Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: On Melancholy Hill

But before their bonding could continue a sudden cloud of noxious purple gas washed over them. hacking coughs came from the two and when the dust settled, the amulet on zix's neck was gone and two mons, a koffing and a zubat, stood beside them.

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project x (pt 3) the calm before the storm

"ok i've got some gas masks thank god my dad's a painter" rex said handing everyone a mask. "thanks man you saved my ass" feedback said taking it gratefully. "hey man thanks you're a life saver".


A Dream

That gas you got sprayed with got into the water supply and turned hundreds of thousands of people into anthro's like you and me. we were oppressed and used as test subject for the first year. then we rebelled.

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Slam - Chapter 1: Liquid Gold

He sat up and found he was in an almost empty parking lot, and what looked like the gas station near his house. he stood up, and dusted himself off. he proceeded into the gas station, if only to find out where he was.

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Twokinds Revolution Intro/Chapter 1

Huge chunks of countryside are now entirely uninhabitable thanks to toxic gas. from then on the humans were known for their standard issue gas masks.

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Brothers in Arms - On Sugar Mountain

But pondering that wasn't exactly high on the to-do list for hank, so quickly shoving it to the side of his mind, he stomped on the gas pedal with renewed vigour.

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Prologue- Let There be Light

One by one, entire cities lit up once more, containing the noxious gas that would change them all. and people began to flock back. end of prologue

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A little payback part 2

"oh, this is going to give me tons of gas little buddy, hope your ready." foamy squirmed a little, very nervous. "what? oh please no!" he shouted. setson just chuckled a little, sitting down once again.

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Survival: Part 1: The Beginnings.

There was no explanation to that seeing as the gas caused a bloodless death. then i realized it: i saw a form of who must have been doctor john.

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CE04 - places

This gas has a yellowish hue, can shut down the central nervous system, and acts as a mild corrosive. the gas only rises so high, but wind carries it through a perimeter around the quarry.

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I figure it was a gas explosion. a month earlier one of the furs at our block smelled gas in the cellar. she called the gas company and they sent a couple of furs to fix it. i guess they did not fix it properly and the pipe started leaking again.
