Alpha Corgi

The corgi had been well converted, they had a full frat bro. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at the d&d meet, there were far less people than there had

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The Cave of Lost Lovers

Ages ago, that cavern must have been subjected to so much heat and pressure that mundane stone had been converted to the multi-faced prisms that glowed in the darkness all around him. he was incredibly lucky to witness such a wonder.

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Commentary on the Apocalypse

Self-proclaimed prophets came out of the woodworks and converted thousands, maybe millions.


Chapter 2 - Someone to Watch Over Me

They had invaded the valkyrie and converted most of the crew, kestra was successful at cutting galladia off from that making them unable to function without a queen. "the portal is widening but not by much..."

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War Paint

And perry, looking into the mirror of his convertible made much the same decision- he would have to be assured in his masculinity not dependent on picking fights but providing for those weaker than he was- foremost among them being melissa.

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The Secret Life of Joseph Davidson

"my neighbors would be more than happy to convert to mormonism- over there". that was good enough to give the missionaries the slip as once again joseph davidson rested his head upon his reclining chair and began another adventure.

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experiment 42187-chapter 2

I lowered the kevlar convertible top and threw a jar of explosive out the front. with my enhanced abilities the jar smashed on the lead car and exploded fifty feet from my speeding car.

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The Wolf and the Doe - One

Talia hurried to the guest bedroom which had been converted into lady vel's quarters and training area while talia's family was staying in this manor. "you're late." talia dropped to her knees, head bowed, forepaws palms up on her knees.

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Eternal Waltz

Once he realized that the oxygen level was so low he reached into the pack he had brought with him and pulled out a transference mask, a mask that converted the cold unbreathable atmosphere of space into clean oxygen.

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He Was Different

Not only was the school large, much more so than any three buildings in my small hometown, but it overlooked avelyon itself, sprawling below the hill where the old tragash hold had been converted into a mixed-race boarding school.

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020 - Prime pt.03

Everyone had gone off into their own little groups, seemingly trying to find a way to convert the 'house' part of a house party in their current environment.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1

Mixed in mitochondrial pores to allow a human to intake pure carbon dioxide from the environment and convert it to oxygen directly to the lungs and the byproduct of carbon to reinforce the carbon fibers in the skeleton.

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