My Life is Super Profiles: The Great Liftramo
**my life is super profiles: the great liftramo** **height:** 5'10'' **weight:** 190 lbs **eye colour:** brown **hair colour:** brown **species:** human **abilities:** basic superhero-level abilities (supernatural regeneration, endurance, speed
Omniscient Third
The fly-paper was sprayed with a substance of an irresistible smell and taste, and though i felt an instinctive repulsion, the lure was so overwhelming that even at a long distance it made my proboscis water and drew me close with an almost supernatural
Months of Planning (A1, B11, C11)
I'm here because the supernatural community was about to take over. we came together, fought like hell, and followed this woman, krys monroe, down here. she died, and we've kept this place running ever since.
Rise of the Gods - Chapter 3
There was one thing evrame could tell from the minds of the villagers and the brigands and that was that they believed there was only one supernatural being in their presence.
The Big Sister Part Seven: Genesis of A Monster.
It was aurelia's book, if grief could read it then he was simply compelled by the supernatural. grief would slowly open the book and turn the page as adriana gulped slightly.
The incredible change part 1
My life was changing as i got more aware of the supernatural world and that i was somehow connected to it. i liked the exciting world of magic and strange creatures. i had read many books and played many games which had magic in them.
Drako Tygon- chapter 6
Next thing I knew, I was put in charge of finding and killing Dr Psyche. I chose the leaders of the squads as my team, Vortex, Firefairy, Stone-Man, Scorpio Panther, Berserk-Beast, Blade Cat, Gamma-Bot, and myself. I left Tornado out because he had his...
Drako Tygon- chapter 5
I got breakfast, and started training with Blade Cat. Many of the people there were becoming too old to train, but luckily they already had much knowledge in fighting, and so they just changed their previous knowledge to fit their new bill. The rest of...
Drako Tygon- chapter 4
We had shifts for who would train the newer heroes, and I thought that I would join the class that Blade Cat led, since I had only basic hand-to-hand combat training, and I was technically still a new guy. Blade Cat training for martial arts, so I...
Drako Tygon- chapter 3
I woke up to a loud ringing in my ears. No, ear. The one that had my communicator. I looked at the clock. It was 12:01, A.M. I said, "Deactivate," and then got my suit on. I got to the window, then leapt out, letting the wind wake me up, and then let...
Drako Tygon- chapter 2
Ch. 2 On Monday, I sent a letter about the "Dragon Man" to my school newspaper about "his" amazing feat. Later that week, I saved a girl from being mugged, stopped a drug run and stopped the theft of $1 grand. Then, one day, I saved a freshman girl....
Drako Tygon- chapter 1
My name is Charles Steele, or at least it was six months ago. Now I'm not sure who I am. This story takes place in my first year in DigiPen Institute of Technology. I was almost always was late to class due to ten lights between my hotel and...