Brave New Realm: Palace of Ice

Ten years of pretending to be a noble had earned him many nights in countless noble households. he had hunted, been entertained, journeyed, but never ruled. all the countless times he'd been invited to court and he'd never once paid attention.

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Shrouded in Black, Subchapter 2

nobles. on their chests, their breastplates bore the insignia of the southern tribe: the sun. the wicked and fiery kind. much different from the modest ball of light that glowed overhead.

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Sweaty Foreheads

"my father, as you have already guessed, has a noble quest to partake in. as for myself, i shall be back before the moon is out with new allies."

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Stone and Wolf (Part 4)

Her noble clothing hung on her like curtains on a rod. her body had become thin and weak. she wore a blindfold, yet she smiled. he cringed away from her.

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6.3 - To Ponder the Shadow

Curious about the contraption, darzarath set out to establish a connection with the noble. the young man was very amused that a dragon, of all beings, would come to him as a student.

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Looking Back

Sometimes he'd even pick nobles and political figures just to see if the boy could do it. and every time he did, it made him laugh that much more. "how did it come to end?

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Darzarath - To Ponder the Shadow

Curious about the contraption, darzarath set out to establish a connection with the noble. the young man was very amused that a dragon, of all beings, would come to him as a student.

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The Politics of Predators: A Praetorian Side Story

Your goal is noble, fine, but it's looking for the solution in the wrong direction. rather than raising the taxes of the wealthiest citizens, reduce them.

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Those Three Words (Origins)

If one of the two families was not wealthy, but was of noble blood, the child of noble blood was instead betrothed to a child of a wealthy family and an exchange of sorts too place between the families, status of nobility, in exchange for wealth and financial

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 11

As a fighter for good i would sacrifice all of you to save the one noble spirit in this damn world!" only many shocked gasps were given as a response.

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Rules of the Empire of the Mad

(final rule) if by any chance you are a noble then you are welcome to stay in the palace dungeons if you enter the city with out the emperors strict permission rules for the empire of the mad made for the subjects in emperor gravitational fluxuation's empire

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