The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 11
#49 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions
Not exactly how I've planned this chapter to turn out, but oh well:P
Chapter 11
Everything is happening so quickly, moments ago they were sitting in the mess hall, chatting like friends do. Then some guards burst in shouting about Boven being attacked, the news spread like fire, in minutes the whole city knew about the unfortunate fate of the small village.
Mobilization went even faster, people acted like they were expecting trouble and were ready to face it in a moment's notice. The shocked snouts of Terrador and Cyril when they stepped out from the City Hall to announce an official organization of forces and spotted an already gathered force of dragons ready to retaliate said everything.
One word from the Guardians was everything the small army needed, momentarily they were in the air and were flying towards Boven. As the fastest regiment of Warfang's army the dragons will arrive first on the scene, leaving the cheetah's ground forces behind so they wouldn't slow them down. Situations like this require quick action.
Whatever is happenings in the south of the Dragon Realms will pay for this aggression and the quick yet still slower cheetah support force will make sure that the counteroffensive is entirely successful.
This mobilization was very admirable, especially when there wasn't really an organized army of Warfang after the battle with Malefor. The cheetahs were here to help rebuild the city, some of them of course decided to remain inside the draconic walls but they weren't part of Warfang's army. Even the natural inhabitants of the Dragon City didn't have an army, after the War Dragons were wiped out the dragonkind never again got the chance to reorganize their forces. This is why the people's decisive mobilization was that more praiseworthy.
However this is where the good news end.
When the Guardians gave the signal the retaliation force took off but many people remained where they stood eyeing the Guardians rigidly, both groups immediately knew what to expect from each other. People had enough, they were there now and awaited answers, the three friends were glad that they have already left the city. Judging from the people's serious and the Guardian's sour look it was time for a confession and it will be quite a memorable moment for both parties.
Yet no matter how far the three young friends were from Warfang the atmosphere from the city circled around the airborne force of dragons like some kind of disease, infecting slowly each and every drake.
" What do you think we'll find there?" a worried voice of one of the surrounding dragons was carried by the wind
" Nothing good, that's for sure" another voice echoed
" We could prevent it if only we knew what to expect!" a different voice, full of anger and pain cut through the wind
Spyro closed his eyes, a wince of anguish wrinkled his snout. He was flying with Cynder and his brother right in the middle of the formation, it was like the surrounding dragons were a devastating force of an indignant emotional cyclone and the three of them were the unwilling eye of it.
It all could be avoided if they would only tell the truth, everything that was needed was just to get back to Boven and tell everything. Tell about the portal, tell about the creature, tell about Flare's origins, and every other more or less important detail, everything could be the key element in avoiding this tragedy.
Now the secrets are striking back, punishing them for all those unspoken lies, revealing their true faces to the people. In this selfish and defenseless moment Spyro was glad that Flare or that girl Iris weren't here and stayed back in the city, who knows how the soldiers around them would behave with palpable evidences of their unrevealed facts were just at paw's reach.
The pain that filled his heart was so much stronger because Spyro knows that he could stop all of this from happening if he only listened to his instinct. It was as simple as that, all that was required of him was to follow his gut. All that time ago, he felt that, that peculiar feeling only those who faced and understand what true danger means can recognize and he ignored it. Fooled by the calm sky, cheerful laughs and praises of his glory, the overall happiness was intoxicating and after everything he went through he needed some respite, he needed to drink from that well of joy very, very much.
People of Boven paid dearly for his selfishness.
Guilt is a tremendous weight to carry, the purple dragon's eyes impulsively landed on his best friend, automatically seeking any help she can provide, especially when she is going through the same phase. Cynder looked like she wasn't bothered by the news even in the slightest. How she does that Spyro has no idea, envy filled him instantly, he wanted, needed that seemingly callous power. If only for a little while.
Once again selfishness of a helpless creature is speaking through him.
The purple dragon looked around, pondering on his guilt riddled thoughts, for a moment his involuntary masochism was gone, replaced by anger and blame which was strictly aimed on the Warfang's inhabitants, those present here and those back in the city.
Why these people are so angry anyway? They did all of this for their good, for their peace of mind, they couldn't foresee that it would turn out like this. Everything they've done was to protect them, was to spare them the horror of knowing that perhaps another danger is approaching. The idea was to put all the weight of worry on their own mostly young and sparse shoulders. This was a noble goal, people have no right to blame them for something like this, even if it meant to retaining some details for themselves.
If this is the truth then why the guilt doesn't go away?
Who is he trying to fool? The consequences are on them, are on him, wherever he walks rivers of blood follow him. Now to the thick crimson pool was added the blood of Boven's many innocent people. Prowlus was right, that insufferable cheetah was right, he is the harbinger of destruction for both his allies and enemies. Something he has in common with another purple dragon he knew.
" Malefor" Spyro mumbled in terror
He heard stories about the difference between the young and adult Malefor, he also learnt that the former Dark Master obligated to protect everyone, just like he did. What if this isn't the only thing they have in common? What if the same evil fate awaits him in the future?
Today Spyro just can't imagine that he can fall to the dark side and sacrifice the fate of all these people without even blinking, but what if this is his destiny? He never believed Malefor when he spoke like he had no choice in the matter, for Spyro everyone trample his own path, he proved that to the Chronicler.
But what if he didn't?
What if all this free will was just a delusion? Perhaps his revolt against the Chronicler's will was predestined as well? Perhaps every choice he makes, no matter if it's a good or a bad deed leads him down the unavoidable path of utter destruction?
What if the destruction of Boven is not the result of keeping secrets but a sign showing him what awaits him in the future and the innocent as a lamb village is just a foretaste of what is to come?
" Spyro why you haven't told us anything?!" a low angry growl echoed with a loud rumble
" I..." the purple dragon muttered, not able to form any words with the result of breaking his train of thought so suddenly. He was so startled that he didn't even realize just how quiet the dragons around him became after that single male growl
With a corner of his eye he noticed Cynder narrowing her gaze on something or someone.
" Nothing to say again? We have enough of your silence!"
" Capro stop it!" some female demanded
" Can't you see what is happening?" the malachite drake roared with pain in his voice " Boven is gone! Everyone dead!"
" We don't know that" someone else commented half-heartedly
The powerfully built drake cackled contemptuously " You don't even believe your own words"
Sparx curled himself around his brother's gold horn " I have a bad feeling about this"
" We thought it was nothing" Spyro muttered under his breath
" What was that?" Capro snapped irritated
Cynder clenched her paw in the air, oh how she wanted to kick this asshole out of the sky while at the same time wondering if she should interfere and what that dragon is planning since she didn't really buy all that anger towards her best friend. One thing was for certain, Spyro isn't his target, whatever he is doing is strictly connected with her, she was sure of that. The only way to spare Spyro all this fake hate was to let the game of the malachite drake to continue. Sooner or later she will be the main point of focus
The purple dragon swallowed impulsively his pupils ran across the dragons in front of him. Their snouts were turned towards him, even despite the shock after hearing the bold and blunt questions of the muscular drake, their eyes betrayed curiosity and a hint of subconscious blame.
" We wanted you to enjoy some peace while it lasted" Spyro muttered, this time however more loudly than before
" You think we're stupid?!" the malachite drake roared indignantly
" Capro give it a rest!" a dragon from the back ranks protested
" What he said!" Sparx yelled while impulsively rising above his brother's head with his fist clenched aggressively. However the moment the green dragon aimed his gaze on him the dragonfly instantly hid behind Spyro's horn again with a delicate whine.
There was something really wrong with those grey eyes.
" And what?" Capro snarled " Start to smile again and pretend that everything's alright while deep down we all knew that something is happening? This is what we are supposed to do? Dance to the same song again?"
The dragons began nodding and silently agree with the yelling drake. Some voices of protest could be heard but they also eventually died within the swirl of uncertainty and suspicion.
" I myself don't buy the stories about trying to protect us, we all lived through the fighting with Malefor. We all are battle hardened, we all could prevent this disaster from happening! Together!"
" We're the good guys here!" Sparx shouted loudly and with his arms spread wide open darted high in the air as if trying to point out the obvious
Capro frowned " Tell that to the people of Boven"
" We were trying to help" Spyro's voice was hoarse, barely audible and hardly understandable like a creak of a broken record
" Help?" the malachite dragon scoffed " What is so noble in lies? They always lead to disaster, you of all people should know that, didn't Malefor die because he so desperately believed a lie? Do you really want to be like him?"
" You can't possibly compare the two, man!" a dragon protested
" Yeah!" Sparx chimed in
" I'm really sorry to say this but Spyro's mind is evidently twisted, the hero I adore would never allow innocent people get hurt, especially when there was a high possibility that another threat is incoming while we were kept in the dark. Spyro I know would never put our lives at risk"
" Listen here muscle head, leave my bro out of this, he did all of this for you. He wanted to sort all of this by himself so you could only worry about tomorrows weather" the dragonfly fought valiantly
" Then why he won't say that he did all he could to prevent this?"
Sparx looked at the drake challengingly " Oh but he will"
" I certainly hope so, because good intentions as noble as they are just intentions. Action matters"
" Oh yeah?" the dragonfly blurt out, the drake had him against the wall here, he just couldn't come up with a good argument " You think you're so smart? Just watch this, my bro will tell you everything, how hard he tried to help of you!" he exclaimed and looked around the flying dragons daringly
Awkward silence has befallen in the formation of drakes, everyone was expecting to hear Spyro's voice and Sparx as the announcer of such battle of words received all the attention he didn't plan to get.
The dragonfly swallowed, he felt his confidence sinking in the sea of those many colorful eyes, eventually it was too much for him and he quickly lowered down just to glue himself to his brother's head.
" You're going to say something, aren't you?" he whispered worryingly
" He's right" Spyro muttered defeated
" But not this dude!" Sparx whined " I'm fighting for our good name here. Man up and make me proud"
Spyro only closed his eyes.
The dragonfly looked past his brother's head, every single eye was still aimed at him. Swallowing hard he raised in the air as if feeling the surrounding dragons expectations " Patience, he's preparing his speech!" he exclaimed the barely comprehensible sentence while presenting the most false cheerful smile ever before he returned to his purple safe zone
" Bro work with me!" he hissed admonishingly
The purple dragon remained silent, you didn't have to be an expert to realize that he was deflated with guilt.
" Come on man, you promised to say something"
No response.
With a sigh Sparx once again took notice of the many curious eyes.
He cleared his throat " Why always me?" he muttered to himself and with the same fake happy broad smile raised in the air
" My apologies guys and gals but you know how it is with heroes, they work at their own pace" he clapped his hands enthusiastically " So chop, chop, turn around and fly, everything will be explained later"
" He knows I'm right" Capro stated bluntly
Sparx spun around towards the drake and shook his forefinger " No, no, no, no, he-"
" ...Knows that he could do much more but some influence ordered him to not interfere"
" Alright!" the dragonfly exclaimed angrily " You want the truth? Here it is!" he looked around again, and once more he felt like he was drowning in the colorful sea.
Sparx swallowed, the frown of his anger was slowly replaced by a tremendously fake painful grimace " He's retarded ok!?"
In his head the dragonfly heard shocked gasps and mutters of disbelief but in reality he only got the stare of many furrowed brows that didn't take him seriously.
Sparx covered his eyes as if trying to prevent them from producing invisible tears " That's right!" he exclaimed with a wavering voice " There are times when my brother has troubles telling if his tail is attached to his ass or mouth!" he sobbed pitifully
Cynder just stared at the glowing idiot with wide eyes. She spent so much time around Sparx that she thought nothing would ever surprise her, and yet Spyro's brother proved how wrong she was.
Besides the black dragonesses wide eyed shock, the dragonfly received some very angry responses.
He sobbed again, ignoring the commotion " But that's not the worst of it! Imagine that during that moment of confusion he tries to eat! He grabs a really thick piece of meat and puts it in his-"
" Enough!" someone screamed in disgust
" What the hell is wrong with you?!" another irked shout could be heard
" Are you insane?!" and another one
" Don't insult Spyro!" Capro growled angrily " He's your brother, show him some respect! This is serious, we only want to know why all the details about this strange events were kept from us!"
Sparx looked at his brother, humiliation didn't work, he was still his pathetic self. There was only one way to wake up the intimidating male inside him that he one day was supposed to become.
With a gulp Sparx covered his eyes and pointed a finger to his left " It's her fault"
This time the gasps of shock weren't his imagination, this time nobody called him crazy, this time the silence that befallen on the formation wasn't awkward but full of held back rage. As he looked from between his fingers Sparx spotted his brother's head perking up at the sound of that single sentence.
Cynder stared at the tip of the dragonflies finger in complete disbelief, her eyes were so wide that they looked like they were about to shoot out from their orbits. In that moment of shock she felt betrayed, but the sensation soon passed.
She couldn't blame Sparx, from the very beginning she knew that Capro was planning something to turn the people against her, or something similar to that. Perhaps the unwanted attention she received thanks to Sparx was unexpected, probably even for Capro but that didn't change anything, it would happen one way or another, the dragonfly just rushed things a little.
" Why did you do this?"
Sparx shivered at the sound of his brother's almost murderous tone, putting her on the line wasn't probably the best idea to bring him back from his stupor, but it worked.
The dragonfly " I've panicked"
" What have you done you bitch?" one of the female dragons in front of Cynder roared and stopped in her tracks, blocking the black dragoness
Cynder smiled wryly " Oh, you know, the usual. Bitch. I ordered my men to slaughter all the villagers., Telepathically, imagine that!"
More dragons surrounded the young female.
" Stop it!" Spyro roared furiously and darted towards the group
However hate is a powerful thing, a havoc like this once started is hard to stop, even by respect.
" How dare you make fun of this tragedy?!" some other dragon bellowed
Cynder let out a faint gasp when suddenly somebody shoved her " I'm serious" she exclaimed with mischievous laughter " There are already necklaces prepared for me made from peoples intensities. Every size in the latest fashion, for every season!"
" You whore!" a dragon roared and tried to lunge at the dragoness but was stopped by some other more calm soldiers who noticed that Spyro was making his way through the commotion and out of respect for the purple drake tried to force the same repute on their surrounding companions
" Stop it right now!" Spyro roared again, some dragons listened but there were still many that were blinded by rage.
Cynder shrugged with faked modesty " Not my fault that I look good in blood"
There were so many shouts, both from Spyro and the other dragons that she couldn't make out any words, however the shoves she was getting told her exactly how people felt.
The black dragoness laughed " Especially children's blood is fantastic for my scales, gives them that ominous glow!"
After these words even more dragons started to yell and shout wrathfully.
" I'm going to cut out your tongue!" a female roared at the top of her lungs yet she never got the chance to actually attack the black dragoness. There were still some drakes in the group who respected Spyro's authority more than their own hate.
Another shove, Cynder's evil expression remained unchanged, she was so pumped up on adrenaline that she completely didn't think about Spyro's intervention and the consequences of his action. She just wanted Capro's guerrilla actions be over finally, and she will see them end in her own way, she won't give the drake the satisfaction.
It didn't make much sense since she is achieving what the dragon wanted in the first place most likely but currently she didn't care about this. The only thing that mattered was to strip the dragon of his moment of triumph and show him that not everyone will succumb to his manipulation.
Cynder rolled out her tongue and poked it at the dragoness provocatively while pointing her claw at it as if making sure the female will focus on it.
" It'sshh ssstill herlle" she muttered with her tongue out before hiding it behind her snow white sharp teeth which seconds later formed a broad grin " And it grew a taste for some baby meat. How far we are from Boven again?"
The provoked dragoness thrashed and roared furiously, still barely contained by two pairs of draconic paws.
The cacophony of many taunts, furious roars and insults intensified tenfold. Spyro's not yet fully developed commanding tone died somewhere within.
" Come on guys!" Cynder chuckled " Save your energy, when we get to the village. I propose we relax and play a game there, I recommend headball"
" SHUT UP SLUT!" some drake roared so loudly that even the wind seemed to squeak in agony. Her instinct kicked in, already experienced in recognizing danger. She made a swift dodge in the air but the screaming dragon was too close to avoid his attack completely, his paw still caught her and cut her lip.
There was a strong triumphant roar of many dragon throats.
Cynder touched her aching jaw, a metallic taste has filled her mouth instantly. She smiled as she narrowed her gaze on the snarling dragon who just attacked her, presenting a row of now bloody sharp teeth.
" Somebody told you that you hit like a girl?" she spat out blood " I feel sorry for your mate, no wonder I saw her whoring around with another guy"
The male dragon roared again, his eyes filled immediately with so much hate and wrath that nobody would ever believe that a peaceful drake once inhabited this scaly husk.
This time the attack was serious, there were no clenched paws ready to teach her a lesson, but fully extended draconic claws, which just couldn't wait to bleed her dry.
For a moment there Cynder's mind was filled with clarity, the bitchy temper as she called it subsided for a while and in those tiny seconds she realized that she pushed these people too far.
It didn't matter now.
The dragoness swiftly dived in the air, her move in the sky was so agile that it surprised the rabid dragon. Before the male could realize what is happening she was already below him, exposing his body by kicking one of his extended paws with her wing away. Her tail went next, the blade-like tail swiped, cutting through the air with a sharp whizz, momentarily the sky was filled with a cry of pain. Cynder felt blood trickling on her backside from above, directly where her tip left a cut almost fully across the dragon's brown underbelly. Some centimeters deeper and she would gut him like a still thrashing, freshly caught fish.
More dragons were on her momentarily. And they smelled blood.
During her descent Cynder managed to dodge a swipe of someone's tail, the bony round plate that was attached to it would kick the breath out of her lungs in an instant, leaving her at the mercy of the other furious dragons. She was very fast, and dexterous in the air but even she was unable to avoid attack after attack, especially when they happened one after the other.
Cynder managed to block one set of silvery claws slashing at her with the bracelet on her left leg, the sound of scratching metal and sparks were sent flying in the air, mixing themselves with other noises that now filled the sky.
However that sound ended abruptly for her, unable to deflect another attack Cynder received quite a solid slap to her snout from a blue wing. The blow threw her to the side with a painful moan, the world swirled around and the metallic taste in her mouth became even stronger.
Another dragon was attacking her from ahead, Cynder with a shake of her head dashed straight at the charging female, preparing to fool the dragoness with her dexterous moves, but then something unexpected happened. The black dragoness cried out in pain when something really heavy struck her rump, her spine and the bones in her hind legs screamed in agony. The powerful blow threw her off balance and she tottered in the air.
There was luck however hidden behind all this anguish.
The uncontrolled moves surprised the charging dragoness from the front, as the female tried to clench her paws around Cynder's wounded body, the young dragoness accidently slipped through the gap the clenching paws created, she could feel them brushing against her bloody black scales.
It was that irritating sting those female paws created that brought her back from her trance, Cynder momentarily began to slash with her claws as fast as she could while never stopping in place. Scratches were appearing on the hostile dragonesses body just as fast as an action painting artist fills up a blank canvas.
When she was about to reach the end of the dragonesses body, the female's tail swiftly wrapped itself around Cynder's neck and pulled her up, hanging her in a vertical position. The gasp the dragoness let out was not entirely for air, once again luck was hidden behind the curtain of pain, for a moment there she forgot about everything there as she observed the world ahead with wide eyes. A malachite tail with bladelike extensions on both its sides swung itself vertically and cut through the empty air just in front of her, like an merciless executioner's axe. If the dragoness wouldn't try to choker her, Cynder was sure that now her head would be falling down below, just to later be followed by her beheaded body.
The whizz created by the swinging deadly tail and the cold touch of Death brushing its skeletal fingers against her jaw made her fighter's spirit boil with even more additional power. Cynder chugged, the last amounts of air were being forcefully pushed out from her throat, the stinging in her lungs was a clear sign that no more oxygen was to spare.
She began to thrash in the air, but the tail around her neck formed a very powerful grip. The dragoness wheezed again, this time even weaker than before, the choker around her neck was slowly piercing her neck. Cynder began to slash at the tail with her claws, the dragoness that held her hissed painfully and the trap she wrapped around the young female began to move on its own in a very futile attempt to avoid more anguish, yet the grip remained steady as ever.
Cynder's attacks were getting weaker and weaker, the world started to fade away and the usually beautiful green eyes were turning bloodshot red. With a faint gasp for air her mind clenched to the last straw of survival, the dragoness pushed her wings down as far as she could, just to yank them upwards moments later with all the strength she could muster.
A squeal of pain filled the air when Cynder's blade claws on her wing thumbs pierced the scales surrounding the most vulnerable area of every creature. The dragoness thrashed wildly, the blade claws were pushed out from her scales, blood followed soon after, it was like the female just entered the stage of the most unwanted and premature heat.
Momentarily the pressure around Cynder's neck began to subside, when the proper time came the dragoness slipped her paws under the tail and pushed with all her might, it gave away. Cynder's paws flopped down, her wings moved slowly up and down, making her look like she would be drunk and unable to keep her balance in the air. The dragoness took the deepest breath in her life, she sucked all the air her lungs could contain and then began to cough uncontrollably.
An accidental slap to the snout from the still hurt dragoness brought her back to her senses.
With some more coughs Cynder instantly folded her wings and dived downwards, she was lucky that the dragons knew what friendly fire means, if they would ignore that single rule they would tear each other apart, just to shed her blood.
As she headed directly down while still coughing and wiping the tears from her eyes she noticed a dragon appearing below her who didn't waste any time on thinking and decided to charge her with a pair of his really powerful horns. Cynder narrowed her gaze and pressed her folded wings closer to her body, turning herself into a draconic black bolt.
With a corner of her eye she noticed that two dragons were attacking her also from the sides, but then suddenly something struck one of the drakes and sent him tottering down the sky, the other one immediately ceased his attack at the sight. Whatever it was it didn't stop the charging dragon from ahead.
The drake was closing in, and with each flap of the wings that brought him closer to her, Cynder's blood pumped faster and faster. The moment she noticed the murderous glimmer inside the dragon's eyes she knew it was time to act.
She pushed her wings from her body and flapped them sharply while throwing her body into a spin, in an instant her wings connected with her black scales. Months of experience taught her how to control almost every muscle so she could properly develop the potential of her Wind element. She threw her body into a wild spinning motion, imitating her Twister attack.
The powerful dragon yanked his head, aiming his even more stronger horns at her feminine body, however the fast spinning the dragoness threw herself into confused the drake greatly. Cynder saw the glimpses of the dragon's horns thrusting at her, but she continued unhindered, completely trusting in her aerial skills.
And that faith wasn't unfounded.
She spun just next to the dragon's head, for a second she could hear his horns cutting through the air, and that was her cue to counterattack. She unfurled her tail, the blade like tip shone maliciously with an reddish glow of blood of its recent victim under the sunlight. She swiped with her tail, it cut through the thick scales, the male roared painfully and yanked his body.
Cynder's eyes widened when the dragon's back came into view, there were plenty tiny spikes covering his back, her blow forced his body to yank upwards, almost vertically, especially the dragon's rump looked most threatening and she was heading straight at it. With a gasp the dragoness jerked her body sharply and pushed with her wings forcefully, her slender body instantly succumbed to the force and twirled around, pushing the dragoness on her left side.
Cynder let out a squeaky scream when her back connected with the tiny spikes on the dragons rump, thanks to her move she avoided impaling herself on the dragon's natural defensive system, instead she bounced off the dragon's scales. Yet that didn't mean she avoided the spikes, droplets of her blood were left on the drake's rump, the tiny spines pierced her scales, leaving many small puncture wounds along her whole back.
This wasn't the end of her troubles.
Just right behind the dragon another drake awaited her, he has been hovering in the air, waiting for her while constantly sharpening his claws. The unwanted collision with the previous dragon threw her completely off balance, there was absolutely no chance she would avoid the dragon ahead, even with her skills.
Once more luck proved that it was on her side this day.
The hurt dragon in his anguish kept swinging his tail impulsively, and that tail rose just in front of Cynder. All synapses in her mind responsible for her reflex buzzed with life. The dragoness pushed her paws forward with fully extended claws. In seconds her claws sank into the tail as she latched herself on it. With a grunt of pain the tail swiftly swung to the opposite side. As Cynder cut through the air on her unhappy mount she noticed the dragon ahead staring at her with wide eyes, his sharpened claws sadly hung in the air.
In the crowd of dragons Cynder spotted a dragoness almost her size, narrowing her eyes on the target the black dragoness let go off the tail in the appropriate moment.
Once more she resembled a black bolt cutting through the wind, and judging from the wide eyed dragoness ahead Cynder managed to surprise her attackers again too.
In a combination of feminine grunts and flopping wings the two females started to roll in the air when they collided with each other. Thanks to the speed and the element of surprise Cynder managed to overpower her enemy quickly. She swiftly found her way on top of the fighting dragoness, later all of her paws were free and a strong kick of her hind legs was enough to send the still confused female flying down.
And then as she hovered in the air victoriously something very unexpected happen.
There was a brilliant blinding flash of almost golden light, a powerful bolt of electricity struck her right in the chest, every muscle in her body tensed and turned itself off. Electricity in this dosage is far from pleasant, she has learned it when in her corrupted form she fought with the last hope of the Realms. The body remembers what the mind forgets.
" S-Spyro?" she rasped weakly and then her wings also succumbed to the paralysis.
Her body gave up completely and she fell down, but it wasn't long before her silhouette was shaken to a stop when two familiar purple paws wrapped themselves around her shoulders and held her in place.
" ENOUGH!" Spyro roared at the top of his lungs when he made sure Cynder is safe in his paws.
The roar was so intimidating that even the wind seemed to whizz in fear. Every dragon who ever thought about attacking the wounded black dragoness quickly discarded that thought. They couldn't attack her, not while she was in the paws of their hero.
In seconds everything went silent as every dragon skidded to a halt. Only the wind emitted some noise but even it seemed to obey the legendary purple dragon.
" HOW DARE YOU DO SUCH A THING?!" Spyro roared powerfully, the world itself seemed to shake under its strength
No one spoke.
Cynder stirred underneath him, her body was slowly waking up from the shock.
The dragons murmured among themselves.
" She's the reason behind everything. We tolerated her enough." the dragon with the cut along his underbelly spoke softly
Spyro narrowed his furious gaze on the drake.
The male cringed.
" She slaughtered our families!" someone else exclaimed from the crowd, fear was clearly heard in that voice
Cynder hissed, the grip around her shoulders was really strong.
Spyro roared at the sky wrathfully " SHE COULDN'T CONTROL HERSELF! How long you need to realize this? She isn't to blame for all this deaths, are you so blind that you don't see that she has changed and tries to redeem herself for actions, that she couldn't even prevent from happening?! THIS IS WHAT GOOD PEOPLE DO!"
" Brill said that she would resist the corruption if she was truly good!" someone else yelled from the crowd
Spyro's eyes flared up with murderous flames " BRILL IS A PARANOID ASSHOLE!" he roared furiously
Cynder groaned, her friend's claws were sinking into her scales " Spyro it hurts!" she mumbled quietly, still not fully recovered from the paralysis
" You can't compare him to Lightbane! Brill is not a killer!" someone else exclaimed indignantly
" Spyro please!" Cynder muttered pleadingly from below and raised her eyes on the legs that were hurting her.
She gasped. The paws no longer belonged to her purple friend.
They were black.
" This is exactly what Brill was talking about!" another voice was heard " She has a bad influence on you, she is turning you against us. You fight for good!"
Blood was trickling down her sides, an obvious sign that Spyro's claws were tearing through her flesh. The black taint was now slowly reaching the middle of his legs. People didn't notice it now, but they soon will if she won't do anything. And judging from his words it won't be long until the corruption will overcome him with one final push.
" You haven't lost anyone to her evil schemes, we have all the right to blame her!" again someone protested
" But-"
Only many shocked gasps were given as a response.
Spyro's eyes narrowed, the color in his eyes was fading away, just to be replaced by ominous cold whiteness " In fact I'll think I do it ri-"
The most surprising, scary yet very familiar shriek rang inside his head and cut him off in an instant. His muscles tensed, his heart sped up to an uncontrollable fast pace, and he began to emit wavering pants.
A strange very familiar sense of overpowering raw fear.
He impulsively looked down, Cynder no longer was in his paws, the only thing that remained was the blood on his claws and tiny shreds of black scales. Further below he spotted a black shape falling down, the red wings fluttered in the air uncoordinated.
Spyro shook of the forced fear momentarily and dived after his friend.
He has never flown so fast before, her seemingly unconscious shape was quickly growing until it eventually occupied almost his whole field of vision.
He extended his paws to catch her, but then her eyes snapped open suddenly together with her wings, and it was her who grabbed his paws.
Spyro let out a gasp of surprise.
Cynder examined his paws carefully, they were purple again.
" W-what is going on?" the purple dragon mumbled dumbfounded
She put more strength into the grip around his legs.
" You were going dark" she said bluntly
" What?"
" Dark Spyro was wakening up" she furrowed her brows " How come you didn't feel a thing?"
With a shake of his head the dragon withdrew his paws allowing Cynder to adopt a more comfortable position in the air.
He looked at the ground below " I was so mad at them...I still am. When they attacked you I just snapped and threw myself at them. When I saw that they wanted to kill you...I just..." he shook his head
" Doesn't matter now, you didn't kill them, meaning that you still clung to your true self in that anger. Do not let go"
Spyro aimed his eyes at the formation of dragons above " I feel the blood boiling in my veins just by looking at them"
" I know a thing or two about fighting against the odds" she rubbed his shoulder caringly " You need to go there and challenge that anger, bottling it up is not an option. You need to show Dick Spyro who's boss"
" They hate you so much...and it pisses me off"
" Then tell them what we came here to do, tell them where the real enemy is, at the moment at least. They can thrash me around later"
" Cynder..."
" Do it. Only you can convince them"
Spyro stared at the group of dragons for a while and sighed " No pressure then" and with that he raised towards the drakes
" What other lies she whispered in your ear?" a dragoness exclaimed the moment Spyro approached the group of dragons
A growl rumbled inside the purple dragon's throat, he could feel his blood pumping with sheer anger and wrath. These people are blinded by hate, and he felt that quiet echo inside him, telling him that he can punish them for all of this, the only thing he needs to do is to listen carefully.
Spyro shook his head fiercely.
" You are blinded Spyro not we! We discussed this and Capro is right. it is you who blindly defends her while ignoring the fact that your girlfriend provoked us! How would you react if somebody would insult Ignitus? You too know how much it hurts if someone so bluntly mocks your grief.
All these dark emotions were swirling inside his head, he couldn't really name them, they were just too many. They were focusing on those dragons ahead, on his brother, even on Cynder, there was no longer a sole antagonist, all of them were equally guilty.
" NO!" Spyro roared at the top of his lungs
The formation of dragons stirred.
" Listen to me!" the purple dragon continued quickly " We all are wrong, we all made mistakes here, and we all are equally guilty for all of this..."
" You-"
"...BUT!" Spyro raised his voice, cutting the voice of protest as a result " We all came her for the same reason, we all came here as an army, we all came here as ONE! And what do we do? We fight with each other! We all are sad and angry about the recent news, we all want revenge, but we cannot allow to unleash it on ourselves!"
" Warfang sent us here, because the people there knew that we can be trusted, they now that together we will crush the enemy that killed our friends and families in Boven!"
Spyro pointed his claw in the direction of the village " Because that's where our enemy is! We waste our valuable strength on ourselves while they are there cherishing their victory on top our friends bodies. You want vengeance? Punish them! It's our duty to avenge those people and let their spirits rest! It's our duty to show our enemies from what we are made of! It's our duty to PROTECT-THIS-LAND!"
At first there was silence, but then the sky was filled with motivated and determined roars. The dragon recognized the leader hiding behind the shy and scared facade of their savior. Today they would follow the purple dragon to the end of the world.
" LET'S MOVE!" Spyro roared
The soldiers obeyed, the sky was filled with the rumbling sound of many draconic throats. He observed the formation pushing forward, blood boiled inside his veins.
" Whoa" Cynder muttered truly amazed as she approached her friend " You really-"
Spyro swiftly turned towards her " What were you thinking!?" he growled right in her snout
She jerked her head back with her mouth hanging open in shock.
" What were you trying to achieve by provoking these people like that? You have a silent suicide wish or something? Because if that's the case then tell me! I really would like to know if I'm wasting my time here!"
" Hey slow down there general!" Cynder shouted indignantly " My words didn't change anything, the verdict was set the moment Sparx pointed his finger at me!"
" You can't play on people's feelings like that!"
" Come on! You know me, I just wanted to ruffle their feathers. I just need to tease, it's stronger than me"
" You don't belong in a united group with such attitude"
" Yeah?" she hissed angrily "Then maybe I should go my own way and leave you with your new buddies!"
" No. I'm not blind, some of them hate you so much that they don't care about anything else. They might follow you. No you're staying, you're safer with me"
Cynder scoffed " Safer? Really? Just look at me oh mighty protector!"
Spyro spun around " You deserved it" he replied coldly " Now move your whining ass" and with that he took of
The black dragoness growled " You dick!"
The anger faded from her snout in an instant.
Her eyes widened with sudden realization. This wasn't her friend, not truly. At first he wants to protect her and then says that she had it coming, his switching loyalties like used pairs of gloves. He is an emotional cyclone, and none of these emotions are noble. Dark Spyro is knocking at the door, and he only needs a worthless excuse to kick them open.
She has to watch herself, she is also the target of that black dragon, if she somehow provokes him then that would be the last thing she'll do in her life. The dragons are like sitting ducks, not aware of the danger, telling them about Dark Spyro would not also betray what Spyro is hiding but also ruin the already fragile alliance between him and the drakes.
Cynder turned towards the flying formation of draconic shapes, in that crowd she spotted Capro's eyes watching her, the malachite dragon was currently whispering something with some other drakes. That sight was enough for her to tell that the upcoming battle will be bloody, because she just knew that when the conspiring dragons will make their move against her, they will find that the blood won't be only flowing from the bodies of Boven's attackers but also their own.
" I've got bad feelings about this" Sparx muttered anxiously while he hovered next to her
Cynder examined one of her black paws " You have no idea"