A Poem (For Rydia)

This could be fun_ _so don't you be sad about it_ _just don't forget about it_ _blink the embers from your eyes and drink your gasoline_ _exhale fire on my neck and cry your kerosene_ _smile now, and burn me down_ _i'm always gonna be around_


A day in the Life of.... Shadow

Once everything is secured i kick some dirt on the embers making sure it is smothered before i head out. throwing my pack over my shoulder i set off in search of my quarry.

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Changing Larvesta

embers fall the ground with each flap of their wings, turning the grass black where it touches. flying in different directions, they all head their separate ways, flying over the fields of green with streaks of fire in their wake.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 3: The Story of Forest Hall

Team eon is composed of asp, eve's aunt on her mom's side, their leader and an umbreon, umber, an espeon and ember, a flareon and her father, who didn't get along with zoe very well. ember and umber were twins.

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Burrows Fanfic: Sam's View

It was now an ember, a good luck charm against the foes to come. because he took up arms, light forming in his paws. and he would save him.

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The Awakened Wake Within

Give me fire, give me earth call the elements and name my birth wrap me in air, annoint me with water name me now, the element's daughter brush me with embers, brush me with dust paint the sacred symbols on me with rust wash me in winds, drown


Redwall songs #1 OLD STORIES

Great hall fire's on winter nights the legends who remembers, battles, banquets, comrades, quests, recalled midest glowing embers, draw close now little woodlander, take this to sleep with you, my tale or dusty far of times when warriors hearts were true,then

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Clip for my Pup

Something i came up on the fly for my pup :) **clip for my pup** there was once a feline, scarred and charred from the embers of hate and regret burning inside him.

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Untitled Poem about Fireflies

Snatch > the dying embers of sunset> tickle your hand> like the ocean of dark green below the sky look > the treasure in a shaky prison> light shining> unabated by fear inside find > the twitching probes

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A Poem For September.

Precious to me like a tear from ember. im glad i was born, on the third of september. we walked together out at night. she shined on me like fluorescent white. i promised to hold her tight. and she promised to guide me towards the light.

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 3

I...i was having a course with ember and suddenly i lost my memory. the next moment i..." "relax. ember and flame are here. seraphor took you back when you fainted."

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Poem #26: Longing

Love the want to learn accept surroundings drink in the light the want complies thoughts determined of the want the desire the desire for need the desire for others corrupt in thought breaking, eroding desire the embers

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