Smart Poisons - 1 - Naming

He called out again, "grenades you fuckers, launch 'em!" he growled, chucking a few of his own, followed shortly by a shower of similar explosive objects towards the enemy. the ploy worked, but grenades were hard to come by these days.

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Warrior Clan: Chapter Three: Nightwalking

You'll all get regular blast grenades as well as shock grenades, electric detonators that will paralyze living enemies and destroy all electric equipment, except yours of course, since your equipment is shock resilient.

You Can Never Go Home

They'd all listened on the good ear mikes, the sensitive ones, and heard the machine gun team and the guys with them choking and hacking to death on their own blood, grenade fragments having gone for the heat of their breath, torn open their mouths and throats

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Torpedo Run Chapter 21

Then three grenades hurtled through the air, appearing out of the adaptive camouflage covering their rifles as if the wind itself were delivering grenades.

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid Wars, Last Stand of the 7th Caprinae Cavalry.

A grenade bounced off of it and rolled down the slope before exploding. damn they're close he thought. he threw a grenade of his own and was rewarded by a loud hiss of pain. get some! he thought.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 23)

I was thinking about flashbang grenades and smoke grenades - they make a huge noise and confuse things, but they wouldn't kill, they're not designed that way.'

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Chapter 26: The Road South

A pfc walked up with a grenade launcher equipped to his m74d. the launcher had a flare grenade variant in it. "how many?"

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Talcon's: Rising (Preview)

Now freefalling to the ground he pulled out his xm8 with the grenade launcher on it and fired at the water he was about to his to break the water. "lt. helm! jason are you there respond damn it!"

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Days of Ruin

Pulse grenades, auxiliary power cells and so on. if we ever slowed down, they would use whips to keep us in line. i still wince as i feel the scars and bruises on my back... at least i'm alive and that's important.


The Ultimate Showdown of Old Godzilla

Old godzilla was hopping around tokyo city like a big playground when suddenly godzilla burst from the shade and hit godzilla with a bat grenade.

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Raiderstuck (part 2)

Master chief: "well i have plasma grenades!" greg: "oh okay then" master chief: "well uh can you spare us a dollar or two" greg: "haha, no" pohatu: "gimme your dollars!" greg: "okay okay!!"

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