A Day in the Woods
Kawheek wrapped his arms around his body, trying to stop the surges as they came faster, his clothing tearing in more places as the canopy above him moved closer, his height growing with his body.
The Gourmand
He pulled himself up off the couch and let out long groan as his body took his weight. his red scales sagged under his fat as he rose to his full ten foot height.
Axel the wolf
Now that he had his parts covered he grabbed his jeans to slip them on and finish covering his lower body, then he put on his shirt as well as his jacket.
Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 2 - Seperated
Replacing the cloth under his pillow, sieg climbed to his feet and walked over to his door, making certain that his pajama bottoms covered his ankles.
Swarm Front
Grunting, he tried again, pushing himself to his limits as his adrenalin rushed through his body but all he did was make his hips ache as his feet continued to change, the claws growing larger by the moment.
Swarm Front (TF, Zerg)
The asari shifted his weight from foot to foot, a shiver running through his body as his feathers ruffled out across his wings and tail.
A Day In The Woods by Theo Winters
Kawheek wrapped his arms around his body, trying to stop the surges as they came faster, his clothing tearing in more places as the canopy above him moved closer, his height growing with his body. without warning a new surge ran over his wings.
The Three Cubs - Part I
- heheheeheh... - he quickly shut his muzzle with one of his paws. his eyes barely hiding his contained giggle.
Leaving Home
Windy pulled his blue tee-shirt up over his head, pulling his long braid over his shoulder once he did. "what did dr. harris say?" windthor turned his upper body, allowing dr. hart access as the elk tugged on some latex gloves.
Fanboys Squirm the Best
his long, serpentine body was covered in purple scales. a large hood spread from the middle of his head, down his back, and disappeared just behind his shoulders.
Chapter 1: A dark start
Draven brought his paws above his head bringing the whip down with a sickening crack down upon louvel. his scowl turning into a look of disbelief as louvel turned his head to grab at the whip.
People I Know
The large feline crouched and dane wrapped his arms around his neck, clasping his fingers together against his back. his head rested on carlos's shoulder as he was hoisted up with a paw cupping his padded bottom.