Thirteen Tales From Another World: Ninth Tale
Kickaha approved of the style, though still thought it a bit less functional than a cloak. as he glanced around the area it became clear what this was.
No One Dossier: S-Zero
He is dressed in a black cloak that has a hood which conceals his features. his sky-blue eyes are the only thing visible beneath the hood regardless of what direction light hits his hood. he wears black jeans and a black shirt beneath the cloak.
"i've got this," lightwing offered, taking the cloak from me. she moved to one of several wide brass pipes set into the walls and hung it over, spreading it out.
One and the Same - Chapter 1: The Unwelcome Guest
The intruder uncrossed his arms and brought up the left one, unrolling his cloak sleeves, i kept up my guard. "apologies for the home invasion, dragon, but you have something my employer desires."
The Clockwork Falcon - part 11: a Backwards Job
Tuck wasn't a spy, he wasn't a grasser; he was a thief, and his skills were being wasted with all this cloak-and-dagger faffing about.
A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 45 (Inner Demons)
He got the message, he needed to end this sooner rather than later, without the cloak he didn't stand a chance. "it's time to end this!" naruto yelled, gripping the hilt of his sword tightly and sprinting toward zaraki.
A Reason to Live part 1
He pulled his cloak up over his head and tossed it on to the bed, revealing only the jackal's bare, furred, chest and a leather water skin. he had on a pair of tan linen shorts underneath the cloak.
The Road Of Life - Chapter 6
I stepped over to the window, opening it and stepping out onto the fire escape, making sure to pull the hood of my cloak up over my head before leaving.
Beasts of Barlow Road 5 (Rough Draft)
Not from his cloak, but his chest was covered in it. she clutched onto it and closed her eyes listening to his heart withdrawing into the safety of his custody. "thank you, toby" she said lowly.
Sabrina Yarn - Character Biography
She wears a white cloak with a red pattern from the bottom, short blue skirt and a simple strip of green cloth wrapped around her upper chest. she makes a note of not wearing shoes.
The Feline Devils | Chapter One: Invasion - Part One
He also had the large cloak that the mlantosh wore with strange cloaking abilities woven into it. the fleet admiral knew panwque had a large number of knives and daggers throughout that cloak and his shorts.
Riku: Chapter 5
"this cloak for example. your always wearing it" she said fingering it. "the headmistress said i always have to wear my cloak when i am going to be seen, and my necklace when i'm in public" i said fingering the said necklace with the seal on it.