One and the Same - Chapter 1: The Unwelcome Guest

- dyyor **chapter 1** **_the unwelcome guest_** ~ iovis, august 29th, year 1355 of the human calendar kurai has finally returned, barely, judging from his tale upon my curiosity.

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Unwelcome Visitors

**_Author's Note: Hello everyone! It's been a long time, hasn't it? Never fear I have returned and just in time for Valentine's Day! Here's another chapter of The Zoo, and sadly I think we have at most two or three chapters left. Hopefully the...

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Chapter 2: An Unwelcome Visitor

Hope you like it! rate and comment~~ Chapter 3 may be awhile. I hit a mental block; plus, family get-togethers are coming up. "CHILD!!" The Druidess yelled as she sprang from her feet, a wind faster than any tornado soared her out the...

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Fact Checker and the Maw

You're attached to me, it quipped, reading gromsr's thoughts, besides, if you got rid of me, then you would have to eat the unwelcomed guests by yourself.

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When My Brethren Call

How i wish i could shed this unwelcome body. leave this frame to run in fur. i am stuck though, only able to lower my head to my arms and weep, praying i can find them in my sleep. the wolf swamps me, forging new bonds within my mind.

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Teaser- "Perfect Lives"

Coming back to my apartment in the burning, unwelcoming ire of twilight, having only seen the sun for 2 hours prior. i did it again. i told myself i would be better. i wouldn't sleep for 16 hours a day anymore.

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Unwelcome Reunions Second Snare [Part 3/4]

The message had come through half an hour before Ashari had checked it. The phone had just shown him an image link, rather than the image itself. It was only when three text messages came in a row after that he lifted the phone to see what it was. ...

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Unwelcome Reunions: Distracted by the Bait [Part 2/4]

Ofenna was a captive in her own home. The lioness still strained in the ropes that kept her on the chair. The hyena who had trapped her had left the room and Ofenna put her all into her struggles, feeling the ropes starting to get loose at her...

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Sentient (working title)

I was unwelcomed. i performed as i was instructed. father brown asked me to leave and i did. little laura did not want me like she did. i watched her grow and i played with her. little laura named me abomination. i can no longer call her little laura.


On the trail to Zion: A Rat's Tail

I will start by saying that it came as a surprise though not an unwelcome one, when i found that the poor creature i freed, that was about to be sacrificed all those years ago was none other than zeke. what would be the chances?

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21 Treasure

There was no will to do so, save for the king himself taking a gilded scepter and smashing it impotently against the snout of the unwelcome guest. with little more than a snap of his jaws, the dragon dealt with the king.

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Poem #82: Bleck

And whines and it feels like i was hit by a truck at least seven times when i can barely hear because it feels like someone shoved a metal rod fifty times in my ear and the pain is making my head hurt when i can barely think because there's a unwelcome
