Chapter IX: Station of the Dead, Part One
Get the police, get k9 units and shutdown las vegas if you have to, i want jackson and twilight's sorry asses delivered to my desk tomorrow morning, and i want a desk too."
Devolvers - The Excuse
We're in vegas baby! that's where dreams are made, heh! i wish you could see it, the lights are amazing! i wish you could have seen all of this..." vegas sounded nice.
Revolution | Chapter VII: Shadow of the Night
The scent almost reminded me of vegas which had to have been just as bright, if not brighter, and more beautiful since it was still the place to go and gamble away your paycheck.
Only Dreaming- How it Started
_taoism, tao resturaunt, tao las vegas; nothing special here; maybe thats not how its spelled. t-a-u_. the results came up. his eyes shifted from left to right as he read the brief descriptions, until one came up that peaked his interest.
A Comprehensive Guide to the planet of Alexandrite
Trivia- this is the only clan where only fire dragons call home temple of the flames- the resting place of the fire dragon, in the badlands of the fire dragon clan, and is themed like a volcano the capital city is very similar to las vegas, but there are other
Indigo Nights- Chapter 15: The Inferno
This indigo never left for las vegas, so there's no orson flores in their life, and this phoenix never fought this timeline's kyran because thaddeus's writings are all intact. because of us, there's unintended ripples.
3. My New Life-2
Nearing the middle of 2nd decade of the human-kilrathi war, we, the front line troops, received word that the society of mandarins, a group of humans who willingly collaborate with the kilrathi, just betrayed epsilon vera iii, a vital fortified base on the vega
Chapter XV: Consequences, Night Three
"los vegas; she's damaged but the kagens have left." koji said as he looked over to twilight and bright who were feeling a point on the ground and had worried looks on their faces. "no do not tell me."
The Life of Another - Chapter 31
And_ _i can't go in front everyone __lookin__ g like a las vegas casino sign!_ _headache or not, guess i better turn off the light show._ as i resisted mrs.
A Close Port of Call
The day you need to diet is the day this station takes off at ftl speed heading for vega. sweet dreams, lady." lora grinned widely, displaying her teeth and teasing with her tongue.
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 4
vegas has placed tualatin as a 10 point underdog against the number one ranked team in the nation. the game has been moved to a providence park, and it will air at 7pm pacific time on espn.
Epilog -- Famous Last Words
Sunrider was back from his las vegas retreat, happy to be home and to meet me in the fur.