Helen Ch 2
I guess we found the ruins you were talking about... only, they don't look so ruined these days..." lynsay said in astonishment. the ancient city was... yes. looking very far from ruined at this point.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 18
Their walk took them back to the ruins. zardes was the first to notice a winged feline humanoid demon standing by the ruins' entrance, which as malkar claimed, was protected by an invisible magic barrier.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 4)
'well, i must tell you about the ruined abbey!' enthused anna. i looked up in surprise: in my six months in the parish, no one had even mentioned a ruined abbey. 'did i not tell you this, father?'
381 The Nuclear Dance
They seem to have emerged into a crack or ravine in the earth where the top-most couple of stories of the ruins intersect the surface.
Kaiju Chaos; Manual.
The whole region has a few ruins that look like viking temples. the region's emblem was black with the emblem of a shield flanked by a tomahawk and a sword, with the sign of the ice element engraved on the shield.
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 7 (MHO)
The only pieces of the ruins not stained were the crude bricks and logs that'd been used to wall off the actual old entrance after the tragedy.
Guro Challenge #32: Scarring/Disfiguration
Slagar touched the cloth over his ruined cheek and said "my own reasons, sire." "and what may they be? tell me." "deception. disguise. many reasons, sire."
Fracture - Prologue
All that was now ruined... and why? just because of a simple slip of the tongue. one sentence... a few words cut off just too late and it had ruined everything. the façade he had worked for years to build up and sustain came crashing down on his head.
dark gaurdien chapter 7.txt
Dark guardian chapter 7 just then to ruin the hug moment the intercom on the wall went off with a deafening screech.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Sixty Four
"the people who ruined this world are those came before us! it was...it was you!" vakaal swung a manacled hand in the air. "the ruins, out in the desert! they're just like yours!
Devoted Tails, Chapter 2: Enter Scry...
The land itself was strewn with whispers of a life long-past; ruins and old artifacts, which screamed of a mystery just waiting to be unfolded, filled all parts of this place. it was a heaven for archaeologists.
Fates of the Ferals: The Carver Cubs
"they spoil him rotten," he groused, "and then they blame me when he ruins something or gets into something." mitchell could hardly hate his brother, but he couldn't stand the brat either.