The guardians shadow ch8

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#7 of The Guardians Shadow


CH 8

It had been several days since the battle with the Graymon, and I was finally being released from the hospital. Though throughout my stay in the hospital, the black Renamon stayed with me for the duration, hardly ever leaving my side. And I couldn't find it in me to turn her away. At least not until I could get my hands on my equipment, and send her back to where she came from.

‘For crying out loud. I'm a hunter after all. How would it look to be seen with something I hunted for a living.' For the majority of my life I had been trained, hunted, and even killed their kind. Then in the back of my mind I realized that sooner or later this creature, too would turn on me and try to kill me.

It was just like their kind. All they know is battle. And this was probably no exception. This creature would stay by my side until it would learn some great flaw within me, then exploit it. An image of the renamon rushing at me with it's claws extended then imbed those claws into my stomach quickly filled my mind.

‘No. I'm not going to let that happen. As soon as I get back to the hanger, I'm going to send this monster to it's grave.'

The taxi pulled up to the main gate and I stepped out of the back seat. When I looked up from giving the cabby his money I could see the two guards standing with smiles on their faces.

"It's about time you showed up. Many of the boys were wondering if you'd survived that last fight." He turned to the other man.

"Ya, I know. On our next leave, I've got to buy all the boys a round of drinks." He looked off into the distance. "Damn, I never should have made that bet."

"That's what you get for underestimating a Hunter." The first man said with a smile.

Not bothering to get involved with their little chat I pulled out my badge and they gave me a quick nod then opened the gate and let me in. But just as I was about to step over the gates threshold, a sudden gust of wind blew right past us and made it's way onto the base. Within that moment buzzers and alarms quickly sounded.


It was like the whole place became a massive disturbed bee hive, as personnel started pouring out of the buildings and started taking up positions around different key buildings. Opting to prevent the digimon that had just entered the base's perimeter. Many of the men had similar visors over their eyes, to try and track the digimon's movements.

Just looking at all of the personnel running around like their heads had been cut off like chickens brought a smile to my face. ‘All this just because a single digimon crossed over the threshold.'

"What are you waiting for Hunter. Get your gear and report to your station." One of the guards men said to me in an angry voice. To which I slowly turned and gave the man a harsh look.

"AND WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO ORDER ME AROUND!?" I shouted over my shoulder at the first gate guard. "If you know my group at all, you'd know that nobody orders us around!" I shouted a little less angry at him, then flipped him the bird. Then casually walked off.

"Damn hunters. I knew that they were nothing but a bunch of stuck up pricks, that think that they are the only one's that can take down a digimon." I heard as I continue to walk off.

‘Damn piss ant Marines. Think that they can order me around like some common green horn right out of boot.' Then muttered a few choice curses under my breath.

"There it is!" I heard someone shout then turned and looked as one grunt pointed at a shadowy figure hiding behind some large barge containers. And sure enough it was the Renamon with it's back pressed firmly against the container trying to use it's natural color to blend into the shadow of the container. Only a second passed as the Renamon quickly realized that it had been found, quickly leapt out of the shadow and quickly tackled the man. To give him a few choice scratches across his face then leap away to find another hiding spot.

I watched as marine after marine would chase after the agile fox, only to loose it as it would either teleport out of sight, or find a new hiding place. I couldn't help but laugh at the anxiety of the Renamon as it would only be able to hide for a minute or so before being found and have to move again. Then stopped laughing when I saw it quickly make it's way over to me in a rush.

"You may find this all well and funny you stupid human, but you'd better call off these humans before I get seriously pissed off." Then she quickly leapt away and disappeared behind my hanger.

"Well I guess I've had my fun for today." As I placed my hands in my light blue levis jacket and fished out my keys to my hanger. Then slowly made my way over to the hanger and opened the door as slowly as I could. Deliberately taking my time in causing the fox to avoid being caught by the bases personnel.

Slowly opening the door as wide as I could, I turned back to the base and shouted, "IF YOUR DONE PLAYING TAG WITH THESE GUYS. THEN I RECOMMEND THAT YOU GET THAT FUZZY PIECE OF COTTON THAT YOU CALL A TAIL IN HERE!" No sooner than I had said the last word, the fox quickly whizzed past me and into the hanger. To which I quickly shut the door to hear the automatic locks activate. Effectively sealing in the supposedly dangerous digimon.

It didn't take long before the base personnel came to me and demanded my assistance in catching the digimon. Only to meet with the same reply as the gate guards, then curse at my reply, and run off to check on another place that they hadn't checked.

I watched as over an hour the bases personnel ran from one side of the base to the other. Checking nearly every corner, dark shadowy spot, or other spots that they believed would be a good place for a digimon to hide.

When the first hour had finally passed the general finally show up in his favorite Hummer and start barking orders for the someone to inform him as to why the base was in such an uproar. Only to be told that there was a digimon that had passed the gate and was supposedly on the base. The general didn't waste any time as he quickly made his way over to me.

"And why are you just standing there, acting all smug. You need to get out there and catch that digimon, before it can case any harm to the base." To which I slowly smiled to him.

"I've only been on base for an hour and your already putting me back to work." Slowly standing up from leaning against the door to my hanger, I gave the general a slow smirk. "And since I'm still recovering from my last mission." As I slowly grabbed my head and made a unsteady step towards him. "I think that it would only be fare that my fee for catching this...dangerous...digimon were to be doubled." To which the general gave me a slow snarl with his nose scrunched up.

"Damn it you greedy little shit. Just help us catch this stupid thing and get it off the base." To which my smirk became a big smile. "Once that's done, then we'll talk about your fee." To which I couldn't hold back my mirth any longer and started to laugh.

"If I weren't here to catch this...dangerous...digimon. Your men would still be out there running all over the place without asking me a simple question, ‘Do you know where the digimon is?'." To which I slowly turned around and pointed to my hanger door. "To which I would have graciously replied that, ‘I've safely locked the Dark Renamon away in my hanger', where she is safely stowed away." So slowly walking over to my hanger I unlocked the door and walked inside with the general and several of his men.

Since I'd been away from the hanger for quite a while, the place was a little to warm for my tastes, even with the place graciously dark. So reaching into my pocket once more I stepped into the actual hanger and pulled out a small remote and hit a small switch and the lights slowly started to warm up and turn on. As the place gained more and more lighting I heard one of the cadets whistle at and obvious impressed tone.

Eventually the place was fully alight, but there was no sign of the Renamon anywhere in the hanger. So many of the personnel quickly spread out in the hanger and quickly started to search around.

"And what the hell do you think that your doing." I shouted at one of the grunts as he started to sift through some of the contents that I had hidden under a tarp in the back of the hanger. "That's my private weapon stash." Just then something jumped down from the rafters of the hanger and knocked the man that had been pealing away the tarp over my weapons, flat on the ground then disappeared into the rafters again.

"It's hiding in the rafters. Shoot at the rafters." then the whole area was bombarded with the sound of heavy gunfire as every marine in the hanger quickly filled the roof with holes. So placing my hands over my ears to block out the noise I quickly made my way over to far end of the hanger and leaned up against the large roll up door.

"How long do you think that it will take them to realize that I'm not up there anymore?" Said a voice right next to me as I jumped in surprise. Then quickly chuckled at my own fear. Once I got my nerves under control I lowered my head, shook it, then started to laugh as the marines emptied their whole magazines. Once that was done they came down off their adrenaline rush and awaited further orders from the general.

"Now if you quite done giving me a new skylight, then I request that you lower your weapons." They all slowly turned and looked at me, then quickly brought their guns to point at the Renamon standing next to me. To which I couldn't help but start to laugh again.

"If this is how I'm going to be treated as your Digimon, then I'm going to wait outside the bases perimeter." As she quickly got into a crouch only to have my hand land on her shoulder. She looked up at me and gave me a questioning look, to which I gave her a quick nod.

"They wont waist any more bullets once they realize something." I gave her a wink.

"Wait a minute. Is that your Digimon...Hunter?" Said the general, as I looked over to him and gave him a quick nod. Only to see his face scrunch up again in anger. "You had us run all over the base looking for a supposed rogue Digimon, then to find out that it's yours!?" Then began to rant about how I had wasted their valuable time and resources as he came over and started pocking my chest.

"And what about your General." I began to pock him in the chest. "Your always complaining that your men are getting soft on you and that they needed more practice like this." As I too began to pester him about the same thing. "And to top it off, your men never asked me about any of this. And now, your men have made Swiss Cheese out of my roof. How am I going to have that fixed in time for that storm that I heard is on it's way."