S2 Ep4 Trouble is brewing
Six ladies appearing in the shadows of a conference room are watching the feed of the destruction from a helicopter. "so... those are the destroyers of our work, our parents are not going to like this" one lady said.
The Lord of the Manor - Chapter 2
"my wife you have not yet met, this is lady victoria, formerly of house turen, the 'lady'..." he seemed to say that particular word slowly, as if to just emphasize his sarcasm at the title.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 30: Deceiving Your Allies To Deceive Your Enemies
lady ursa? rhinox? it came to my realization this morning, my community and my family was facing our own extinction.
Words Unspoken - SHORT STORY
"i'm told you have still not selected a lady to court."
Daemon - Chapter 16 (Tanjarr)
"it is good to see you again lady maiyuri." "hey!" she elbowed him in the side. "how many times have i told you jovani!? you can call me mai!" "it is good to see you lady mai." "good enough!" she huffed with a smile.
Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 1
The young lady placed her knuckle against the glass, "aren't you tucker?" i held my head back and looked between the two. the older lady chuckled, "you're naming him?" "i figured it's better than calling him hawk while he's here.
"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part E
For the second time in a few minutes, i had to fight down the urge to use language not fit for the ears of the lady.
Bentley's Peace: I
Schützer bowed again, but this only produced a shriek of outrage from lady ffox. "he's from the prisoner of war camp!
What, a dog isn't a pokemon? chapter one
A young lady dressed in a white top and red skirt asked. "no i'm not." dairu said. "tats too bad i was wanting to battle." the lady announced and then pointing, "how about you battle with that pokemon." "who sunday?"
A holographic picture of lady sakura's face appeared above the amulet. "hikarume? you're safe! i'm so happy, did you find kage? oh let me see my big boy!" lady sakura exclaimed with immeasurable happiness. "hi... mom?"
A Simple Farm Girl
"because you ladies always talk about random things i don't care about, it's very rare you have a conversation i can even give a crap about" "well if you give a crap, what's your input?"
Rebirth ch31
lady suicune asked finally. mother mew stopped playing with her braid, let the braid fall to her lap, then looked up to the sky. '_one of my precious children have been taken from me_.'