Earthlike, Vaguely
The weather. how hard it was to find good peppers these days. even a little bit about crummy movies they'd watched. until finally the wind died down and mariner was able to check outside and confirm the worst of the weather had passed.
Silver Lining - 1
How's the weather?" ah, shit. weather. "come on in and we'll go over it." she nods dutifully and drops away from the window again. you flick the radio on; it comes to life with a champagne cork pop and a crackle of static. suddenly you're nervous.
The Winds of Altaura (Chapter One)
The buildings of the city were made of earth and ceramics, no doubt to protect against the severe weather changes on the world.
Loneliness Can Be Hard 02: Confused Feelings
It was time for lunch and some of the kids decided to enjoy the weather as well and ate their lunch at the park. he spotted some of his high school friends when he passed by.
A Ponyville wedding
Through any kind of weather i want us to be together. derpy, i love you and always will.' 'and now i must ask, do you stormbolt strike take derpy hooves to be your wife?
The First Human
"na, just the weather." john replied, still fixated with the rain and his memories. _ sixteen minutes into the campaign._ another flash of light.
The Beastmaker's Age - YEAR 7
Either way, it was the perfect weather to just... _exist_, idly and aimlessly.
Chapter 1- Boot Camp
The poor kid had no feel for weather, but with his uncle being best friends with the company president, he had grudgingly been given practical immunity to getting fired.
Mercurius Express — Prologue
He muttered in annoyance as he read the headline on the third page, which announced that weather conditions in northern ivoria had worsened. weather forecast predicted that snow will come down heavily in the next few weeks.
The Wet Journeys of Mareen, Prologue: The First Hunt
She wore a simple off-white linen robe that was one of her favorite choices as the weather got warmer.
Blood on Ice - Chapter Sixteen
I had seen this type of weather once before and it was very uncomfortable. it was worse than snow, and worse than rain.
Lost Legends - Chapter 2 - Truth (part 1)
One was very frustrated with the change in the weather while the other was intently waking through the forest as if looking for something. both wore white hooded cloaks, the bottoms were getting dirty with the rain and mud from the earth.