
Story by Stella Luna on SoFurry

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#1 of Of Mating and Erintasu

Hey everyone! So this story is all about how my mate and I met. Erintasu is my boyfriend Tyler IRL, so that just makes it mean that much more to me.

Lavender morning light was just breaching the horizon when the bell sounded above the front door of the twenty-four hour coffee shop on the corner of my block, announcing my arrival. This was where I ended my daily run, got my caramel machiato and started my morning out right, every single day since I had moved to Ariesville. My nocturnal impulses begged for sleep, but I denied them the satisfaction. I would manage this conversion to day light of it killed me. For over the past year, I had forced myself to give up the night life and accept waking during the days so I could attend my classes at the college, while still holding down my third shift job. It wasn't the easiest transition, but I would grow accustomed to it over time.

The first few weeks that I'd lived here after high school had been great, it was a lively town, I had a busy social life, I went to an amazing school, and I was finally being a successful adult. At least I thought I was. In reality, bills started piling up until I was at risk of losing my apartment. So I made the conscious decision to quit my job at the burger place I'd been waitressing at, which barely paid minimum wage, and get a much better job. It attracted me with the promise of danger and excitement, but in reality it was immensely boring and didn't pay nearly as well as a supposedly dangerous position should. But my rent and bills were easily taken care of, I got to meet some really interesting furs, I learned a lot more about computers; became rather tech savvy, and a bonus was I didn't have to wear the awful pink dress uniform I had to at the diner. But my normal class schedule was soon filled with hours I would be spending at work.

Nocturna University is a college specifically for furs of nocturnal persuasion, like bats, and held the majority of classes between dusk and dawn to accommodate for those types of schedules and lifestyles. I loved that a school like it existed, but was very happy to learn they also taught morning classes for those furs that, like me, had to make an honest living during the night time hours. My classes were rearranged and switched and rearranged some more. I had to completely switch professors, in all but one class, and practically start my lessons over. In the beginning I missed many preciously valuable hours of class time due to my body's natural inclination to rest when the sun came up, which cost me assignments, notes, quizzes, a test, many very important grades I had to take the time to make up. But eventually, finally, I had grown used to the odd sleeping patterns and the bright sunlight, and was now almost completely transitioned.

I jogged in place for a moment, checking the pulse in my neck as I did so, and tried to take deep breaths. Having run half a mile more than I usually did, I could feel a dull throb in my calf muscles that would stay with me the rest of the day. I needed to get home and get to sleep, so I would be awake by the afternoon, I told myself chastely. I had a lot of things I needed to take care of.

I reguarded my reflection in the large wall mounted mirror next to the counter with mild interest. My cheeks were tinged pink under the protection of my speckled ivory fur, which was wet with perspiration, and loose strands of black hair clung to my dampened face. My eyes were vibrant and bright and thoughtful, my fangs were small, and my nose was large. I was petite, painfully so, and my small stature only accented my voluptuous curves and larger bust. Some times being short came with its advantages, and a body like this was definitely one of them. Aires, my favorite Barista, was at the counter, and I offered him a polite nod before tugging out my ear buds.

"Morning Stel, the usual?" The husky asked cheerfully, smiling his wolfy grin my way. I had been coming to this place since before he had worked here, and still always got the same drink. I guess I'm just that predictable, sadly.

"Double shot...please..." I responded, still out of breath. My feet ached just slightly, and I pulled off my uncomfortably toasty jacket in irritation. Underneath, all I wore was a pair of simple black leggings and a sports bra with the phrase "NIKE" printed on the front in white lettering. I allowed the air conditioning to cool my tired and weary body, which was coated in a thin sheen of sweat. I almost wanted to take a nap on the cool tile floor, but I restrained myself. My knees felt stiff, and my spine needed a slight adjustment, which I twisted to the side sharply to correct. The only noise in the cafe was the espresso machine whirring and the grunge metal blasting from my iPod. It was nice, almost peaceful. I bent double at the waist to tie my shoe, and Aries called out an order.

"Mocha latte extra foam, order up!" I tugged at the worse for wear laces, trying to tighten them. I was supposed to be having lunch today with my brother and his mate, and I couldn't decide what to wear. With my stark white fur really anything would do, but I just never could make a choice. "Perhaps something a little dressy?" I thought, certain that I probably would end up opting for my usual sweater and leggings at the last second. I was so lost in thought that I almost didn't notice, a moment later, that Aries called out the same order once more.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Came a deep sultry voice I'd never heard before. It reminded me of scotch, smooth and velvety, with a strong undertone. "I got lost in thought admiring"

Rosy blush colored my cheeks when I realized what he meant and I straightened myself, hiding my burning face from him. If I had been any chillier, my jacket would've gone right back on, but I was still sweating and fewer layers seemed to be much more comfortable. I wished desperately that I could just turn invisible, because I was so embarrassed and suddenly timid, I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. Aries chuckled gruffly and shot me a look which I returned with a glare. Some times he could really be an asshole.

I didn't really know how to take the comment. I wasn't often hit on, since bats aren't often considered to be attractive furs. Aries had, at one point, attempted to start a relationship with me, but he had an eye for my best friend Chai instead, which had put an end to her constant whoring and made everyone else much happier. But other than he, no one had ever extended a compliment that wasn't disrespectful or rude, which this comment was even if worded nicely, just not the way the many others had been. This was something I didn't exactly understand, or know how to deal with properly. I felt warm breath mist over my bare shoulder and the voice whispered in my ear.

"And my, isn't it a lovely view." I turned around, fuming with anger, to see the retreating form of a tall spotted wolf who exited the door and disappeared around a corner. He had on a sleek blazer in a dark shade, perhaps blue, with the sleeves rolled up around his defined forearms, and simple tattered jeans, a medium toned gray that was neither the color of smoke or concrete, decorated with roughly distressed patterns. His hair was dark, windblown, and shaggy, too long and hanging over the side of his face broodingly. The black patches that adorned his pale white-gray fur interested me, they were jagged around the edges like broken glass, placed randomly about his body with no rhyme or reason, and I had never seen markings like that before. He was almost lanky in his lean muscular slenderness, elongated and graceful and tall, though to me everyone was tall, seeing as I'm only five four. He walked with a purpose, though his steps were almost elegant in a way. Metal glinted off his throat in a small distinct flash, and I momentarily forgot my irritation and wondered what it could be. I almost wanted to follow him, to confront his sorry hide for that disrespectful statement, and pop him in the mouth while I was at it.

But Aries called my order and I was running on exhaust fumes. I crumpled, defeated, into a chair by the counter and studied the table top with mild interest. I was too tired to be worried by that wolf and his sexist remarks, I needed to drag myself back to my apartment and get some much needed sleep. My pink eyes were itchy and dry, I needed to brush my fangs, and my favorite oversized sweater was just calling my name. Last night had been a harder one at work, with the police having to become involved, and I had a lot of new paperwork that I was assigned to fill out and file away in the proper drawers. The daunting task was awaiting me tonight, and I preferred not to think about how much that made me want to rip out my own hair. My fingers would be cramped, that's for sure. I tried to focus on thoughts of my friends, of my family, of enjoying myself and having fun. However, the wolf would not stay off my mind, and I chewed my lip thoughtfully.

I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last I'd see of him.