Axel the wolf

Story by darkAuraUser33 on SoFurry

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#1 of Axel the wolf

This is my second story titled Axel the wolf excuse me for any spelling erros if any and enjoy.

Axel, Chapter one

Axel is twenty eight years old; he is a fairly tall (5'11") young athletic wolf his fur is thick and dense, it's colored white with grey, cream and black shades along his forehead, ears and back. The fur in his chest and belly is completely white, is thinner and shorter than the one in his backside. He's handsome, intelligent and kind. He knows he has what it takes to be a good friend and a lover to any fur he thinks is worthy.

He is also a former college student and unlike his friends, brothers and sisters he prefers to be alone, walk alone and live alone, rejecting any type of marriage proposal, a trait that is hated by his parents since he's the only one worthy enough to be called the next alpha male in the family, title that is currently being held by his father, John.

Years have passed and he had recently ended his studies in college to become a doctor. A career that he chose only because of the money he would earn so that he could live a life without any economic strains but after wasting almost eight years studying he found out that his parents won the lottery, two years before he graduated as they appeared in TV holding the big paycheck of 25 million dollars and so he figured he wasted a great deal of time studying something he didn't really wanted to. Now that his parents had the money he always wanted there was no reason for him to become a doctor and so he resigned and continued his life as a fur that had nothing better to do but to waste his money on fun and on girls.

Today was a very beautiful day and months had passed by so quickly that he didn't really realized that had been five months since he graduated from college with honors. He was sure his parents and family were proud of his accomplishment so he didn't really wanted to tell his parents that he gave up the idea of being a doctor, knowing his father would probably kill him if he knew.

He gathers the courage to overcome his fear and decided to give his parents a call so that he could tell them what he decided to do since the only real reason for him becoming a doctor was them. He always was the one that shown more affection towards his parents, always saying, "When I grow up. I'm going to give you guys everything you've ever wanted." With that in mind he went into collage and graduated for that sole purpose but now that his parents have the money they've always wanted his help wasn't needed and he felt disappointed but at the same time relieved, now he can start all over with his own idea of life.

With that said he reached onto his pocket to grab his phone and suddenly it starts ringing. He grabs it and looks into the screen as he did the screen read, John. His father was calling him, he was surprised to a degree his body began to shiver lightly as he pressed the accept call button on the touch screen a voice quickly said "Hello. Axel, my son, how are you doing?" The rough voice of his father still carried youth and pride.

Axel however began having second thoughts as his father began to get anxious, "Axel... hello. Are you there? Answer me please." Hearing this he pushed his fears to the back of his mind and responded calmly as if nothing was bothering him, "Dad, how you've been? I've missed you." It wasn't long before his father answer back, exited to hear his son after so long, "I'm great now that I can hear you again. You've turned into a big bad wolf, I can tell it by how deep your voice has become. Anyway, your mother and I will like you to spend this month with us. If you can't I'll understand since I know a doctor is a full time job."

Axel knew this was the opportunity he was looking for to tell his parents and besides his father didn't seem like he would get mad over it so he said "Ok, I got something I want to share with you guys involving my future so see you there, Dad." After that they exchange goodbyes and ended the called.

Axel quickly felt like taking off his back a heavy rock that he'd been lifting for about half his life. It was accelerating to know he was finally free to choose his own path without worrying about the economical status of his parents. He was set free! Thanks to his parents, now he doesn't have to worry about money or social status.

The very idea of spending an entire month with his parents after so long had him shivering with anticipation. He wanted to see everyone, friends and family alike as he wondered how much they'd change since he left to study. The hours were passing by slowly and he was getting so damn bored he decided to pay his parents a visit earlier than anticipated; he thought "I'll bet they'll be shocked if I go today." As he said that he went on to his room and opened the closet, in there he reached for his favorite black skinny jeans a white shirt and a very nice black jacket that made him looked like a rock star. He placed his clothes on his bed and went to the shower for a nice, warm and relaxing bath.

Once inside the shower he began to bathe, stroking his fur gently making sure he doesn't let anyplace on his fur dirty as the water wiped off the soap on his back fur, he lay there motionless. He placed his hands on the shower's walls to further enjoy how the water wiped the soap out of his fur as it continued he closed his eyes and let his thoughts drift and wander in his mind until one began to take shape, that only thought he tries to avoid because it makes him feel sad, lonely and different (Am I going to be alone for the rest of my life.)

The thought of being alone for the rest of his life scared him though he does like to be alone he doesn't want to be a loner for ever, he had his parents but what is he going to do when they pass on to a better life. He had no clue whatsoever he knew finding a mate will be a difficult task since he's not the social type of fur his more of the shy type and he knows it which bothers him even more. He knows he's handsome, he knows girls are attracted to him but he hasn't married one because he haven't felt any special connection with the girls that he'd met so far and he thinks that this will eventually lead him to despair and loneliness.

He re-opened his eyes slowly and washed off the little soap that's left on his fury legs once he had finished, he turned the handle so that water stops to fall on him. He step outside the shower and reached to grab the towel from its hanger to begin to dry himself up. When he was finish he hang the towel back in its place, grabbed the used underwear from below his feat and went back to his room naked where he put his used underwear in the clothes hamper, as he came upon the bed he realized he forgot his new underwear so he went over to his boudoir and took one, immediately putting it on. Now that he had his parts covered he grabbed his jeans to slip them on and finish covering his lower body, then he put on his shirt as well as his jacket.

He left the room took his car key and left his apartment walking down the stairs and making his way to the parking lot as some friends passed by saying "Good afternoon." and he greeted them. Soon after he reached his car it was a white convertible 2005 mustang gt. Without wasting time he opened the door put his keys and started the engine, the engine roar as he accelerated the car a bit to warm the engine a little quicker, after that he closed the door and made his way out of the parking lot driving in the road ahead calmly until he reached the highway were he speed up and reached about 75mph.

At that speed it was always fun to lower the roof and let the wind play with his fur and he did feeling the speed, the wind caressing his triangular ears as he kept driving on the highway making the ride home all the more enjoyable and fun.

About 3 hours passed and he finally reached his parents house located in the deepest part of the country side, hidden among trees, he knew his parents loved the privacy they had in the country but this was ridiculous he didn't remember his parent's house being so big and surrounded with big fancy fence and gates. He thought "Well, they sure are quick with money."

As he wonder how did his parents made all of this in so little time he pressed the horn to attract attention and a voice called out by his left side realizing the gate had a speaker "Who is it?" the strong voice of his father demanded and he answered "It's me, Dad, Axel your son." After that his father quickly replied "Axel! What are you doing here? Anyway come in." With that said the gates began to open and he entered as he did he notice almost everything had change since he last came, everything was big and beautiful and so spacious he didn't knew where to parked the car so he parked right in front of the huge house.

He got out off his car and as he did his parents came running through the main door with arms spread to give him a huge hug. Axel stood still and waited for them to reach him to give them a hug as well, as his parents came and engulf him with their arms he began to feel a bit bother like a child again so he said in a soft whining voice "Mom! I'm not a kid anymore."

His mother hugged him harder as tears began to drop from her eyes, he looked at his father and noticed he also had watery eyes and he began to feel uncomfortable with all these emotions that made him feel a bit sad so he said "Mom, Dad don't worry. I'm here now and I'm not planning on living you anytime soon, ok." As he hugs his parents harder to reassure them he was telling the truth. A few minutes passed and the emotional embrace between them ceased, then his mother calmly said "Come on in Axel you said you wanted to talk with us about something."

Those words ignited the fear of his parents not understanding why he gave up on being a doctor and ultimately the beating he would have to endure by hands of his father. As he walked through the main door and into the main hall he notice how big the house really was, he tilted his head to look at the ceiling of the main corridor, two chandeliers hang from at least 30 feet high as he keep on exploring the incredibly big house the voice of his father caught his attention "Son, tell us what was it you wanted to talk about." He turns to the left to look at his father standing in the living room so he went passing by the columns and into the door less room to sit on the couch there, once he sat he said "Mom, Dad I-I... I've gave up on being a doctor!" as soon as he said that he closed his eyes and flicked his ears, expecting a punch or being yelled at but instead nothing happened.

He re-opened his eyes again to see what was happening and when he does he noticed that in his parents gaze anger wasn't present, not even disappointment so he shook his head trying to understand what had happened and said "You are not mad at me?"

His father rose from the couch and said "Yes, I am a bit mad at you. Axel if you didn't wanted to become a doctor why did you pursuit it. You should know that one must choose a career one likes otherwise things like regrets will eventually hunt you." Axel smiled sadly, internally he was glad his parents were ok with it, but still what his father told him is the truth. He shouldn't have become a doctor if he didn't really wanted to and that hunt him since he wasted about eight to ten years studying for nothing.

Gathering his thoughts and trying to digest the shock of his parents understanding him, he said "Thanks for understanding, guys. I promise the career I chose next is the one I really want to." After he said that his father nodded and said, "Well, enough about that. I shall call your brothers and sisters to let them know I'm going to make a little family reunion party, now that you're here." As he said that he took off with phone in hand and began to call his other sons, meanwhile Axel's mother smiled softly and said "Remember that no matter which career you choose we will always be proud of our young little wolf." He looked over to his mother that began to rise from the couch and said "I will Mom."

His mother looked at him and smiled saying "How about I introduce you to our workers" Saying that she walked to the main door and yelled out The names Tommy after that she turned again and yell to the stairs Samantha, Amanda and Nicole after a few minutes the four furry persons which his mother called for were present. Samantha, Amanda and Nicole were cats he was surprised but not because they were cats, he was surprised because the type of cats they were, Samantha was a panther, Amanda a tiger and Nicole a cheetah; all three very beautiful and young. Luckily for Axel's mom, wolves has a unique way to find their mates called prime, it is said that once a wolf set his eyes on his mate, he would never set his gaze upon another ever again meaning they are extremely loyal to their mates which explains why his mom doesn't really feel bothered or jealous about having three sexy female furs in the house since his father john is forever in love with her.

Axel knew this and he was sure his mom didn't have any problem with those three sexy looking cats because of the special bond she has with his father. As he cautiously inspected their bodies he thought "All three of them are really hot! Their bodies are perfect." He began to picture himself having some fun with the three cute furs in front of him and as he did his mother said "Axel these young ladies are the housekeepers as you already know they make sure the house is clean so don't hesitate to ask them for anything you like."

Axel's mind reeled as the one word (anything) wreaked havoc on his mind so he shook his head to gain his composure and said "Nice to meet you my name is Axel, ladies." As he said that the girls in front of him giggled and that made him feel more confident as he nodded with a smile looking at all three. Once he was finish he looked the young male standing to the right of the three girls, he was a dog, a Siberian husky to be exact, he had light brown beautiful eyes, his height was about 5 foot and 9 inches long, and his fur was thick and dense, and colored white with light brown shades.

As Axel took in the Siberian dog characteristics his mother said "Axel this is Tommy he's in charge of the outside part of the house and by that I mean the flowers, the bushes and the lawn." Axel nodded and proceeded to introduce himself "My name is Axel, Tommy. It is nice to meet you." The Young husky lowered his face shyly in a very cute way that Axel thought it was way to feminine to be done by a male and in top of that he wasn't muscular he was athletic and thin, it kind of made him look fragile and in a way very feminine.

Axel thought that Tommy looking like that wasn't a coincidence and that maybe he preferred male company, he didn't ask him though because he knew that sooner or later he was going to know for sure if Tommy was gay. He turned to look at his mother and said "Mom, remember that lake in which I used to swim naked... is it your property now that you're rich." Her mother raises an eyebrow and answered "Yes, Axel, the lake is our property. Do you still remember where it is?" Axel smiled and said "Yes, is located behind the house." His mother nodded and said "If you're going for a swim in the lake be careful, ok." He nodded and left the house going through the main doors.

He walk pass his car and went to the back of the house where his father was still talking with his sons over the phone and he said "I'm going to the lake, Dad." His father nodded and he continued down the long passage of trees, going down the hill and finally reaching the lake in about ten minutes. It was like he remembers it, the clean scent of nature and the refreshing clear water; nothing had change whatsoever he was glad I didn't cause the trees around it made it difficult for other furs to notice the lake making it a very private place.

He felt the impulse of going back to the old days where he use to swim naked and he began to undress till the only thing covering him was his fur, he placed his clothes on the trees branches and jump onto the water, as he swam on the lake he was enjoying every single minute of the feeling of freedom swimming naked brought him.

Some minutes passed and he heard the sound of someone stepping on a dry branch to which his sensitive ears twitched and he said "I know you're there so come on out." No one answered and Axel began to suspect who was his silent viewer so he played his card and said "Tommy, I know is you come on out. I won't tell, I promise." As he said that his mysterious spectator came to view revealing that was indeed the young husky, he smiled for he now knew for sure that Tommy was gay though he didn't really knew why he was happy to have confirmed it.

The young male came out of the shadows and shyly walks closer to where he was; Tommy was stroking the fur in his left arm as he stare reluctantly into Axel's eyes, saying "P-please don't tell Mistress Kayla about this otherwise I'll lose my job." Axel rose from the water exposing his nakedness and began to walk towards Tommy as he did Tommy's face turn completely red and he lowered his eyes to stop looking at the handsome wolf he had before him.

Axel stopped when he was just in front of him and he reached to grab his shoulders, when he did he felt Tommy's body shivering and he smiled still not knowing why he was acting like that, Axel said softly as to calm Tommy "I won't tell I promise." Once he said that he let go of Tommy's shoulders to walk pass by him as he grab his clothes Tommy turned around and said "Wait, where are you going? I thought you... you were going to do something."

He looked back and said "Why should I do something to you." Tommy didn't answer so he began to put his clothes on. Tommy never left; he was paying special attention to Axel's body as he put on his clothes, taking in his characteristic as well as a good look on his balls and sheath. Axel wasn't stupid he knew that Tommy was looking at him but he didn't really felt bothered, when he was finish he place his right hand on Tommy's left shoulder and said "I hope you've enjoyed the show since you stood there watching me as I put my clothes."

Tommy blushed bringing his hands to his muzzle and said "I-I'm sorry." Axel smiled and patted his head, then said "Tommy... is ok. I know you're gay and to tell you the truth I don't feel the least bother so don't worry." Tommy blushed and nodded with a slight smile as he followed Axel that began to walk back up to the house.

As they walk Axel noticed that Tommy had a wide grin in his face since he told him he wasn't bother about him being gay and that had him wondering (why he doesn't stop smiling) as he made his way back to the front of the house. Fifteen minutes later Axel reached the front of the house and began to walk to the main door where Tommy stop him and said with a slight blush in his cheeks "Wait, stay with me a little longer."

Axel looked Tommy's cute rosy cheeks and felt strangely happy and warm inside as these new sensation began to blossom he began to doubt whether he liked girls or not, being so close to Tommy wasn't easy, he was hot! And very attractive so much as to make a male doubt which sex he really prefers. Axel sighed and calmly replied "I can't... maybe another day, Tommy." The husky lowered his eyes for a second and said "O-ok... if you need me for anything...anything at all I'm staying in that small house close to the fence... that is where I sometimes spend the night. If I'm not there that means I'm inside the mistress house, Sir." Axel smiled politely and said "Ok, it was nice meeting you, Tommy." After he said that he entered his parent's house, closing the door behind him.

He went to the dining room that was located to the right of the living room and found his parents sitting by the dining table with delicious looking lobsters that the housekeepers made and it smelled so good! He had to join them without taking a bath first cause his mouth was watering and craving the lobsters so he sat and wish his parents a bon appetite and immediately after that he thank god for the wonderful food he was about to eat. When he finish he began to eat the lobster as fast as he could, leaving his parents stunned when he finished and let out a burp.

His father looked at him angrily so he proceeded to apologies once he did he left to walk up the stairs, Samantha was passing by and he stopped her saying "Samantha, do you know where the bathroom is." She nodded and said pointing at the last door of the corridor "The bathroom is at the end of this corridor, sir."

Axel nodded and continued to walk by the corridor as he walked he noticed that there were doors that had some kind of sticker with the name of the worker staying in the room, he thought this was a very ingenious idea since one could get to the person needed faster without having to look for him or her all over the rooms.

He reaches the bathroom and enters it, once in he began to undress. A few short minutes passed and he enters the shower turning the handle, the water began to fall on him, it felt nice and relaxing. He grabbed the soap and began to clean himself, making quick work of his dirty fur. A few minutes passed and he finished, he then step outside the shower to searched the bathroom for a towel, there wasn't any so he had to ask for one and he did, "Somebody I need a towel, please!"

Three minutes later Nicole entered the bathroom giving him the towel as she smiled taking a good look of his naked body she said "Here you go, sir." And he smiled saying "Thanks." She nodded and left the bathroom, when she did he dried himself up and tied the towel onto his waist to cover his lower body.

He left the bathroom and walks down the stairs to the living room where his father began watching TV, he walked to the side of the couch and said "Dad do you have some close I can borrow?" His father looked at him and nodded calling for Samantha so that she could show him where his room was. Samantha came and guided him back the stairs to the first room on the left and said "In here is Master John's closet chose the clothes you like."

She left immediately and he began to open the door, when he open the door completely he saw the vast collection of clothing his father had and he thought "Wow! I wonder if he'll be able to wear them all one day though I doubt it." He enters the room and put some shorts on and decided to left his upper body expose since he was in his parent's house he could do whatever he wanted.

He left his father's massive closet and walk down again to the dining room to ask his mother where he is going to sleep. Her mother nodded and called the four workers of the house when they were present she said "Samantha, Amanda, Nicole and Tommy I call you to let you know where my son is going to sleep so that you'll be aware of it. Axel is going to sleep in the room that is in front of Tommy's at the end of the corridor right next to the bathroom, dismiss."

Everyone left except Tommy that waited for Axel by the stairs as Axel came and began walking through the stairs Tommy stopped him and said "Sir, I-I'm good giving back massages... I was wondering if you would like one." Axel liked the idea of having someone untied the knots in his back muscles so he said "Sure, I'll be waiting for you." Tommy blushes a little and said "Ok, I'll go as soon I've finished bathing." Axel nodded and left to go to his room.

Fifteen minutes later Tommy enters the room and axel turn to look saying "You took some time I thought you weren't coming." Tommy smiled and quickly began to work his soft hands on Axel's back.

This is all for today, guys. I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as i did writting it. If you like it let me know this is only the begining and i'll do my best to give you furs a great story.