The Great Adventure Book 1: To What End?

"patch me through to the admiral, now!"

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On the trail to Zion: A Rat's Tail

Though his courage when narissa was captured was admirable, everyone's courage was admirable.

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Wet Cement, Ch. 15: Lines Blurred

He said, turning to admiral townsell. "fli 682, we are extremely grateful for the sacrifice you and your fellow squadrons have made for us.

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Ask how far along are you

I just admire the pregnant form." say "what about cardia's dream?" ask if she has an ache's that need massaged ask if you can feel the baby kick back away from there ask if she minds if you rub her belly.

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He took a brief second to admire himself in colton's mirror, standing there in just the tight boxer briefs that he had worn to bed. he turned back toward the bed when he heard colton mumble softly in his sleep.

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On Seven Hills...

Daniel the wolf admired for the first time the artwork in the museums- he was a simple wolf, the son of farmers from the north in the italian alps, who had never seen roma before.

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Chapter 1: The Start of our Lives Together.

"it's... amazing, i didn't think the flowers would be in full bloom this early" we walked around, admiring every flower there was to see. after spending half an hour in the flower garden, we decided to have some lunch.

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Transmutare Fabrica Chapter 5

_"admiral m'rtess out."_ t'lar pressed his comm badge. "bridge, set a course for starbase 31 warp 6."

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In the Unknown-Chapter 4

"exchanging stories" "it was back on the year of final exams for the academy that i was in when i ran into admiral cheppard and trust me it wasn't a pretty sight.

Last Chance - Pacem

He looked at the vice admiral, who was awestruck at the normally peaceful scientists rage. hollard sat down crossing his arms on the table, and hid his face for a quick moment. "admiral, pull your men out. now.

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I put one of my stories in google translate, this is what I got

Frila marshal oren, recently appointed alaric, grand admiral of the back line, the council of bishops and their main present third most powerful commanders.

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Waiting to be Human

She has coarse dark furry hands now, which he takes to her face, letting her admire what they concensually have become-- simple, and unclean.

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