Nightmare (Hueroc/Ellora)

With an energetic mate and rambunctious hatchlings, such peace was a rare thing.


TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 2)

" will be ready to mate, and you might feel an urge to find a male to mate for no particular reason."

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My deer love

His mate himself was against the idea. he did not care. his mate had to heal and, making a gurney from branches, vines and leaves, he transported her to the human village.

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I'll Be Home Soon

Just a little while longer and this pillow would be replaced with his mate again. his dreams were chaotic and often too blurry to remember but tonight they were soft and reminiscent of his mate's body.

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Leader - (Kreet 96)

Then for the next month they would mate with the smartest male in the clan. that month became known as the month of smiles, because as it turned out the smartest male was also the most skilled at pleasing his mate - or in this case, mates.

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The Taming of Mitchell Anick, Episode 3.

Could he be referring to jonas, gods i hope not, i know that i'm desperate for a mate but there is no way on this earth that jonas would ever mate me.

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Character Bio's

Don't make him mad or harm his mate or friends. he is offten layed back and slow though.

A Dull Dragon - 6

Someone i could pretend i had mated with. and then another thought occurred to me. could a dragon actually mate with a human? it was such a bizarre thought that i almost shivered, but fortunately i managed to control myself.

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Epilog 3 - Lady Amalia

"the panther guardian, brujah, also found a mate this season." "brujah?" amalia said with a smile. "at last, after so much time alone i feared he might never find a mate." "this group was filled with special people, my lady," haley said with a bow.

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Jayfeather Sits on a Bee

Briarlight may not have been his mate, but she certainly helped make his life complete. after awhile, alderheart wandered into the den, "hello everyone, how are we doing?" with that, he plopped himself down.

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Kizoka The Dark Wolf's Adventure

" sorry i just wanted to mate with her" jon said " look jon i wont kill you if you do not try to mate with her unless she wants to there are other she-wolves around here jon" kizoka said calming down a bit.


A Child's Rage Chapter 5: Remembrance and Reflection

Camio watched as he ran, seeing the shadowed faces refusing to go down and help a stranger and a mated vixen. he knelt beside his mate and pulled her away from silver.

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