chapter 8: Survivors pt2
#8 of Spyro: Light shall triumph
In the last story the hellion had found the site where the fury had met its end. After weeks of searching, the crew were hoping that the fury was there. How right they were. The hellion's sensors determined that the fury was destroyed in battle and exploded. But they also determined that the explosion took the enemy ships with it.
On the surface the mysterious warrior finally revealed himself. And it was none other then Galinoth. Everyone thought he had died in the assault upon the temple. But he told them that the Talon had healed him. He then noticed Spyro and Naomi were looking into the sky. Spyro revealed that he could sense when ships exited hyperspace. Later that night he sensed hostile ships closing in on the hellion. He managed to get off a warning before it was too late. But not long after that, the hellion was fired upon.
Chapter 8: Survivors Pt2
"Get all shields and weapons online NOW!" Bellowed Tancred.
The hellion was taking a beating at the hands of this fleet. But she wasn't just about to give up. After the shields went up, all weapons came online and opened up on the enemy. The fury that had erupted was impressive. In the first few minutes four of the enemy ships were blown to shreds and six more crippled beyond repair.
A huge explosion ripped across the ship as an enemy warhead had breached the shields.
"Captain, an enemy missile has breached port shields!" The tactical officer shouted.
"Damage reports!" Tancred demanded.
"Port fighter bays have been completely destroyed; hull breaches on decks three through seven, casualty reports are coming in from all decks, at least fifty-nine dead and two-hundred wounded!" Replied the officer.
"Damn it all!" bellowed Tancred.
This battle wasn't unnoticed for long. The inhabitants of the world below could see streaks of fire flowing across the sky from one place to another and back again. If only they knew that the fate of their world was at stake.
Back at the temple Cynder woke up with a start at the sound of an explosion.
"What was that?" she screamed
Spyro jolted up at the sound of his mate screaming.
"What's the matter?" he asked. He was looking left and right for any sign of danger. He found none so he turned to Cynder.
"I can hear explosions, there coming from everywhere, MAKE THEM STOP". She screeched.
By now Spyro could hear them as well. He could see streaks of fire dance in the sky.
"Come on Cynder, we need to tell Galinoth about this." Spyro ordered.
After a while Cynder got up and ran after spyro. They found everyone else in the dojo talking about something. They had to interrupt and tell them what is happening.
"Everyone, there is fire in the sky and explosions everywhere!" Shouted Spyro.
"What do you mean?" asked Terrador.
"I know what he means." Galinoth answered.
Everyone had turned to him. There was a look of sadness on him that made everyone uneasy.
"The enemy has showed their hand, they have engaged the guardian ship in orbit." He said.
"How is the battle going?" Asked Volteer.
To everyone's amazement, the room began to darken. As soon as the room went dark, blips of light began to appear. Everyone realised that they were looking into space. Then they could see what spyro meant by fire dancing in the sky. The ships were firing on each other.
"Is that lone ship one of yours?" asked Cyril.
Galinoth nodded grimly. Everyone looked to where the other fire was coming from. And to there horror, they realised that the guardian ship was outgunned and outnumbered.
"How much longer will your ship last?" Asked Volteer. He was almost afraid to ask the question.
"Not much longer without re-enforcements, but the enemy re-enforcements will be here long before ours will be." He replied. His mood had worsened since the news.
Then his armour began bleeping. The bleeping got faster until a bright white light engulfed him and disappeared.
Back in space, the battle was not going well. The hellion had sustained heavy damage and had lost all power to the engines. They were a sitting duck.
"My lord, we cannot take much more!" Shouted the tactical officer.
Then more warning lights activated. These signalled hyperspace activity.
"More enemy ships inbound!" Bellowed the tactical officer.
"How many ships?" Tancred demanded
The tactical officer froze on the spot when the readings came back.
"At least one-hundred my lord." He finally replied.
"Oh no....." was all Tancred said to this news. He knew his re-enforcements would be here far too late.
Most of the bridge officers were praying to their deity for deliverance to get them through this dark moment. With all the action going off everyone had forgotten that the emergency began had activated. It transmitted a distress call on all frequencies requesting for aid. The call for help had been answered.
Back in the dojo everyone was shocked at what had just occurred.
"Where did he go?" asked Spyro.
"That was a transporter. Our people developed a means of making things move from one place to another over a short distance. We use them to beam scouts down to planets to see if the enemy has touched the world. We also use them for commercial means." Replied Naomi.
"Any idea where he has gone?" Asked Cynder.
"I'm afraid not." She replied.
But then Cyril had noticed something the others hadn't, strange red dots were appearing behind the enemy ships. He asked Naomi what they were.
"Warp travel." She said. "It's a form of travel used by a race of people we liberated." She continued.
Spyro and Cynder noticed a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
"Is that a good thing then?" Cynder asked.
"It is, this means that they have come to our aid!" she replied.
By now everyone had turned to see this strange event unfold.
Back in space the warp rifts began to widen. Then second's later ships began to come through them. At first it was dozens, but then dozens turned into hundreds. The smaller ships had clustered around the bigger ones like a barrier to protect them.
But the biggest one was at the head of the group. It hailed the enemy command ship.
"Enemy vessels, this is the overlord cruiser Wrath of the emperor of the Segmentum battlefleet Tempestus, you are ordered to stand down immediately, or feel the wrath of the immortal emperor." The captain said.
Back on the hellion the bridge was alight with activity as these new arrivals bared down upon the enemy.
"My lord, the computer has identified the ships as imperial." The tactical officer said.
"From the Imperium?" Tancred asked
"Yes my lord." Replied the officer.
"Thank the spirits...." Was all he said when a huge explosion ripped across the entire ship.
Some of the enemy vessels had continued firing upon the hellion. Finally the shields had failed entirely, the hull now being battered by an unrelenting tide of death. Minutes before this, Tancred had ordered the crew to beam down to where Galinoth had transmitted his message from. Most of the crew were down when the hull finally gave in and the hellion was destroyed.
"Oh no..." Naomi muttered as she witnessed the death of the hellion.
The others watched in horror as the ship was torn apart by a huge explosion.
"Fire all guns!!!!" The imperial captain bellowed.
All the ships in the fleet complied. Everyone wanted to exact vengeance on those who destroyed the guardian ship. The sight of the imperial guns firing was one to behold. Ruby flame spout out from every lance battery and macro laser in the fleet, every torpedo was launched on command. The enemy had no chance of survival as every shot found a target. Within seconds the enemy fleet was reduce to rubble and debris.
But it was not over.
"Captain, multiple hyperspace signatures 300,000 kilometres off the starboard bow!" shouted a young lieutenant.
"Bring the ship to bear and order all ships to intercept and engage any enemy ships they find!" ordered the captain.
But they didn't realise how many enemy ships had arrived.
Naomi was praying for those souls who were onboard the hellion when it died when she noticed a frenzy of activity outside the dojo. She asked Volteer to help her investigate. As soon as the doors opened they were shocked and amazed at what they were seeing. Hundreds of Guardians had managed to get off the hellion before its death.
"GUYS, WE NEED HELP HERE!" bellowed Volteer.
The others arrived to help out in anyway they could. But then the whole temple began to rumble. Then a scream from further down the corridor alerted the others to something. The ocean looked like it was opening up, ready to swallow the world. But then, when the ocean stopped opening, a strange thing began to rise. Those who could see it were scared or in awe of this strange event.
"What is happening?" Cynder asked. She could sense fear and awe emanating from Naomi.
"By the great one...... it's a leviathan!" She replied.
"A leviathan?" Cynder asked.
"Yes, a leviathan, the most powerful and deadly of all the guardian vessels that there is and ever will be." Replied a Familiar voice.
"Galinoth!" Naomi screeched. She thought he had beamed aboard the hellion.
She raced towards him in an attempt to hug him tightly but as she wrapped her arms around him, they passed straight through him.
"I'm not really here Naomi, im projecting myself from the leviathan." He said.
"Your going to help the imperials aren't you?" asked spyro.
The others had been looking for Naomi and Cynder when this had happened. Volteer had found them and went to fetch the others. By the time they got back Galinoth had appeared.
"I must help them." he replied.
The projection disappeared and the leviathan began to move away, to help the imperials.
Back in space the battle was not going well. One third of battlefleet Tempestus had been destroyed. The enemy had thousands of ships attacking the fleet.
"Captain, the renegade is reporting a massive ship wide power overload, and half the fleet is badly damaged!" the lieutenant shouted.
"Emperor damn it" The captain bellowed. The imperials had managed to decimate the enemy fleet and reduce its strength by half. Bu the numbers had begun to take their toll on the imperials. They were just about to give up hope when strange readings began to appear on the emperors sensors.
"Captain, an unknown ship has begun attacking the enemy fleet!" Another voice shouted.
"Bring it on screen" he ordered.
The view screen activated and displayed the ship.
"By the emperor, what is that thing?" asked the captain.
"It's guardian technology but is of unknown design." Replied the lieutenant.
"By the throne!" the captain shouted.
He had finally seen the pinnacle of guardian technology as it opened fire. It was a sight to fear. It was unleashing all of its fire power into the enemy. Hundreds of ships perished in the first salvo and many more damaged. After half an hour, the enemy fleet was nothing more then a field of dust.
"Imperial fleet, I thank you for your assistance" Galinoth transmitted.
"You are most welcome guardian vessel, what should I report to my superiors?" asked the imperial captain. From the tone of the Guardian pilot, he didn't want this event to be known.
"Just tell them that the ship transmitting the distress call was destroyed during the fight and that an unknown ship helped out before the Guardian re-enforcements got here." Galinoth replied.
"Fine, may the emperor be with you." The captain replied
"And may the ancestral spirits be with you." Replied Galinoth.
After slight re-pairs the imperial fleet returned to the warp and back to their realms.
The next day, Galinoth gave command of the leviathan to a lieutenant from the hellion.
"When you leave there is no mention of my survival or that of my mates as well." Galinoth said.
"Of course, but what do I tell them about the leviathan?" the lieutenant asked.
"Tell them that before the hellion was destroyed you picked up a signal from the moon and sent people to investigate, when it was deemed safe you began to evacuate people over there, and that is when you made the discovery." Galinoth replied.
"Ok, may he watch over you." The lieutenant said.
"And may he watch over you." Replied Galinoth.
Then an hour later the leviathan left orbit and went to the closest outpost.
"Why didn't you return to your people?" Cynder asked quizzically.
"Truth be told, me and Naomi were going to leave the military and settle down." He replied
"Why here?" Spyro asked.
"Because it's perfect here." Replied Naomi.
That brings chapter 8 to an end. I will post chapter 9 in January.
This is the last appearance of the guardian race apart from Galinoth and Naomi.
There technology will still be featured though.
Like I keep saying comments and suggestions are welcome.
Hope you like it!