Clip for my Pup

Story by Ephemeral_Dreams on SoFurry

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Something i came up on the fly for my pup :)

Clip for my pup

There was once a feline, scarred and charred

from the embers of hate and regret burning inside him.

He wandered and floundered, trying to put out the fire within from his ire

In came a bright canine, carrying a bucket of iron.

Filled with liquid, it did stem the fire.

They came to talk and get to know one another,

While the dog got to love him another.

Soon they had shared, a relationship quite different, but unmarred

By neither of their faults, they could always withstand assault.

Always drifting closer, tilll the they be one none other

Tears and scars hindered them none, only aided in becoming one

Though the story doesn't yet end, it will soon be mended

Just know that I love and care for you, my cute puppypup.