A Dream
Okay so I haven't been able to write lately and decided to try writing out a dream I had recently. This is almost exactly how my dream went.
One Hell of a Dream
I felt woke up as the guy next to me shoved my shoulder. Looking around I realized we were in the back of a moving vehicle. I was dressed in a swat uniform as were the other seven humans. We all had M16's and full body armor with helmets that covered our entire heads.
"Hey wake up ETA's sixty seconds."
"Where are we going."
"Fuck! You prolly slept through the briefing too. The target residence is a two story home, at least ten armed men have barricaded themselves inside. Local police have cleared the neighborhood so we get to go in hot. You're leading Bravo team's entrance through the rear entrance."
The vehicle came to a stop and a blinding light flooded in as the doors swung open. I stood up and followed the other swat members out and headed for the back of the house with three others. We scanned the area for any possible targets. We rounded the corner as a man in a ski mask stuck his head out from behind a corner.
I took aim with my silenced M16 and fired a short burst, sending several rounds through his skull. We formed up around the door and got ready for the signal. A short burst of static came over the radio and we slammed the door open. I went in first and stayed to the right.
I went through an open doorway Coming face to face with another masked man. He grabbed the end of my rifle and forced it away from him, as he reached into his jacket. I grabbed my combat knife and lashed out at him slicing his neck open. He looked shocked as blood spurted from the gaping wound. I put my knife back and put a round into his forehead to finish him off. I went into the next room and shot two more armed men guarding the other door.
The other swat members came over the radio one by one and reported their areas clear. I opened the door they had been guarding and was shocked to find a stairway leading into an underground section of the house we hadn't been briefed on.
"This is bravo leader, I found a stairway that wasn't in the plans. Requesting instruction."
"Bravo squad regroup and clear the area."
The other members of bravo squad came through the door and got ready to clear the new section. We started down the stairs looking for anything suspicious. We came to a large metal door kind of like a bank vault.
"How the hell did they get this down here."
One of the other guys walked up to the keypad next to it and pried it open. "I can get this open in no time." He pulled out a small device and clipped it onto various wires. He started tapping keys and the door soon slid open revealing a small lab.
"Is this some kind of drug lab?"
"No this is more advanced, looked like some kind of research lab though."
Just then the door slid shut and vents on the ceiling opened up, heavy green gas poured out of them. A metal plate slid down the far wall revealing a window a canine on the other side. But there was something odd about it.
"Thank you for helping me spread my gift to the world." It said turning around and walking away from the window.
The last thought that went through my mind as I started to pass out was "Was that an anthro?"
I woke up in hospital bed, the room was pure white. I was hooked up to several kinds of monitoring equipment and an IV. I could hear faint gunfire, but it was getting closer. I yanked the sensors off me and got up searching the room for a weapon. I yelped in surprise as I looked in the mirror, instead of seeing my normal human self I saw an anthro husky staring back at me. I ripped off the hospital gown and looked at my body. I was covered in fur and my hands and feet were more like elongated paws. They even had claws instead of nails.
"Wait....did I just yelp?"
I didn't have anymore time to think as a female wolf busted through the door. She blushed as she saw me standing there naked. "Hey I found another one." She shouted over her shoulder. She walked into the room and set her pack on the bed and started rummaging through it.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked.
"The rebellion we're breaking you out so you can get back in the fight."
"What rebellion?"
She walked to the end of my bed and grabbed my chart looking it over. "Fuck, Okay you've been out for around two years. That gas you got sprayed with got into the water supply and turned hundreds of thousands of people into anthro's like you and me. We were oppressed and used as test subject for the first year. Then we rebelled. Now here's a pistol and some pants we need to go.
I grabbed the camouflage pant she handed me and quickly put them on grabbing the pistol. I followed her into the hall and saw several more furs running in different directions. She ran toward the a set of glass double doors that was standing wide open.
As we approached them two human soldiers stormed through the door. She shot the one on the and hit the right one between the eyes.
"Wow your pretty good with that." She said.
"Well I am....was swat."
"You'll have to tell me about it sometime, for now we need to get the hell out of here."
She ran out the doors and toward an F250, She climbed into the drivers seat and I hopped into the passengers seat. She sped out of the parking lot and down the access road. I grabbed her rifle and shot a human taking aim at us from a guard booth.
Two black SUV's pulled onto the road behind us. "There's a few extra clips in the glove box, aim for the tires the rest is bullet proof." she instructed me."
I leaned out the window and took fired at the closer one. It swerved around making it impossible to his the tires. Several humans leaned out the windows and returned fire. I emptied a clip in their direction killing one. I slammed a fresh clip home and sprayed the front of it finally hitting the tire. It exploded with a loud bang and sent the vehicle spinning into the other one.
Not seeing any other threats I set the rifle down in the back seat and relaxed. "So where are we going?"
"To one of our safe houses, you should try and rest you've had a lot of excitement after being in a drug induced coma for so long. We won't get there for a few hours anyway."
"Yeah I am feeling kinda groggy." I laid my head back an shut my eyes wondering what the hell was going on and what I had gotten mixed up in. After awhile I fell asleep to the sounds of the engine and the tires on pavement.
Okay so should I continue this or what. Like I said at the start this was just a dream I had but I can see turning into another series.
If I don't get any comments I'll just leave this alone, but if I do get some comments from people who want me too I will continue it.