Muscle Camp - Chapter 2: Terminal Error

That was the last thing mike heard the tiger tell him before stepping out of the airport taxi; but sigh as he might and despite leaving him with nothing more than his last five bucks, the cheetah fished through his wallet, paid off the cabbie and shut the

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A really terribly horribly bad day.

People below walked away from the theater, and taxi's were preparing to pick up their passangers. in the distance, thunderclouds sent their bolts down across the the iron and steel city.

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More than Kin, Less than Kind: Chapter Four

Don't stand there on the phone talking to me; tell the comedian it's time to taxi you and azzy to the mental institution." "your wish is to me a command, your royal highness," frisk solemnly intoned.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.2 - Another Day

Normally he would take a taxi to kaijurocho, but today was such a beautiful morning with cloudless sky and purest blue that he took the chance to clear his head before work.

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Tiny Winged Things

Can't say you'll be very happy about it, or maybe that's her... anywho, i'm not a taxi, and i demand payment up front for trips." "i can pay.

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The guardians shadow ch8

The taxi pulled up to the main gate and i stepped out of the back seat. when i looked up from giving the cabby his money i could see the two guards standing with smiles on their faces. "it's about time you showed up.

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Evil Genius Ch.3

It was then that he saw rook pick up a taxi and throw it in his direction. richard yipped in surprise and dove at that instant. the vehicle sailed above him, not really coming close to hitting him, but unnerving him nonetheless.

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On the Road

He quickly threw them mostly on, checked the fuel and keys, then put the taxi in drive and left its real owner on the road. he was in serious trouble now if the cabbie ever identified him. though he was a one in a few person, not a one in a million.

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High Tail High, Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Possibly for burda who constantly -nagged- at mike for a car so she wouldn't have to take taxi. it would soon become anothe reason why they 'just had to get out of dorton city, just had too'.

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Wasteland Survivor – Union - ch12

Later that day, after all our toil, the big hercules aircraft landed on the nearby highway and taxied to the make-shift camp. ~"ma'am, itss good to ssensse you again!"

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Covert Ops

As soon as the plain was taxied to a refueling station, the stewardess came by to tell mike and steve they could leave now and that they're possessions were already in the hmwwv, which was awaiting them.

Change in Venue- October

Just drive his indigo company taxi cab to the part of the city it might do the most damage and then threaten to finish his transformation there and let the emp destroy all of the electronics in the area unless they gave him a few million as encouragement to

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