Poem #87: Living in a Fantasy
Sticks and stones don't break our bones every day we fake we close our minds, our thoughts and open our eyes seeing what an evildoer has wrought this new world is better the grass greener, the sun brighter the people nicer, the water wetter
01 Ring
The ship was a sing about to free itself from such imperfection, ready to set a new world in its place.
The aqua portal-part 3
But adam couldn't rest; he found a new world to explore! adam got up, stumbling a bit and walked to an empty space and admired the scenery around him.
I'll Give You A Hand-About and Author's Notes
When riley enters his new world he encounters a series of unfortunate events. only to be put down he is brought of out of despair.
Beasts of the Ancient World - Chapter 1
Beasts of the ancient world #1 beasts of the new world #2 beasts of the changing world #3 1 the spirit of fire mother wind whistled across the landscapes, causing snow to drift forming thick wide ice hills.
No Longer Alone
All at once we arrived in a new place, on a new world, it was somewhat dark and we were in what appeard to be a large complex of sorts. we had weapons but had not drawn them.
Of Wolves and Foxes, Prologue
Now, to change the subject, what do you think of this new world?" "i think our prayers have been answered," shae said, allowing himself to relax a little, his tail swishing lazily behind him.
Riku: Chapter 3
All i could do is sit there with that sort of stunned feeling once more being reminded of my uniqueness in this new world.
Ep30-The End-The Warrior's of Mezzanine
"i knew the hacker of your group would have realized that the data that was discovered would have helped you infiltrate my airship" "now... you all can be witnesses to the new world i am going to create from your home!"
Brief Bio/Origins Lore: Shiaddos
Although these villages like memir do not embrace the full usage of technological advances used by the new world, they remain just as strong as they have over their near three-thousand year existence.
The 6 season war (Media views)
The weight of the new world now on martin's shoulders forces him to use his technology to change into robot himself and go after the ba. fighting them seemed easy until they all just left.
Lilavasi Biography
See new places, new worlds.? but the still young wolfess declined, as she wanted to stay and help out where she could, devoting herself to so called loss causes.