A Simple Farm Girl

Story by DNide4Evr on SoFurry

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A Simple Farm Girl

She yawned, she was rather tired and sitting in the rather comfy chair wasn't helping. Bessie had spent all mourning moving hale bales here and there at her daddy's request and now, with the suction cups hooked up to her breasts for her daily milking with all the other bovine females that worked on the farm, she began to fall asleep because of it.

Of course she could gossip with the other ladies, about boys, fashion, or fads. But she held no interest in any of it. She wasn't a girly girl, she never had been, so she kept her distance, keeping her business in her stall. Letting them converse although they did try. Maybell the rather chucky female in the stall next to her's leaned her head over the side,

"How about you Bessie? What do you think?", Bessie glanced up and looked at her,

"About what?"

"What else? The war"

"Why are you talking war?" "Because Abigale's husband was just shipped out, weren't you listening?"


"You weren't interested one bit?" "No"

"Why?" "Because you ladies always talk about random things I don't care about, it's very rare you have a conversation I can even give a crap about" "Well if you give a crap, what's your input?"

"Well, we are over there for a good reason, can't let drug lords run South America, so Abigale should be proud of her husband fighting for our own country's freedom from drugs"

"Well personally" she sat back relaxing in her own chair though she kept speaking, "We don't need to be there, we should've just beefed up our border patrol"

"Well to bad we choose war then isn't it" "Why always so snippy Bessie, just giving opinions"

"Because all you ladies do is talk, all day, you sit there and do nothing, most of you don't even vote, your opinions actually, believe it or not, matter about as much as the fly I swatted off my nose earlier today", Maybell looked at Bessie, shocked a bit, though she expected it a little, so she just sighed, shook her head and talked to Laurie, the female next to her on the other side.

Bessie decided she'd had enough for that day, no more debates, it was coming to a time she wouldn't have to deal with them anyway. She stood, unhooking herself and hanging up the pumps, someone else took care of the milk she produced, like every female bovine of her age. Her top half was bare for the moment, her pink teats contrasted on her brown hide as she hid them underneath her pink bra then slipped her white t-shirt over that, tucking it into her blue jeans, careful not to accidently push down her pink panties. Lastly she replaced the pink sparkling cowbell she wore around her neck.

She stretched and opened the stall, stepping out she headed outside the barn quickly. Which she still could, unlike most bovines she was weight conscious, keeping her weight down to a manageable 210 lbs. Unlike the ladies in the barn whom were all in her mind, obese, she was thin for a cow. Her tail flicked behind her as she walked up to the large white ranch house. The front door open, though the screen closed, Bessie heads right in.

Her father wasn't in from the fields yet and her mother was most certainly in the barn, so she wandered into the kitchen and opened up the fridge. Grabbing an apple she head's upstairs, wandering into her room she closes the door behind herself. Heading over to her bed, draped with a white blanket and pillows and big stuffed teddy, she laid down and turned out the tv, it was on the military channel as always. She enjoyed this kind of stuff and it may actually come in use in her future now. She reached over and grabbed the letter that sat on her stand, opening and reading it,

"Dear Bessie,

Thank you for enlisting with United States Army. You are to report to your recruitment station at 0700 hours on Tuesday January 1st."

It was short and to the point, not even a full piece of paper was used but then again, she'd already received all the other information and had prepared for this, January 1st was around a week away, she had told everyone she was leaving and was ready for this. Setting the letter back down she closed her eyes, and let herself fall asleep listening to the tv.