Expectations Subverted
As soon as he was gone, she took a few steps back before sheathing her blade in the shield bore scabbard in case barsaen went hostile. she moves to her bag and pulled out a book.
Mythical Tales Chapter 1: Castle Attacked
He swings his mace at my head, i raise my left arm to catch it on my shield. boom! _'that didn't sound right'_ i thought to myself. i counter attack with a right slash at his ribs, he counters with his shield. boom!
Kingdom of Achoel, Prologue
The expected slam of shields never came, and the green-eyed knight risked a glance over his shield. the enemy forces were in full route, two-dozen mounted knights charging through the enemy ranks.
Chapter 30: Battle for Survival! The Destinies Vs The Glitches!
Gallantmon raised his shield and starts flashing and megagargomon readied his own stance for the skill. "shield of the just!" a large beam coming out from gallantmon's shield. "gargo missile!" two large missiles were lauches from his shoulder.
chapter 8: Survivors pt2
A huge explosion ripped across the ship as an enemy warhead had breached the shields. "captain, an enemy missile has breached port shields!" the tactical officer shouted. "damage reports!" tancred demanded.
Immortal, Chapter 6 - Nameless
He roared and suddenly a great shield appeared on his arm. a central circle with four massive scythe blades turned sideways out in an "x". green glass like energy cracked towards the center of the shield. "my shield will stop your every attack!"
Chapter One - The Combat Negotiator
The lion moved forward until they were inches apart, almost muzzle-to-muzzle, separated only by the shield. he had to duck to fit through the door. "cowering, as you are, behind a shield?" "this." lance replied evenly, then turned to bailey.
Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 6
I'm sure given a bit of time the fleet could manage to figure out a way to properly shield everyone without any issue. heck, wouldn't even just sending every sym mage to the fleet to reinforce our shields as much as possible eliminate any risk?"
Protectors Of Aeron City(Flash Story Series)
I guess it was close enough to summon a shining shield in front of me, blocking the flames and giving mishra a chance to blast him with her pistol.
Everwinter Ch25: Means of Severing
I motioned to the other end of the room outside of the shield, "maybe. just to be safe, could you step out of the shield while i try this?" talwin nodded and stepped back, "be careful?" "of course," i answered while talwin walked out of the shield.
Rise of the Alters: Chapter 4
With a loud yell, kazufox shatters the shield creating a massive explosion knocking over everyone behind the shield and the refined alters that controlled the shield.
Rising Effort - Prologue: Stars & Embers
Right behind that, a blade of solidified shadow cracked the bear's shield open and cut into him. not enough true dynamic adaptivity in the shield, starswirl noted. it was more of a chance to experiment than a real duel of wizards to starswirl.