Rebirth ch31

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#32 of Rebirth



Ch. 31


Lady Suicune dashed through the trees, nimbly dodging the trees that would come into the line of her path as if the way was traveled several times in the past. The other regular Pokemon in the area had given her a rough idea as to the whereabouts of Mother Mew and how long it might take her to reach her home. Though they did warn her that any Pokemon foolish enough to venture into her territory would be mentally attacked by her superior psychic abilities, then when they were on the verge of collapse, they'd be thrown out of the immediate area and would be seen shooting off into the distance like that of a shooting star. This surprised her, maybe even frightened her a little, as to hear how much Mother Mew had changed since the last time she'd seen her. She'd been such a playful sort back then, always up for a game of tag or other such fun games when she was younger.

Though before she could think about the last time she'd had met Mother Mew, her thoughts wavered on back to her knight. A mental image of him squaring off with his elbow blades already extended, against an unknown trainer and his Pokemon quickly flashed through her mind. 'He is going to be taking on this heartless trainer, alone, in attempts to retrieve Mother Mew's child from him. If he is right in thinking that that trainer has captured Mother Mew's child, I hope that he gives him an even worse thrashing than he did of that girl who owned Trisha.' She didn't give it much more thought but a small pang of worry still tugged at her heart at the thought of her knight not being at her side. Ever since he stepped into her life, she, comforted, maybe even...loved.

This pang made her slip slightly when her paw tangled up in an exposed root she hadn't noticed in her revery, making her stumble for a moment before recovering her footing and continue on her way. 'That was graceful,' She scorned herself for a moment. 'I'm sure that if either Genii or Trisha had seen me stumble over a simple root like that, they would be laughing on the ground in their mirth.' Shaking her head a bit, which cast a slight sparkle around the area as her horn caught a few rays of light coming down through the leaves of the canopy as well as the shards of her beloved knights dawn stone that was braided into her hair, she brought her focus back to the task at hand and continued to dash towards her destination.

Once she neared the sight that the other Pokemon had described, she began to slow her run to that of a simple walk and began to focus upon the surrounding area. Just like her kind, she'd traveled a great distance in a short amount of time and had eaten away the miles that would've taken a normal Pokemon at least a week or more to traverse. 'I don't think I've been here before. Could Mother Mew really have a home in this area?' She asked herself as she continued to look about the wooded area. The area was very lush and green with the look of a very healthy forest and even had the look of being just in spring, though through all that their were subliminal signs of her rage as branches in the upper parts of the trees were violently snapped off as if something had shot out from somewhere and collided with at high speed. Her walking finally led her to a large waterfall that came off a large cliff and emptied into a large water bowl before her. It was like something out of a dream as a slight rainbow began to take shape or emerge from the waters spray, but that dream was shattered when she felt an overbearing sense of sadness coming from it.

Ever so slowly she began to walk forward, taking careful steps as if the slightest carelessness in one of her steps would awaken or draw unwanted attention to herself, or anger Mother Mew at someone trespassing on her territory while she was in such an unstable state of mind. 'I'm beginning to wonder if coming here without Genii was such a good idea. I would feel a lot better with him by my side,' she thought as another pang a longing tugged at her heart. Finally she made it down to the water/pool's edge and began to look about for the source of the grief, but for the life of her she couldn't actually pin it down. It was like the sadness was coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once. That was until she remembered the games that Mother Mew had played with her.

It all seemed like yesterday to her as she had been rescued by Mother Mew and helped to overcome the loss of her own mother. She would often take her on trips to that of fowled water to teach her about her natural gift of purifying water, as well as long games of tag to show her how fast she could run. Though all that was pushed aside as she remember her most favorite place to hide when they were playing hide and seek. So ever so slowly she began to move/walk around the pool of water, skirting it's edge, and towards the waterfall. Once she'd reached the waterfall's edge, the feeling of sadness nearly overpowered her and she desperately fought down the urge to recall that these feelings were not her own. Finally she reached the back of the waterfall and found what she was searching for.

'I thought as much.' Looking in the shadows of that of the waterfall, that twinkled lightly by the sun passing through the cascading waterfall, did a small hole in the bedrock show itself. Slowly taking a long breath to steady her nerve and somewhere deep down she said a mental prayer for her knight to give her strength for this, she called out, 'Mother Mew, it is I, Suicune. Please come out and talk with me.' Her voice didn't sound as loud as she thought it would be over the sound of the crashing water from the falls beside her. Though before another thought crossed her mind as to thinking to try again, her mind was quickly bombarded by a psychic force so strong that she thought her skull would split in two.

'WHO DARES TO DISTURB THE MIGHTY MEW!' The voice shouted in her mind, seeming to reverberate within her skull as if bouncing of the inside of her skull.

Suicune braced herself for another psychic blast to that of her mind and then be thrown to the far reaches of somewhere, though she awaited for that outcome to commence, it never came. Slowly relaxing her muscles from their spring like position, she slowly opened one eye to look down at the hole.

'Wait a moment. I know this mind...' The voice was like that of a young, confused, and curious child that'd just recognized the tone of a long lost favorite relative. After a few moments a small pink nose popped out from the small hole and began to sniff around. At first it would seem that the nose belonged to a Rattata, but that notion was quickly put aside as the small cat like face came next. The small face only looked about for a moment, then quickly looked up to meet the gaze of Suicune who looked down at the small cat like Pokemon and gave her a happy smile. The small light blue eyes that resembled that of the clearest sky, small pink fur that covered over all of her body, and a long tail that ended in some kind of ball. Though that was the typical form of that of a mew but unlike those she had a slight teardrop look to her eyes and prominent eyelashes at the far side of her eyes. 'Suicune? Is it really you?' She asked as she slowly pulled herself the rest of the way out of her hole and floated up to be level with her head.

'Mother...' Lady Suicune said, and just like Mew, tears began to leak down her face as well. Then like a shot, Mew quickly shot forward and en-wrapped her tiny arms around her head and hugged her head tight to her little form. Mother Mew stayed like that for quite a while as she continued to add to the already large tear streaks that predominated her tiny face.

A little while later found the two at the edge of the waterfall's bowl. Suicune was laying on her side with Mew slightly running her hands over Lady Suicune's decorated braid. Nothing much was said between the two for quite a while but the tension in the air was without a doubt, uncomfortable. Many things could be said, but it was one of those conversations that neither really wanted to start. 'Mother...why?' Lady Suicune asked finally.

Mother Mew stopped playing with her braid, let the braid fall to her lap, then looked up to the sky. 'One of my precious children have been taken from me.' She lightly raised up a paw and wiped a few tears away from her cheeks. 'A mother can not stand by when a child is taken from her. It is almost as if something precious has been taken from you and it is one of those things that you only get once in your life. If you were a mother you would...' There came another long pause as she turned to look at her out of the corner of her eye. 'I am sorry little one. I spoke without thinking.' She seemed to calm down at that, as if saying something that she knew would hurt someone else.

Lady Suicune brought around one of her white ribbon like tails and bushed against her lower stomach. 'It is alright Mother. I know. But you have to stop this. You are hurting others with what you are doing.' Thoughts of all the Pokemon that were in the forest, running for their lives as Mother Mew blasted the forest with some kind of fire attack that left nothing in it's wake.

Mew flew up and turned to her, a very angry expression on her face. 'I wont stop. I will never give up my search!' Tears leaked down her cheeks as she began to bawl a bit. 'Not until my precious child has been found or returned to me. All of my children are precious to me and I can not give up on even one of them before they are ready to live on their own.' Suicune could feel the depth of her mothers devotion in those words, and knew that if she too were to ever have the chance to have a little one of her own that she too might feel the same way.

'My lady....' A voice cried out from somewhere far away and directly hit Lady Suicune in her mind, making her jump to her feet in glee at hearing the familiar voice of her knight. 'I have succeeded in my task and will be with you shortly. Are you alright, have you made it safely to Mew, has she...' The voice faded off into the distance and she couldn't help but smile at not only hearing his voice but also knowing that he was alright.

'I am perfectly alright,' She thought back to him with a smile slowly spreading across her face. 'I am here with Mother Mew and talking with at the moment. She will be overjoyed to hear that you have rescued her child and are on your way to meet us.' Her smile slowly began to grow in size at the thought of her knight by her side and showing him off to Mother Mew. 'When do you believe that you will be able to meet up with us?'

'Soon. I have to make a quick stop off at the Pokemon Center to get healed up as well as a checkup on Mew's child, then I'll be with you shortly afterwords.' He said with a pleased tone that made Suicune think that he missed her just as much, or more so, than she did him. Though with that the link slowly closed and his voice faded off with a final word for her to take care and then he was gone.

With a happy little chuckle at the thought of her knight returning to her side and the thought of him missing her as much as she did him, she turned and nodded to Mother Mew. 'I have wonderful news mother. My knight has succeeded in finding the person who stole your child and is on his way back as we speak.' She told her and saw that Mother Mew's eyes go wide and then tears begin to leak down her face once again. Though these tears weren't in that of sadness, but ones of great glee.