Kizoka The Dark Wolf's Adventure
Kizoka headed towards an old factory. He was a black wolf with a few strands of red and had gold eyes. He use to be a human named Phillip and was in love with another human named Melissa but Melissa could not remember him being human because the wolf goddess wiped her memories so it would be easier for Melissa when he had to leave. Kizoka was going to make things easier for Melissa and her new lover by killing the rouge wolf pack that was after them. He came up to the factory doors and charged in fighting off rouge wolves right away. He fought all the way to the upper part of the factory and after killing all the rouges he walked into the leaders room.
" well well if it isent the mutt who betrays his own kind to protect humans, how pitiful" a pure black wolf said looking at kizoka.
" I haven't always been a wolf" kizoka growled.
"It dose not matter when you become a wolf you are to be loyal to your kind or be killed" the black wolf snapped back.
" then ill just have to kill you first" kizoka said and lunged at him
Kizoka and the black wolf fought for a long while till kizoka injured the black wolf near death. As the black wolf laid there he looked at kizoka and chuckled.
" well one thing i know is that if i die you dieing with me" he said then shook and a remote control with a red button fell out of his fur.
"shit!" kizoka growled then ran for the window.
just as the black wolf pressed the button with his paw kizoka jumped out the window the factory exploded. Kizoka hit the ground hard and slid. He stood up and headed back to the house where Melissa and her lover and him were staying. When kizoka came in he saw Melissa and her lover sharing a passionate kiss, he was heartbroken. He went into a room what used to be his old bedroom when he was a human and let out a small howl of sadness. Kizoka looked out the window then called out for the wolf goddess and she appeared.
"yes kizoka what is it?" she asked in her gental tone.
" i want my memories erased all of them" kizoka said
"are you sure kizoka thats a big choice" she said
" yes now please just do it." he said
"alright as you wish" she said then waved her hand, he went out cold.
The wolf goddess teleported him to a forest with all his memories wiped.
Chapter 1
Kizoka woke up a few hours later and looked around.
"Where am I, I cant remember anything" he thought to himself.
It was starting to get dark and he knew he needed to find shelter. He saw a cave not far from where he was and started walking towards it. As soon as he walked in he heard a growl.
"who are you and what are you doing in my cave" the growl said
kizoka looked around the spotted a female wolf. He was amazed by her beauty she was a white wolf with strands of blue and she had blue eyes.
" i am kizoka im sorry i dident mean to intrude into your cave im just looking for a place to stay" kizoka said
"you arnt part of a pack?" the white wolf asked.
" no i dont think so i cant remember anything from my past" he replyed.
the female wolf wasent intirely sure to let him stay or not but then decided it would be fine.
" sorry for being so hostile eralyer i just had to make sure you wernt part of a pack, if any other males knew that a she-wolf ran this cave they would all try to take it over" she said
kizoka came in following the she-wolf
"its fine i understand thanks for letting me stay uh... i dont think i ever cought your name" he said
"im berry" she said then laid down.
"nice you meet you berry" kizoka said and liad down a ways away from her.
"well kizoka you better her some sleep its not safe to be out at night" she said
"alright thanks again for letting me stay" he said drifting off to sleep.
berry looked at him with a smile then went to sleep herself.
Chapter 2
The next morning when kizoka woke up berry was no where to be seen so he deiced to catch a little more sleep. He started to have a nightmare. He was back at the factory but it was very dark and misty. kizoka walked forward a little bit and saw melissa but she looked different. she had fangs and when she spotted him her eyes turned red and she dissapeared.
"where did she go" kizoka said looking around
suddenly he was pinned agents the wall by his neck and she was in front of him. Her claw grew and she raised her other hand and lunged it at his chest. kizoka woke up breathing heavily. he looked down and saw some meat in front of him then berry walked in.
"glad to see your awake" she said with a smile.
"thanks" he said then started eating the meat.
"so kizoka can you remember a little bit from your past" she asked gently
kizoka's ears went down a little and he looked a bit sad " no but i wish i could so i could know about my past" he said
"well hurry and finish your meat and ill show you around the forest" she said
kizoka finished his meat then got up and followed berry out of the cave.She showed him around the forest and the best places to hunt, where other wolves territory's were, and a lot of other things.
"so kizoka what do you think of this place isent it beautiful" berry asked at the last place.
kizoka wasent looking at the forest he was looking at her in the sunset.
"yes" kizoka said
berry looked at him looking at her and kizoka looked quickly out at the forest
"very beautiful" he said
"well we better get back to the cave its almost sundown" she said starting to walk back
kizoka followed. berry laid down and kizoka laid a ways away from her and set his head down and started to nod off.
"good night kizoka" berry said
"good night berry" kizoka said back and went to sleep.
Chapter 3
The next morning berry was standing at the mouth of the cave when kizoka woke.
"good morning berry" he said standing up
"good morning kizoka" berry said turning around smiling at him.
As berry was looking at him a grey wolf ran up behind berry and bit her neck and it made her freeze up and fall on the ground.
"hello my mate" the greay wolf said with a grin.
kizoka did not care who this wolf was or where he came from and this wolf was much lager than him, but he lunged at him and knocked him off berry and stood in front of her.
"what are you doing here with my mate" the gray wolf growled.
"im not your mate" berry said snapping out of it and standing up.
"yes you are and if you dont want to i will make you" the gray wolf said and took a step forward.
Kizoka snapped at him warning him to back off
"if she dosent want to be your mate then she wont now if you value your life you will leave" he growled
"you will be mine one day berry" the gray wolf said then took off.
"you dident have to defend me you know" berry said
" i know but i wanted to no wolf should be forced to be a mate" kizoka said "so who was he anyway?"
"his name is jon, him and i were cub-hood friends but, then he changed he got meaner and more forceful and he has been trying to mate with me sence then" berry explained.
"hmmmmm well from now on we should stay with eachother every where so he cant get your neck again" kizoka said.
berry nodded and they both left to go hunt.
Chapter 4
Things went smoothly for the next few days. kizoka and berry stayed together and they saw no sign of jon anywere. One morning berry woke up and saw kizoka asleep at the mouth of the cave.
"wow he must have kept watch all night" she thought to herself "well i dont want to wake him and im sure ill be fine on my own for today to hunt ill let him sleep" she thought then got up and walked around him and out of the cave.
While she was hunting she spotted a deer. she took off after it and cought it but, then jon came up behind her and bit her neck and she froze and went out cold. Jon started to drag her back to his cave
"if this is the only way to mate with her so be it" he said
kizoka woke up and stood up quickly he could feel something was wrong with berry. Over the days kizoka and berry developed a mental connection if one was in trouble the other would feel it. kizoka ran out of the cave following berry's scent. he got to the deer she killed then smelled another scent and bared his teeth
"jon" he said with anger in his voice and took off following the scent.
jon had just gotten berry to his cave and laid her down. He looked at her and started to head behind her and was about to mate her her but kizoka came in and lundged at him theeth bared and pinned him down. jon had fear struck into him he could see pure anger in kizoka's eyes.
"you!!! i told you to keep you distance or i would kill you" kizoka growled.
" sorry i just wanted to mate with her" jon said
" look jon i wont kill you if you do not try to mate with her unless she wants to there are other she-wolves around here jon" kizoka said calming down a bit.
jon took a bit to answer but finnaly did "fine i wont force her" he said
"good" kizoka said letting him up "now one more thing if you step foot near our cave without our permission i will kill you" he said putting berry on his back
"alright" jon said and went to the back of his cave.
kizoka took berry back to their cave and she woke up a few minitues later. she lifted her head and up and looked around and saw kizoka
"what happend i remember hunting then my neck being bittin then nothing" she said
"jon came after you again and almost mated with you but i stopped him and almost killed him but now he wont come after you anymore i scared the wolf to where he aplogized" he said
"thank you kizoka" berry said then gave him a small lick "kizoka can i ask you somthing" she said felling a strange unknown feeling inside her.
"sure ask away" he said.
"why did you come to save me it had to of been more than just the fact that im your friend" she said
"well... to be honest berry i love you" kizoka said
"what is this feeling you call love because i feel something for you too but i dont know what it is" berry replyed
see sence kizoka was origanly human he konws what love feels like but in the wolf world love is not known only the want for a mate.
"well love is like the feeling of wanting someone as more than a mate, a companion someone you want to spent the rest of your life with." kizoka explained
" well im glad you explained that to me kizoka because i love you too" berry said smiling
"really ?" kizoka said wagging his tail.
"yes kizoka" she said and kicked him "and kizoka"
"yes?" he said giving her a lick back.
"i want us to have pups" she said
"tonight" he asked
she nodded
"alright" kizoka said
"really you dont mind" she said her eyes lighting up.
"no i dont i want pups and i was hoping you would be the mother of them" he said
she licked him then walked to the back of the cave kizoka following her
Chapter 5
The next morning kizoka woke up and looked at berry
"did last night really happen" he thought
berry woke up a few minitues later and kizoka smiled and licked her
"good morning berry" he said
"good morning kizoka how did you sleep" she asked
"great now that im next to you" he replied
she smiled and licked him
"we should probly go and hunt im hungry" she said
"i am too lets go" he said standing up
berry stood up as well and they walked to the hunting grounds together. Kizoka and Berry both felt something was out of place. when they got to the hunting grounds kizoka stared in horror and Berry nuzzled her face into his neck. In the hunting grounds there were hundreds of dead wolves all over the place.
"what could have done this" kizoka said
"this is terrible all theses poor wolves" berry said.
Kizoka spotted some humans walking out of the forest.
"humans" kizoka growled "we need to leave this place its not safe"
"but where will we go" Berry asked.
"i don't know my love but we must leave if we go over the mountains we should be safe" kizoka said
"ok love ill follow you where ever you go" Berry said and nuzzled agenst him.
There was a whine among the wolf bodies. Kizoka and Berry went around following the wine and found jon injured.
"kizoka we cant just leave him here to die" Berry said
"but how do we know we can trust him if we bring him along" kizoka said
"we don't but its not right to just leave him here to die" she replied
kizoka growled a little but gave in "ok we will take him but im watching him closely" he said.
He picked jon up and put him on his back
"lets go we need to leave" kizoka said
"right" berry said
they both took off towards the mountains kizoka carrying jon on his back
Chapter 6
By mid-day the three were at the base of the moutains.
"lets stop here to rest we can start up the moutains tommrow" kizoka said and set jon down
"ok love thats a good idea, save our strenghth so we can travil up the moutains" berry said with a smile.
"hey....kizoka, berry thanks for not leaving me back there to die" jon said
"your welcome jon in these times wolves need to stick together" berry said.
kizoka still wasent sure about him he was pretty sure that he got his message thru but still watched him closely.Suddenly there was a rustel in the bushes. Kizoka and Berry turned towards the bushes and growled. A tan she-wolf stepped out and berry stopped growling then ran up to her.
"serena!!!" berry yipped.
"Berry!!!" serena yipped back
they started to jump around tails wagging.
"i havent seen you sence we were pups" berry said "where have you been"
"ive been traviling from land to land when i heard your land was attacked by humans I came back and searched for you then I picked up your scent and followed it" serena answered
"well im glad you found me let me introduce you" berry said and they walked over to kizoka and jon.
"you remember jon from our puphood" berry said
" good to see you again jon" serena said
jon looked a bit hipnotized by serena
"good to see you again too serena" he said
"and this handsome wolf" berry said and nuzzled up next to kizoka "is my loving companion kizoka"
serena yipped happly
"you found yourself a companion and a handsome one at that" she said
"yep well serena lets go lay down over there and catch up" berry said
they moved a ways away from jon and kizoka and started talking. jon was still staring at serena.
"hey jon you ok" kizoka asked
jon snapped out of it
"huh yea im fine its just she grew up to be so beautiful" he said.
"then tell her dont keep it a secret tell her" kizoka said
"but what if she dosent feel the sameway as i do" jon said
"well you will never know if you dont ask just do it" kizoka said.
berry and serena got up and started walking back towards them. Kizoka led berry away and they laid down watching from a distance. Jon was neverious to say anthing but then got the courage.
"hey serena" he said.
"yea" she replyed laying down next to him
"i dont know a word for this so i'll explain it, I have this feeling like i want you more than juat as a mate i want to spend my whole life with you" he said looking at the ground waiting for a reply
"well from what you said it sounds like what berry explained to be love and i feel the same way about you" she replyed
"you do?" jon said looking up.
"i always have sence we were pups but you wanted berry as a mate so i never said anything" serena said.
"im sorry serena i wish i would have noticed" he said.
"is ok jon" she said
"i love you serena" he said and gave her a lick.
" i love you too" she replyed and licked him back
Kizoka and berry looked at eachother and berry gave him a small like and leaned on him. Night came and serena fell asleep next to jon and berry fell asleep next to kizoka.
Chapter 7
The next morning kizoka was the first one up. He got up and walked off to find food for the rest of the pack. He spotted a deer and chased after it and jumpped on it and killed it. He drug it back to the pack. When he got back the others were awake.
He dropped the deer "heres our breakfast, we must hurry and eat the humans are drawing near" kizoka said.
The pack ate the deer then got ready to leave. Kizoka was about to put jon on his back.
"no i'm ok kizoka" jon said standing up.
"are you sure jon" kizoka asked.
"yea ill be fine lets go" jon said.
The pack nodded and started up the moutains. They traviled all day moving very fast. By evening they reached the snow line.
"we need to find shelter its getting dark and will be very cold soon" kizoka said.
The pack nodded and looked around for shelter. Soon it grew dark and they still found no shelter.
"kizoka we need to find somewhere and fast" berry said.
kizoka thought hard "lets go i think theres a cave a little way father up."
They all headed up the moutain. They all wanted to lay down and go to sleep they were tired from the trip. Serena was getting very tired and she laid down and jon stopped.
"come on serena you can make it" jon said
"I think im done jon im so tired i cant move" serena said
Kizoka came over to them
"jon pick her up and put her on your back" kizoka said.
Jon nodded and put serena on his back. They traveled for hours more and finally came to a cave. The pack went in the cave and they all just collapsed from the trip. Berry was laying next to kizoka and serena was next to jon across from them.
"this has been one hard day" berry said
"yea but we made it, I think we will skip traveling tomorrow we should be safe taking a day off" kizoka said
"good" serena said
The wind started to pick up outside and it was snowing
"it wouldent be safe anyway" serena said
"sounds like we got here just in time as well sounds like a blizzard out there" jon said
"well everyone get some sleep we had a long day, tomorrow we will go look off the moutain to see how far we are away from the humans" kizoka said
The others nodded and went to sleep. Kizoka looked out of the mouth of the cave he couldent help but feel as if they were being watched but, he shook it off and put his head down and went to sleep. No one in the pack knew that in fact they were being watched from above.
Chapter 8
The next day when the pack woke up they all went to go see how far away they had gotten from the humans and the old lands. They were amazed as to how far they had gotten. They could see all of the old land and what would take hours or days to travel to from the old lands.
"wow we traveled so far from the old land" berry said
"yea we have" kizoka said then turned around and looked up the mountain "we are almost to the top as well"
The pack looked up the mountains. They were just hours away from the top.
"it should be an easy trip tomorrow then" jon said.
The others nodded and they all headed back to the cave. When they got back to the cave there was a small glow coming from the back of the cave then they heard a voice.
"come my children do not be afraid" the voice said
In the back of the cave there was a pure white wolf with gold eyes floating above the ground and had a glow.
"who are you" kizoka asked looking at her.
"why kizoka you do not remember me....ah yes i remember i erased your memories" the wolf said.
"you what?!" kizoka growled showing his teeth
"calm yourself my child for i am Accalia the wolf goddess and you asked me to erase your memory" Accalia said "come all of you look in to the water and you shall see."
Images showed on the water. The pack stood there seeing Kizoka's past. They saw from when he was human, when he fought the evil pure black wolf and him asking to have his memory erased. Kizoka sat down.
"so that was all my im actually a human" he said looking down
"no you are not you were a human you are now a wolf" accalia said
"but i was human" kizoka said then looked at berry "how can you love a wolf who used to be a human"
berry looked softly at him and gave him a lick "kizoka i love you for who you are not for what you were" she said
kizoka wagged his tail slightly.
"yea kizoka your a wolf now look at you your the leader of a pack." serena said
"dosent matter that you were human in fact probably makes you stronger you know how humans are you can predict their movements and on top of that you thought the three of us a new feeling" jon said
kizoka looked at his pack then at himself in the water "your all right it dosent matter that i was a human i am a wolf now i have two great friends and a beautiful companion im happy as a wolf" he said and wagged his tail then held his muzzle high.
accalia smiled "im glad to see your happy kizoka now listen to me all of you, you four are the only ones that can stop this massacre you must find the human that kizoka was in love with and he must talk with her. Somehow she got her memories back but its been altered. She thinks that wolves killed you and she wants her revenge on them. All of you must go back to the old land and travel to the town outside of the forest once there you must all protect eachother. The humans will come after you but ignore them run straight for the red house and there you will find her." she said
The pack did not hesitate and did not ask questions they just wanted to save wolf kind. Before leaving the cave kizoka stopped at the mouth of the cave and looked back "thank you" he said then took off down the mountain. accalia smiled at the back of the cave then she faded out and was no longer there.
Chapter 9
The pack went full speed down the moutain and reached the old lands within a few hours then headed towards the town.
"alright you guys get ready we are going to end this once and for all" kizoka said.
Berry nodded she loved the way he was right now the look of determanation in his eyes and the sound of it in his voice
"we will" jon said and looked at serena and gave her a lick and she gave one back.
"alright lets go" kizoka said
The pack ran through town. The humans in the town all grabbed pitch forks and wepons of all sorts to try to stop them.
"stop them they are heading towards the boss's house" one of the humans yelled.
Kizoka was almost to the house when the humans surrouded serena, jon, and berry. Kizoka stopped and turned around and started to run back.
"kizoka no we will be fine go and talk to the leader if you die then this madness will never stop" Berry called.
Kizoka stood there looking back and fourth trying to choose what to do. Kizoka saw a pitchfork go up and aiming for berry. Kizoka ran towards the human with the pitchfork and knocked him flat then went in front of his pack.
"get back!" he growled and the humans backed up.
"it talked!" one of the humans said.
"damn right i talk now i want to see your leader now!" kizoka growled
"and why should we let you see our leader" another human said.
Kizoka bared his teeth at him
"because im the one she thinks is dead" kizoka growled.
The humans all mumbled then went and got there leader. The leader walked up and saw the pack.
"what! wolves why is no on killing them" she said.
"melissa!" kizoka growled
Melissa looked at kizoka with amazement she reconized his voice anywere. She ran up to him and hugged him around his neck.
"Phillip is it really you" melissa said eyes tearing up.
"yes it is" kizoka said
"what happend to you" melissa asked
Kizoka sat down and explained everything that had happend how he asked to have his memories whipped, met berry, climbed up the moutain, and came to town.
"well phill.....I mean kizoka" melissa said smiling "you and your pack are welcome anytime in this town.
Kizoka wagged his tail and licked her on the cheek.
"i will miss you kizoka" melissa said.
"ill miss you too melissa come and visit us in our cave sometime" kizoka said
melissa nodded.
The pack turned around the headed back into the forest.
Chapter 10
Years went by and kizoka and berry had two pups. A she-wolf and a he-wolf. They were fully grown now. Jon and Serena had one pup a he-wolf fully grown as well. Melissa came to see the pack everyday and eventually could hear all of them talking. She wold stay hours with them and talked with them and brought them food if game was scarce. The humans and the wolves lived in peace ever sense that day the pack went to the village. Eventually the she- wolf of kizoka and berry fell in love with the he-wolf from jon and serena and the other wolf found a companion as well. The feeling of love spread through wolf nature for the rest of life and the wolves and humans lived in peace for the rest of life as well.
The End.