "Paws off the tail!"
"Guys you have to remember, he's still a normal Pikachu as far as emotions. You can't yank on a Pikachu's tail, no matter if it's a normal Pikachu or Dallas. They'll all respond in the same way." Mr. K. said.
"Well I wanted to test it..." One of the small humans responded.
"Bad idea." Mr. K. said. "Don't do anything to him that would upset any other Pikachu."
"Hey..." Brandon said as he slowly approached, a tear in his eye. "Your stupid Pikachu killed my Charmander!"
"He's not stupid." Cameron said as he hugged me. "He's amazing!"
"He's a murderer!" Brandon snapped. "Look! He practically sliced Charmander right in half!"
"If he wanted to slide him in half he would have." Cameron said. "Stop being... You..."
"Yeah, Dallas is the strongest Pokemon in the world!" One of the small humans said. "If you mess with Cameron Dallas is going to kick your butt!"
"And he can too." Mr. K. frowned. "I heard he's picked up a human before." he said. "You're going to have to change your ways real fast Brandon. Trust me, you DON'T want to be on that Pikachu's hit list." He laughed.
"Fine!" Brandon pouted. "But that battle doesn't count." He growled. "Your stupid Pikachu attacked first when I was supposed to!"
"With all that power, do you seriously think It would have made a difference if you'd struck first?" Cameron said, laughing. "I would have won either way."
"It doesn't count!" Brandon snapped. "You broke the rules!"
Growling, I hopped down off of Cameron's lap, sighing as I hopped up and pushed Brandon onto his back. I let out a low growl as I walked onto his belly, and stared him in the eyes.
"I'm really getting sick of your CRAP!" I yelled, a few sparks jumping off of my cheeks as I spoke. "I BEAT you, you LOST. GET OVER IT!" I yelled as I slapped him. "YOU ARE NOT THE TOUGHEST IN HERE!" I growled. "And leave Cameron alone! He's my friend." I said as I hopped off of him, walking back over to Cameron and hopping back up into his lap, smiling as I rubbed my cheek against his shirt, making sure I didn't accidentally shock him.
"Ooooooh he told YOU!" Someone said, laughing. "You just got put in your place by a Pikachu!" they laughed. "And you don't even know what he said!"
"Uhhhh I have to go!" Cameron said as he stood up, dashing to the back of the room and grabbing his bag. "I have to show my mom my new friend!"
"By all means, go ahead." Mr. K. laughed. "Seeya tomorrow. Or whenever." He said.
"See you!" Cameron laughed as he dashed out into the hallway.
"Um..." I said as I climbed around his side and up into his bag, sighing as I looked up out of the opening.
I waited until we were outside, before poking my head out of the bag. I watched Cameron get onto his wheelie thing, and I looked around at all of the humans and Pokemon.
"Hey, maybe after we go home my mom can take us out for ice cream!" he laughed.
Ice cream? What's ice cream?
"Um, okay..." I said as I ducked back down into his bag. I couldn't help wondering what happened to me... I mean, as far as me getting here... Because I don't remember this place at all... But I also don't remember anything BEFORE the place with the yummy fruits... So maybe I slept for a really long time or something. I don't know.
Maybe after a while, Cameron will be able to tell me what happened to me. After all, it seems as if I'm well known around here for some reason, so... Why not ask around, right?
--END Chapter Eighteen.--