The Wolf and the Doe - One

Story by kissmedog on SoFurry

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Warm blades of grass tickled her bare skin, causing a small smile to curl about her lips as she lounged nude in the grass. She curled her paws happily in the earth, claws pressing down into the dirt. The she wolf licked at her muzzle, making a soft noise of contentment as she pressed her belly to the ground, letting the sun warm her languid bones.


A slim fox was walking down the hill towards the she wolf, holding her skirts carefully in her paw as she picked her way down the slope. She sat a few feet away from the she wolf, wrapping her forelimbs about her knees, resting her chin on her arms.

"Why you do you always come out here naked, miss?"

The wolf smiled, rolling on to her back and stretching, making the fox blush furiously at the sight of her mistress' breasts exposed to the sky. "Because it feels wonderful to warm my pelt beneath the sun instead of with a fire or under blankets."

"It's terribly improper, Talia, if I may say so," the fox stood up, brushing her skirts smooth and going to collect the cloak that had been forgotten.

"You say that about everything I do," the she wolf rolled to her feet, shaking her pelt out a bit, taking the cloak from her lady-in-waiting and wrapping it carefully around her shoulders, "Is it that time again already? I really loathe doing these, Lydia."

Lydia gave a small sigh, following Talia up the hill again, waiting until they were on smooth ground to snatch Talia's tail and start picking blades of grass and burrs out of it. "I know, milady, but your father insists."

Talia snorted, "He only insists because the training raises my virgin price. Nothing more. He just wants as powerful of a son in law as he can get. Pity he didn't get just a son instead of me."

"You know he loves you and he just wants you to have a good husband, that's all," Lydia said. The rolling hills gave way to the countryside manor Talia's father enjoyed staying in during the warmer months of the year. Talia preferred it to the city home they normally resided in but one couldn't exactly lounge about naked in the city. The manor wasn't particularly large, an inheritance from her great grandmother if she recalled correctly. There was room enough for a small stable, holding two pleasure horses and six carriage horses. The house itself was set almost in the middle of a large garden, the c shaped building gently caressed by budding flowers, the colors as varied as the jewels Talia kept in a small chest. Talia preffered this manor simply for the flowers. She could step right from her rooms out into the perfumed air of succulent jasmine and roses twining about another like lovers in an intricate dance. It was this door that she took to slip inside.

"I still hate it all the same," Talia murmured, deftly slipping the cloak off, letting it pool on the marble tile where Lydia sighed and picked it up as the nude she wolf went directly to the bath. It had already been drawn and was starting to gain a chill. She must have been a little later than she thought. Talia crinkled her nose but slipped into the water anyways. Her all black pelt needed a good scrub after spending the morning in a field.

"That's not what I've heard," Lydia said, smiling gently at Talia who raised a brow, sinking deep into the water.

"And what sort of gossip from the scullery maids have you been listening to?"

Lydia laughed softly, "Nothing milady. Simply that the training is purely sexual in nature and strictly designed to teach you how to please your mate."

Talia blushed furiously, sliding all the way into the water. It was true. She was supposed to practicing the various poses in her bedchamber at night but had been too embarrassed to do so in front of Lydia. She had learned other things, of course, such as dance and song, but most of the lessons did involve pleasing her future mate. Her teacher was a courtesan from someone's bed chamber; Talia had never learned who. The doe was a gorgeous creature in Talia's opinion, aided by a snow leopard no older than Talia but far more skilled. Talia's father had contracted the courtesan and assistant only three weeks ago to teach his daughter, deciding that seventeen was old enough for her to learn. She hadn't been married yet anyways so he hoped that teaching her the arts of the bedroom would gain some interesting prospects.

"Milady, stop blushing and come here. You've more knots in your pelt than the feral dogs get after scrambling after a rabbit," Lydia knelt next to the bath, nimble digits picking out knot by knot, smoothing the blackness with an eased practice, "There's nothing to be embarrassed about anyways. It's not as if I've never lain with a man. I'm more than aware of what goes on between mates."

"Father's told you, hasn't he?"

Lydia gave a kind smile, helping Talia scrub her fur with a lavender scented soap, "He's asked me to keep after you with practicing certain poses and with pleasing females once Lady Vel teaches those skills to you."

"He wants me to...practice"

"Don't sound so horrified, milady," Lydia doused her head with clean warm water from a jug, "Some husbands enjoy watching their wives please or be pleased by another woman. It isn't that uncommon, miss."

Talia shook her head, clambering out of the bath, letting Lydia dry her fur with a thick towel before brushing it out cleanly and smoothly.

"How late am I?"

"Ten minutes by my judgment," Lydia said, picking up the bath as Talia rushed to the wardrobe and slid a silky gown over herself, the maroon color accent her fur prettily. She grabbed her gold bangles off of the boudoir and slid them onto her wrists before rushing from her room, barefoot. Being late was always a bad, bad thing. Lady Vel hated being kept waiting. Talia hurried to the guest bedroom which had been converted into Lady Vel's quarters and training area while Talia's family was staying in this manor.

"You're late."

Talia dropped to her knees, head bowed, forepaws palms up on her knees. She kept her muzzle shut. Silence was always best. She peered up at Lady Vel between her lashes.

"Talia, darling, I'm not here for my own good. I'm here for you and if you can't bother to show up on time, why should I bother to be here at all? My patrons in the city are waiting for me."

The she wolf bit her lip, resisting the urge to shift her weight, curling her tail tightly about her buttocks. She heard the doe stand from the chair she had been sitting in, the soft silk robes spilling about her lithe body in some sweet noise that made Talia shiver. The young wolf loathed admitting it, but she found Lady Vel attractive. She wasn't sure if it was the predator in her that ached to bite and nibble at the doe's neck or if it was simply that the courtesan managed to seduce anyone that spared more than two seconds to glance at her. She felt fingers trace over her ears, pinching the tips with a nail. The fingers drifted over her brows and she closed her eyes as they traced down the ridge of her muzzle, tapping her sharply on the nose.

"Look at me, Talia."

Talia raised her head enough to look at Lady Vel, taking in the nude form of the doe barely hidden by her silk robe. The doe's cream colored belly was flawlessly clean, accenting that perfect feminine pouch just below her navel. The rest of her fur was that classic dusky tan, broken at her throat by a wide strip of cream and at the tips of her ears that were lined with black. Vel looked at Talia with those dark amber eyes that somehow managed to show kindness and hint at her anger at the same time.

"What I have planned for you today is difficult enough that I won't add on extra work for being late but," she tapped Talia sharply on the nose again, "Remember that I won't be this kind all the time."

"Thank you, miss," Talia whispered.

"You're welcome darling," Vel leaned down to kiss Talia on the brow, "Now, how about we do a little review, hmm?"