The Three Cubs - Part I
Hiya, everybody. This is a story I've kinda written to myself (My first one, by the way), which then developed into a series of stories (That still need to be written ^.^;) about three cubs who.. ah well.. just read it on, if you dare. I'm not sure where I'm going to go with thlis series, but for now on there's no yiffing present. Those of you who appreciate tickling, or paws, or plots/scenes revolving around cubs are probably going to enjoy it, though. At least I hope so. I know I have.
- Hey Malcolm, could you bring me a glass of water ? Thank you. - The siberian tigress was sitting on a comfy chair as she observed the people in the living room. The never-ending chatting merged with the sound coming from the TV, as a mature fox watched the news, sobbing at the announcement that some shares he had invested in were going cheap.
Malcolm, the 31 year old panther, walked inside the kitchen to find his friend Edward squeezing some lemons.
Didn't think we'd be that sucessful.
Hey, free food and drinks.. how could they resist ? - Grinned the coyote, washing his paws on the sink before picking up a tray with some glasses and a pitcher full of lemonade.
I bet at times like these you don't really miss her, do you ?
Miss who ? - Replied Edward, giggling, as he left the kitchen.
Edward had started living with Malcolm a week ago. Him and his wife had just separated, and since Mal had a rather sizeable house for a single panther and his cub, he decided to move in with him and share the rent, bringing his son, Willian, along with the baggage.
They both worked in the same office, but almost the entire crew had been rotated with another branch in a nearby city. So they, along with two other employees, decided to throw a welcoming party. A large number of co-workers had showed up, and the party was already being considered a hit. People were chatting, getting to know eachother, telling jokes, it was a rather pleasant environment, that night.
Pleasant to them, adults, at least. Edward's son, Willian, a young, 11 year old coyote, wasn't really feeling at home. He liked that chatty atmosphere, but had quickly realized he had no chance there. Among football, and the latest gossips about who the boss was seeing, his efforts to be noticed were unfruitful, to say the least. He stared at the news on TV with a rather puzzled look on his face, just as his father walked in, announcing the lemonade and kneeling, leaving it on the coffee table while the guests hoorah-ed in appreciation.
- Dad - the little coyote called while poking his father's arm. He quickly turned his gaze to him. - Why's that man kneeling in front of the TV crying?
Edward turned his head and looked at the fox who was now sobbing over the news of a malfunctional lot of software. 'That's why I don't toy with the stock market' he thought, as he turned his attention back to his son.
Let's just say a good share of his money.. - He gazed at the fox again - ..was eaten by bugs.
Money-eating bugs ? - He raised an eyebrow as he thought about it for a while - We'd better get an extra can of bug spray, then.
His father smirked as he messed with the kid's hair.
- Don't worry, I'm sure those bugs won't bother us. Now why don't you go upstairs and watch TV with Sean ? Trust me, you don't want to be hanging down here when we run out of lemonade. Come on, up you go. - As Willian was beggining to walk away his father gently grabbed his tail - And, hey... - capturing his attention once again - Don't watch the news channel... - He tilted his head towards the whining fox and did a face that made the cub giggle, letting his tail go and getting up to talk with one of the guests as the lil' coyote climbed up the stairs.
- I will give you ten thousand dollars to take me to Paris. - mumbled the panther cub, as Jason Bourne repeated those same words on the movie.
Sean was Malcolm's kid. He was eight months younger than Willian, but being a panther he was slightly taller and bigger. Most would describe him as being 'fluffy', or at least fluffier than other panthers. He had an outgoing personality, and played lazy when the situation asked for it, just to be very energetic the next minute. Both, Malcolm and Edward kept two different jobs, so they weren't usually at home. But that didn't mean the cub couldn't take care of himself. He ordered pizza, washed the dishes, he liked to feel like he owned the place. His father's pride, he had gotten used to being home alone.
Willian poked his head inside the room, looking at the TV.
You don't want the police anymore than I do. - mumbled Sean again, lying on the couch with his paws behind his head.
Again ? - inquired Willian, more curious-sounding then he thought possible.
Oh - He stretched his neck a little to see Willian leaning on the jamb - Hi. Yeah, there's nothing else on.
The room was modest, but really comfy. They had two different sized sofas, very comfy, with soft arm rests and everything. One of Edward's contributions to the house. Also there were a couple of beenbag chairs lying around, on a fluffy white rug that covered the entire floor. And, of course, the television set, so that their parents could watch TV downstairs whenever they felt like it.
The young panther was dressed in his regular home outfit, which consisted of a sleeveless shirt, a pair of shorts and his socks. The shorts present only because of the little 'get together' happening downstairs. Sean didn't usually give them much credit for, like he always said, his shirt was long enough to cover his underwear.
The coyote walked in after taking off his tennis shoes and leaving them by the door, stepping on the soft rug wearing his usual pair of white cotton socks, that had nothing uncommon such as the panther cub's unusual pair: Grey, slightly long socks that seemed to slide off his calves and cluster around his ankles. Most of the time they seemed like they were asking to be pulled off.
Willian was wearing a dry-fit shirt that fit him well, and a pair of football shorts as he stared at the TV and watched the movie for a couple of seconds, until Sean spoke again:
- Now's the boring part. They talk.. talk.. talk... all the way to Paris - He said as he stretched himself, his footpaws barely reaching the opposite arm rest, and then back to the same position.
They haven't had spent much time together without counting that past week. They saw eachother once in a while when his parents met up, but that hadn't been enough to forge a friendship. A shy relationship began to grow after those seven days of living together, though nothing more than a glimpse of what they both wished they had. They liked eachother and were willing to become good friends, but they never managed to spend a long time together without eventually breaking up, each one going after their own interests.
Sean stayed there, lying on the couch with his arms bent behind his head, staring at the TV while Bourne tried to bond with his chaffeur, as Willian walked past him, standing beside his face and asking:
How long is the boring part exactly? - Frowning slightly with disappointment as the panther shook his head slowly in reply.
Too long - he replied closing his eyes, facing the ceiling. - But after that comes the best part! - He smiled faintly remembering the car chase sequence.
Ohh... - Willian mumbled as he turned around a bit to face the TV, leading his fluffy tail to accidentally brush up against Sean's underarm, causing the panther to giggle a little.
He-hey, that tickles! - He mentioned, causing the coyote to turn around and, again, wave his tail over the cub's ticklish spot. A faster stroke this time, that caused an even more blatant reaction - Cuh-hu-it o-hout - asked the panther while opening his eyes and gazing at the puzzled coyote, smiling, not even noticing himself involuntarily curling up a little.
Sean soon let his body rest as it was before, now smirking and pretending to watch the movie. Taking a couple of seconds before looking up to Willian's face, while inquiring, jokingly annoyed:
Well, could you move out of the way ?
Oh, sorry. Wait. I have to be careful with my tail. Don't want to risk tickling you again. - he replied with a playful, contended smile, as he waved his tail in front of Sean.
What are you talking about ? Tickling ? I'm not ticklish. - played along the
panther - Hmmph! - turning his head to the other side while also trying to hide a playful smile that now tried to take his muzzle.
Oh reeaally? - Countered the coyote, taking a slow step towards Sean's sofa, the panther barely holding back a giggle for the sillyness of the situation, while his long tail danced around in front of Willian. Sean just lay there as he felt his tail being grabbed by the cub's paw.
And what exactly do you plan on doing with that?
The answer didn't come in words, as the panther suddenly felt his own soft tailtip slowly being brushed up and down his underarm, forcing him to hold in a giggle. Even though it was just his own tail, and he knew it was there and even how it was moving, the cub's underarm was very sensitive, specially because the fur there was even shorter than in the rest of his body, causing that to be his most ticklish spot.
- What's the matter ? This wouldn't happen to tickle, wouuuld it? - enticed the coyote, now making circular moves around the spot. Sean could feel every little hair in contact with the other as he tried to remain cool. It didn't feel so bad, but he was indeed holding in a smile, hoping the coyote could just assume that wasn't working and give up.
He did notice, though, and started to move the dark-grey tip a little faster, always paying attention to the cub's face to see his reaction. Now starting to wiggle his head a bit, the panther showed signs that Willian was doing just fine. Though the feeling was now more ticklish, he remained calm, closing his eyes a little as if thinking that would tone down the tingly sensation. But as the coyote moved that tailtip faster, closing his eyes wasn't helping much anymore. It was about then that he felt that the tip brushing up against his weak spot began moving around more freely and in a random pattern. That instantly caused him to begin involuntarily wiggling the tail, creating an even more chaotic pattern which he couldn't really get a hold of.
Willian giggled a little as he noticed the panther was pretty much tickling itself, and all he had to do was hold that tail in place. Seeing how Sean was clearly having more trouble now, his muzzle twitching from time to time as the tickled cub tried to hide a smile, he decided this would be a good time to move on and tease him some more.
- Aww, look at the tough panther holding on. He's so braaaave. - With a smile of antecipation the cub reached out his left arm, doing something poor Sean didn't quite expect. - He deserves some belly rubs for that!
As he felt the coyote's paw on his shirt, he knew the situation had just gotten a little more complicated. First running his brown, soft paw slowly on the panther's tummy, Willian gave him just about enough time to worry about it, as he himself posed in delight and antecipation. While still moving his paw slowly on a circular pattern, he began wriggling his fingers, which quickly made Sean twitch and partially let out a faint of a giggle.
He continued on for a while, as the panther eventually let out a short 'purrr', causing the coyote to giggle at him, and almost causing him, himself, to run into a fit of giggles. That was slightly embarassing, but he didn't, nor couldn't worry about that and focus on resisting the tickle at the same time.
After some time, which, to the panther, was more than enough, Willian ran his paw down his side, making him twitch slightly, picking up his shirt on a wrinkle and running it between his fingers, feeling the fabric.
- That's such a nice shirt. And it fits you so well, since you're so skinny and all.
Sean had now managed to control the twitching of his tail, giving him seconds to reply to Willian, making an innocent mistake:
- Hey, I'm not skinny.
The coyote, noticing the tail wasn't in 'auto' mode anymore, began brushing it lightly again, as he replied to Sean's answer, smirking due to the fact it was exactly what he expected to hear:
Oh you're not ? - he inquired as he let go of the shirt and lightly poked the cub on the ribs a couple of times. This resulted in a couple of giggles as the panther jerked his body slightly away from the coyote's paw, but still trying to remain in place. - See ? I told you you were skinny. - he said again, smiling as he started to poke his sides, causing Sean to sink his head on the cushion and let out a muffled up series of giggles as he rolled a little in reflex, the coyote still poking at his side, slightly jamming his fingers, poking the cub's black sleeveless shirt right below the ribs and keeping him into a state of constant giggling, still muffled by the sofa's cushion.
Come on now, I know you can't wait to just have a gooood laugh. - That would've been easier if it weren't for Willian's constant teasing, which Sean actually found funny. Another more reason to laugh, another torture accessory to have to resist.
He stopped the tickling for a second and leaned over to try to peek at Sean's face, hiding on the cushion. The panther opened one of his eyes and glanced at his torturer for a second. - Oh, so there you were all this time! - He could spot a smile that was quickly withdrawn by his victim, who had just realized he never knew Willian could be this silly and funny.
The coyote used his left paw to poke the cub's right side a couple of times, and then alterning between right and left, which made him start wriggling his body around and would have caused him to break if it had not stopped soon. Opening his eyes and trying to relax for a second, Sean looked at Willian and mentioned, more timidly and with much less confidence than he had hoped for:
I won't give u-hup... - he barely managed to reply without giggling at the coyote's mischievous face.
Well, maybe I should move to a different area then. - He caught a glimpse of the panther's footpaws, his legs bent to help contain the tickling. Moving back to his place and slowly sliding his left paw through the couch all the way to the grey sock that, already a bit loose, almost uncovered the cub's ankle. Willian looked back at Sean, who had managed to notice the coyote's paws were dangerously going after his left sock.
Say, Mr. Tough Cat.. - He said as he let go of the panther's tail, laying it close to his side, letting the cub have a well deserved rest for a couple of seconds. - ..I suppose, since you're not ticklish.. - He used his now free right paw, gently picking up and holding Sean's left ankle up, just enough to rise it above the cushion - wouldn't mind me doing this... - moving his left paw, and slowly sliding off the loose grey sock, which didn't show much resistance. Within' seconds he had slid it all the way off, exposing the cub's soft dark-grey footpaw.
Sean tried to think of something to say, but the way Willian slid off his sock was almost hipnotic. Before he managed to come up with anything, the coyote had delicately downed his paw back on the cushion. His right paw barely holding the panther's, he gently caressed the grey footpaw, hoping that would tease the cub even more.
And it was working. The cub was expecting an instant tickling, but instead there was the coyote's paw, being run gently around his. Willian went on with that for a couple of seconds, feeling how soft the panther's hindpaw was, and how there was so little fur there. He was delaying his own fun, but to wonder how ticklish would the feeling be was, actually, just as fun as finding it out.
As he ran his paw down the panther's soles, he could feel his footpads. He couldn't tell which were softer, the pads or the actual fur on his footpaw. He decided that wasn't worth wondering about, since he'd at least find out which one was more ticklish pretty soon. While thinking of how to continue, he slid his paw over the dark-grey panther's, going over the toes, which, he noticed, made Sean twitch a little bit.
That took about a minute, and Sean still didn't know what to say. He wasn't so much worried about the coyote's sudden fixation on his paw as much as he was worried about how ticklish it would feel. The coyote's four fingers, he considered, were more of a fixation to him now than his footpaw was to Willian, since they'd be the ones to torture him.
After enough antecipation, Willian decided to try something out first. Again he resorted to the panther's tail, which was dancing beside him due to the cub's antecipation, using his left paw to hold it and using the tip, brushing it against the panther's soft, pink footpads. Sean certainly didn't expect that, as he lay back his head on the armrest and tried to remain still, his paw and members stiffening up immediatly as the coyote kept going on and round, and up and down with different patterns and increasing the speed slowly.
It was a strange sensation, though. He couldn't quite understand. It was supposed to make him uneasy, specially since he was trying to fight that feeling. But when Willian started brushing his footpads, he was positive he wasn't hating it. In fact, it felt soothing. He actually closed his eyes, and focused on that feeling. Unlike before, he wasn't trying to fight it.
After a minute or two, the coyote dropped the tail once again, and looked at Sean for a while. The cub seemed relaxed, almost as if he was enjoying it. He couldn't quite understand, but he moved on anyway.
He started brushing one of his fingers on the panther's sole, slowly, almost caressing it. The cub suddenly felt the change and opened his eyes, to see Sean with a smirk on his face. The panther knew his underarm was clearly his weak spot, but he had forgotten how ticklish his paws were. Maybe even more ticklish. He could only hope the coyote didn't notice how ticklish he was between his toes when he ran his paw over them minutes earlier.
Going on circles with his finger, Willian enjoyed how the panther's soft sole felt, and how he started to feel Sean fighting back the ticklish sensation. After a couple of minutes moving his finger up and down the panther's arch and going around, making his toes wiggle a bit, he decide to try and use all his fingers. With a single stroke from the heel and over the pads he managed to make the cub wiggle around a bit and curl up his toes.
- Awww, look at you curling up your toes like that. There's no need to be shyyy. - He gently scratched the panther's footpad with his finger, causing the ticklish cub to shrug and cover his muzzle with his right paw to prevent himself from giggling while trying to keep the other paw behind his head. Something he regretted seconds later, because it gave Willian the feedback he needed. He was getting somewhere.
Now using all his fingers, gently scratching the dark-grey sole, he amused himself with the way Sean wiggled his footpaw around, trying to avoid his fingers but failing to move enough, as Willian tightened his grip, holding the panther's ankle against the cushion.
- You're pretty ticklish on your paws, aren't you ? You can admit it. Admit it, or... coochie coochie cooo... - he teased as he stroke the panther's footpad with his finger once again, faster and faster, causing him to 'eep', followed by some giggling contained by his paw. The coyote was now definitely enjoying himself, as he began to tickle Sean's footpaw everywhere with his fingers, the panther clearly having trouble to hold in. He slid his brown paw and positioned his fingers under the toes, wiggling them slowly and alterning with tickling the little pinkish pads on the cub's toes. Sean was definitely about to crack as he wiggled his body around, still covering his muzzle, his eyes shut and a big wide smile partially visible.
It was a strange sensation, though. He was being tickled by that cub he always wanted to be friends with, and he wasn't ashamed. At first he thought that was why he was putting up that fight. But not anymore. Now he insisted and didn't cave because.. he was actually having fun, and he didn't want it to stop. He was sure William was having fun too. He could see it in his expression.. that is, when he managed to open his eyes.
The coyote decided it was time to send his lil' ticklish victim over the edge, and he knew just how to do it. He turned a little, facing Sean's paws while still going over his footpaw and keeping the panther busy. Even under all that tickling he did manage to open his eyes for a bit, just enough to see Willian turning to his paws. He was sure he was moving on to remove his other sock and proceed with the torture on both paws, but while he was still considering that possibility he suddenly felt an extremely tingly sensation he wasn't expecting. That same feeling he had felt before. An unbelievably soft tailtip, much fuller than his own, was having a shot at his left underarm again.
He tilted his head back again, the contained giggling turning into contained laughing. His eyes, shut once again, were beggining to show signs of tears. Willian was now at his two most ticklish spots. He could only be thankful the coyote haven't thought of tickling between his toes. He could never take that, not in this situation. But unfortunetely, for his sake, the coyote had something in mind.
- Well well, I have to admit you have been pretty tough so far. But that's only gonna make my job more interesting - he said giggling a little.
He stopped tickling the panther's footpaw for a while and grabbed his tail once again. Sean didn't even notice, he just took the chance to focus on his underarm and try to resist some more, even though he was sure he wouldn't last much longer. That's when another thing he didn't expect occur. William was now poking the panther's long grey tailtip under his toes, brushing it against them, the little fur present tickling him between the toes.
Letting out a short gust of air through his fingers, and now clearly holding back a series of laughs, Sean felt more ticklish than ever. How could he imagine his own tail would be his fate? He had never been tickled that much in his life, nor by anyone so skilled at it, or anyone so motivated as Willian. The lil' coyote cub who had just moved in seemed to be enjoying it just as much as he was. And that he was now sure of. Sean was really enjoying it.
Still wagging his tail on the panther's exposed underarm, he kept using the long tail between and under his toes, sometimes scratching a pad with his finger, or running it on his arch, which was almost sending the cub into hysterics. He was about to crack, he had to be. He felt great for having Sean on his paws like that, even though it was a sort of a consensual challenge. By looking at the panther he couldn't tell how much he was having fun too. On the contrary, he though he was really torturing the poor cub, and that this would be something they wouldn't be doing again.
But he decided to go on and claim the challenge. As Sean wiggled about, still keeping his head sunk in the cushion, Willian held down his left footpaw gently and did something the panther, again, wasn't ready for, at all:
- Coochie coochie cooo...
He gently rubbed one of the cub's footpads with his fingers. And that was too much. If it already wasn't for the insanely ticklish sensation Willian's tail was causing, his soft finger poking and rubbing his footpads were too much. The panther opened up a big contended smile and made one last grand effort to resist.
- Ahaa, the brave lil' panther is ticklish indeed! It's okay, you can laugh. Your secret's already out - At this point Willian's words almost made him burst into giggling themselves. But he held on with his last glimpse of strength. - Come ooon. I'd be laughing if it was my paw. The way I'm running my fingers up and down their soles - he did it as he went on with the teasing - and the fact they're sooo soft and sensitive. But I think I'll take your word for it, and considering you're not ticklish... - He smirked more than he had done all night and let one finger slide under the panther's toes, wriggling it around a little bit.
Finally, after both being there for ten minutes, Sean didn't manage to hold it in anymore.
HehEheEheH... - he quickly shut his muzzle with one of his paws. His eyes barely hiding his contained giggle.
Ahh, I think we've found another weak spooot... - He smiled at the giggling cub, securing his footpaw tighter and wriggling his fingers wildly under and between his toes - Tickle tickle!
HeHEhEHAhaHEhAHeah! NO-HO! ST-HO-HOP! NO-HOT THE-HE-HE-RE!! - The cub had now let go of his muzzle and was laughing in hysterics. He could have bent and managed to protect himself, but he was now positive he was enjoying it.
Aww, isn't the ticklish kitty cuuute ? - said Willian, giggling afterwards while staring at the hopeless panther. He did indeed look cute. Not entirely defenseless, but playing along. Both of them playing along. Just as if they had been best friends forever. - So do you admit you're tickliiish?
NO-ho-HO WA-HA-hay!!
I'm gonna have to ask that agaaain. - Replied the coyote turning to Sean, now securing his footpaw with his other paw. - I asked you.. if you're.. ticklish... - He now did the one thing he knew the cub couldn't take. He started brushing his fluffy tail on the panther's footpaw, specially trying to aim it between the toes, not having too much trouble suceeding. - Cootchieee cootchieee...
With a smile on his face, Willian pulled back his tail and kneeled beside the couch, resting his head on the cushion.
Now, that wasn't so hard, was it? - he joked, giggling as Sean looked at him, still catching his breath.
That... was pretty fun... - he replied, smiling back at the coyote.
Really ? I never thought you could hold on for that long.
It was.. easy - smirked the panther as he turned his head away in a proud move.
Oh really ? - William poked the panther's side as he yelped.
They both started giggling, staring at eachother. That was by far the most fun they've ever had. Not just with eachother, but with anyone. Words weren't needed at that particular moment. The panther and the coyote knew they were bound to be great friends from now on. Might've been silly that which brought them closer, but it didn't matter, for now they had all they ever wanted.
So how about that cool scene you were talking about ? - Asked the coyote, turning around to face the TV.
Oh, right, it's.. it's about to begin. - Sean jumped off the sofa to pick up the remote, as Willian climbed and took his place, sitting, his paws dangling off the cushion. The panther didn't mind, instead he just sat on the ground, leaning on the sofa, turning the volume up. - Do you take good care of this car ? - He said, raising an eyebrow and looking back at Willian, who giggled while shaking his head.
Before he turned his gaze back to the television, Sean noticed the coyote's paws dangling by his left and right. Those white, soft socks just wriggling around. It felt pretty good being the one tortured, but.. how good would it feel to be on the opposite side ? He turned his face back to the TV, but still looking at the cub's paws right there, inches from his face, as if he was asking for revenge. The panther could do nothing but wonder how would it feel to slide those socks off and tease his soft brown paws. He could do nothing but wonder... or could he ?
So, what did you think ? Please, give me some feedback (Spelling mistakes and such are welcome), be it about the characters, about the whole action, whatever you think is good or could better. Just tell me what you think. I have chapter 2 ready. It's shorter, but it's there. Depending on how well this one goes, I'll post it as well and we'll see where it all goes.
Sincerely hope you've enjoyed reading, and thank you for the.. erm.. attention ?
- Hraeyna