Binary Genetics-Chapter 2

"billings dispatch, this is ranger fourteen." the reply was quick. "fourteen, go." "11-24 with possible 10-65. code 8", she said. abandoned vehicle, possible missing person. request backup. "roger, responding unit.

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Blind Date Part III

A waiter hands mike the bill, and he hands it back with a fifty dollar bill, telling him to keep the change.

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In reality, bills started piling up until i was at risk of losing my apartment. so i made the conscious decision to quit my job at the burger place i'd been waitressing at, which barely paid minimum wage, and get a much better job.

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Moving, stopping, seeking a thrill, or some kind of message that isn't a bill. all of these people to me have no face, as they all go 'bout the great human race.

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Mad Scientist Gonna Mad

Haven't you read the bill of rights?" dr. stripenfluff asked. "i don't think that's what the bill of ri-" aleph started. "anyway, after many cold days of standing outside in the rain waiting for mail...

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Cash Cow

And in a corner of the room was what she was looking for: dollar bills, huge stacks reaching nearly to the ceiling in tens and twenties.

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August, Baltimore or Bust

So, i know it's not why alot of people request commissions, most of them ask for them for bills, or groceries, but if anyone is willing to help, ten dollar commissions, and (because i don't want to say no and lose out on money, not going to lie) i will not


Chapter 13: Difficult Conversations

bill demanded. "b-bill, i told you what people were saying," the muskrat whimpered. bill turned his head to glare at the rodent, "and i told you it was bullshit! pete couldn't date a predator!" "he is, and we are!" flora snapped.

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Young Love - Chapter 17

When their flight was called, bill, scott, mark, and jason got up and went in line to board the plane. when they have entered the plane, bill and scott found their seats, and mark and jason were seated behind them.

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Havana or Hell, part five

On the back page of the manual, the developer credit was shared between two people: kendall duran and someone named bill holman.

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A Series of Moments 1

Elmo's arms wrapped around him, lips pressed firmly against his bill. it was high school all over again. except this wasn't high school, it was real life.

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Curse part 8

"hey, bill, my client here has a price on his head, might want to wake up the serpents." i yelled over the wailing of the door hinge.

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