The Plushie Dungeon Two! [Comm]
The knight shook his head, his armor clattering as he looked down at himself. he was clad in his normal suit of armor, except for his leg piece.
Ferina III - Chapter 6
The armor was indeed very tight about the waist, which ethelred had anwhrim loosen, but even at its loosest notching, ethelred's stomach still rubbed against the armor.
Only Human (Chapter 8)
Blood soaked through his armor, it didn't take a doctor to tell a fang had gone through his heart.
Starlight Parts 1 and 2
Vanessa speaks up "i was cornered a while ago by a ruffian, my knight in shining armor used the air to throw him around and formed some very sharp ice which finally scared him away.
Namir Fantasy Story Preview
They turned the corner into a larger, more open corridor only to be greeted with a decent score of red and green armored soldiers. in the far back of the unit stood a blue and white rabbit in light armor. "attention escapees and rebels!"
Tales of the Scarlet Suns 10
The male walked over to him and soon put his armored foot on top of irving's face, slowly pushing down as irving began to scream in pain and cry out, "it is your own guilt and regret for not saving your wives, our wives."
Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight p1
Her every curve felt comfortable inside the armor, including her breasts, which were usually somewhat cramped in other versions of the armors.
With These Broken Wings: Chapter 5
The tall creature was unmistakably elven and armored in head to toe in armor that was offset in shed green scales.
The Sum Of Good Things
She was his off armor handler... his smarts... his guard... she always had his back. he was tied to her like his head was tied to his body.
Changeling Heart: Dinner Night
I made it right to the training area of which i and shining armor used all the time, but for some reason, he was not dressed in his normal armour that he would use when training with me.
Encyclopedia V2.2 (Aa - Dd)
**barroks** large armoured biped lizard.
Session 1: Hired
The armor of the raziir!" cobalt blurted. "the armor of the raziir himself, exactly," atar laughed. "i see you are the brains of this group." "oh, here we go..." avora sighed. "armor of the...?" rush trailed off. "the raziir," atar said.