Drako Tygon- chapter 2
#2 of Drako Tygon
Hey, this is a book that's borderline Scifi, borderline Teen Fiction and borderline Fantasy. It's about a college student, named Charley Steel, who's granted the power of a dragon, combined with the power of the tiger. He faces off against a super telepath named Dr Psyche. Charles finds he needs the help of the only family he's got left, along with the love of his life. But will he triumph, or will it all end in despair? Have fun!
Ch. 2
On Monday, I sent a letter about the "Dragon Man" to my school newspaper about "his" amazing feat. Later that week, I saved a girl from being mugged, stopped a drug run and stopped the theft of $1 grand. Then, one day, I saved a freshman girl. Her name is Jamie Roan. She had stepped on a slippery part of the floor, slipped, and fell through the sixth story science class window. "Aaaaaugh!!" She was seven feet from the concrete when I got there. "Thank you" she said. I flew away. Then I thought that I should present a name for my self, so I burned "Drako Tygon" on the sidewalk.
I then became my own reporter for the school. "DRAGON MAN STOPS ROBERY", "DRACO TYGON SAVES GIRL", FIRE MAN STOPS MUGGING", "SUPER HERO STOPS DRUG RUN", and "HOODED MAN SAVES BANK" are some of my headlines. With my help, I was seen as the good guy. But some people have gotten the wrong idea about how I look, so I decided to take my picture. When I got back, Jamie Roan came to my locker and gestured me closer. She whispered in my ear, "I'll show you my powers if you show me yours". I stood there for a minute, then figured that she recognized my face. So I pulled her into a janitor closet. I saw that she was glowing a soft red. I showed her my wings, ears, claws, tail, and fire. She showed me her wings (which looked like fairy wings) and fire. Jamie said, "I'm a government agent in a group that gives our kind a reason to have our powers. The government has been watching you very closely since you developed".
"You were one of the people whose intake of Destiny particles said that you would some day develop powers. I can sense these particles. That is why I was assigned to recruit you to be my team's commander."
"So that day was just a setup?"
"Yep, but if you hadn't come, I would've had to expose my cover"
"Ah" said I, remembering that she had wings. Jamie said "So, come to this address by 7:00, I know you can get there in time. But first I need your biometrics. Place your hand here." She held forward an IPad. It had a hand print on it, and I placed my hand on the hand print. Then an eye appeared on the screen, and Jamie said, "Look into it," and so I put my eye in front of it and looked into the pupil of the eye. A light flashed, and the IPad said, "INPUT NAME PLEASE." Jamie took the IPad and said, "Drako Tygon," then gave me a tube-thing. She said, "Squeeze it." I did that, then she took it back and left, saying, "Don't forget, 7:00."
I called Austen and said that I would be late. I flew to the address that Jamie had given me. I rang the doorbell. A hand sensor panel appeared out of a hatch in the door. I put my hand on it. It said in a mechanical voice "DRAKO TYGON IDENTIFIED. ACCESS IS GRANTED." The door popped open. I saw three people with a strange heat around them. One of them was extremely hot. One was very cool. The last one was cool on the inside and warm on the outside. The hot one was Jamie. The cool one was sitting in a metal sofa. The one who was cool on the outside was crouching on the floor.
The cool one stood up suddenly, yelling, "What the hell is this?! What are you doing here?" Jamie said, "It's okay, I invited him here. He has the highest count of D particles since you. He would be very valuable to the team. You of all people should understand that."
I didn't know what to say, so I just reached out my hand, and said, "It's an honor to be in this group. I'm glad to be here." He said, "Yea, sure," and took my hand. My hand started to feel sore, and so I looked at it. To my surprise, the flesh on my hand had been melted away! I jerked my arm back, and my flesh started to grow back immediately.
Jamie said, "David, why the hell did you do that? You're becoming to dangerous. If you keep doing things like this, I'm gonna have to arrest you." David approached Jamie aggressively, and I reacted. I grabbed him by the throat, and threw him into the wall. I leapt onto him, and started to punch him in the chest, then he faded, like a ghost, and he passed through me. He solidified behind me.
"You can't fight a spirit, man," he said. Then his hands started to glow red, and black mist shot out of his hands, and I made my hands catch fire. I grabbed him, and he turned transparent again, but he stayed where he was. I had figured out his weakness. I turned up the heat, and he fell to his knees. I let go. He jumped up, grabbing my throat. I grabbed his wrists, and the fires raged.
He cried out in pain, then I threw him into the wall again. He turned into a cloud of mist, and he surrounded me. I felt my skin start to burn, and then something like a hook pulled me out of the mist. I realized it was a blade at the end of a tail only once I was out of the acid cloud. I turned fire to all of my body.
I jumped at the cloud, and a large, black, upright cat stood beside me, and I saw that at the end of his tail was a hooked blade like a scorpion's stinger. I said to the mist, "Get out of here." It advanced us, and I leapt inside of it, and turned up the heat, and I saw that Jamie had ran to my side, and was starting to flame. I made the fire start to push the mist out of the house. It seemed to leave willingly.
The other guy came up to me, saying, "My name is Stephen Pomerfeild. My hero name is Scorpio Panther"
Jamie said to me, "Come with me, there's some things you need to get." She walked to a closet, and she twisted the knob halfway left, a quarter right, then full left. The door pulled back, and then up. It revealed a hallway. She walk down the hall, and I followed her.
A laboratory lay at the end of the hallway. She led me to a table at the far side of the room. She held out a crimson/silver pen. I asked, "What's this? A blow-dart pen?" She smiled, and pressed the clip up, then twisted it a quarter of the way around, then pressed it in. I immediately started to fold out into a larger object. She set it down, and it turned into a double headed ax.
She grabbed the jewel on the bottom end of the ax, pulled it out, and turned it the opposite direction than before. It turned into a pen again. She said to me, "I have two nearly identical pens, except mine turn into daggers, and Stephan, the cat guy, or Scorpio Panther, has one that turns into a flail.
"David has one that turns into a sword. My powers are ESP, Fireglove, and Wings. Scorpio has acid poison in his tail blade and in his claws. Our clothing can change shape and color, to make way for our, accessories and to turn into our superhero costumes. I have some stuff that I can program to fit you, but I need a full body scan. I'll leave the room if you want."
I started to say No way, but then thought against it. She said, "The scanner is in the corner, all you need to do is step into it." She walked out of the room. I stripped, then got into the scanner, which looked almost like a shower, except without the drain and showerhead. A bright light encircled me for five seconds, then faded away. I walked out of the scanner, and a panel opened up, with a black latex suit hanging on a hook.
Jamie walked in. She said, "To get into the suit... Oh." She looked away, embarrassed. I grabbed the suit off the hook, and held it over my crotch. I ducked back into the scanner, and said, "Come on, just tell me how to get into this thing!" She stammered, "Uh, well, uh, there's three buttons on the collar, one that looks like an open book, one that looks like a street, and one that looks like an 'S'. Press the book to open it." I pressed the book button. The suit's back opened up, and I stepped into it. I pressed the same button again, and the suit formed to my body. "There are more buttons, but you should get used to these, first."
I said, "It's OK to look now, I've got it on." She turned her face towards me. She said, "To program it to street clothes, press the street button." I pressed it, and a holographic display came up. It looked like a picture of me, except with gangster clothes. There were three arrows on either side, pointing in opposite directions, one pair for the upper half of me, another for the lower half, then the last for the shoes.
Jamie said, "Touch the arrows to change the image." I touched the top-right arrow, and the button-up shirt turned from white to blue. I touched it until I got black. I turned the pants to the black jeans. I changed the shoes to black sneakers. There was an image that looked like a square with round edges and had the word "ENTER" inside of it. I touched it. The suit turned into the image in the hologram.
I found the buttons on the top of the collar. I pressed the "S" button. The hologram turned into a picture of me in a black full body leotard, same arrows as before, except there was two that were at hand level. I turned it into a black jacket with red tiger stripes on it and holes in the back for wings and with a black hood that completely covered the top of my face in shadow, and black pants with red tiger stripes, with a hole in the back for a tail.
I turned the suit's slippers into dark red boots with black grip-spikes on the bottom. I pressed the hand arrow, and I got large, spiked gloves. I pressed it till I got to black gloves with small holes on the tips of the fingers for my claws. I pressed ENTER, and the suit turned into the image again. The image disappeared. I pressed the street button, and the suit turned into my street clothes.
I grabbed my old clothes and put them into the garbage. I said, "This is cool." She said, "Press the book button again." I did so, and the clothes turned into the black latex suit again. "That way you can hide it under ordinary clothes," she said. I said, "That's even cooler. So, is there a place in the suit to put my pen?" She said, "Yes, the right leg has a slot for your weapon near your calf."
I took up the pen, and turned it to the ax setting, and it quickly turned into an ax. It felt good in my hands, weighing close to nothing. I swung it a little, tossed it in the air, letting it flip a little, then caught it out of midair. I turned it back to pen, then put it in the slot on my left shoulder. I turned the suit back to street clothes. I walked out. Jamie followed me.
Stephen whispered to her, "Did you give him the communicator?" She shook her head, then stabbed a thick needle into my right ear. It hurt a lot. She said, "_Now _I've given him the communicator."
I said, "It hoit. It hoit a lot," while rubbing my ear. Jamie said, "You're lucky, we needed surgery to get ours, and that means covering up our operations with supposed brain tumors. It took a while for the bone to heal. For you, it takes five seconds to both get it in and for it to heal completely." I rubbed the side of my head, saying, "5.64 seconds, 19 nanoseconds."
She looked at me funny, and I said, "I'm good at computation and attention to detail." I sat down, then stood back up, walking over to the fridge, then opened it up. Damn, I thought. Nothing but MonsterR. These guys must need energy. But then again, usually so do I. I grabbed a can, hesitated, then grabbed another two. I tossed one to Stephan, and handed one to Jamie. I popped the top of mine with my claw, and took a long sip. Then I sat down. Jamie said, "Oh, and if something goes wrong, Your communicator will beep very loudly, and won't turn off till you say, 'Deactivate'. Go to this address." She handed me a small slip of paper. I put it in my pocket.
I let my arms rest on my legs. I really was tired. I said to Stephan and Jamie, "I should be getting back to my hotel. I've got school tomorrow." I walked to the door, turned the knob, and a panel opened up, and I looked into the lens that came out. The door opened. I walked out, then flew back to the hotel, and got out of my suit, and went to bed.