Someday, somewhere i will be remembered as my bones are in the chair. as the time heals all wounds my house fades. my bones fade, my print faded. who will remember when the time is done?
Someday, somewhere i will be remembered as my bones are in the chair. as the time heals all wounds my house fades. my bones fade, my print faded. who will remember when the time is done?
From the maze to now
My mother's wisdom was long forgotten, my brother is remembered as a monster, i myself a lovestruck fool. my world? no one remembers my culture, no one can read what i wrote, no one can understand our art and our souls barren in it.
Lost Into The Past Chapter 5
He didn't remember what was said, but... _i-i... i don't wanna remember that... _nathan hugged his legs and began to cry quietly.
I remember the day we came here. you said your knees were hurting. so you made a tower full of stairs." the mage laughed to being pointed out the irony. " i remember the day as well. the day you almost died again."
Of Magic and Fur (Part 1)
As i try to gather my senses and remember what was happening, the sudden realization comes to me that i don't remember anything that happened to me, or even my name, for that matter.
After the Storm - Part 17 [The Aura]
"now that you mention it, i do remember now... although i was half asleep throughout the experience." "can you remember how to do it?" the charmander asked.
Crossing of a Legend
Who was kynna's father, and why didn't she remember him or anything else from the time? as a star shot across the heavens, she sighed... wishing she had an answer.
The Adventures of Nall Wolf: Ch.3: The Discovery
"no you didn't, at least i don't remember it if you did." nall was trying to remember. "oh, "you don't remember" huh?" she said in a sarcastic tone.
I got mad blamed my parents for everything i could think of, i don't remember exactly what i said. but i do remember there faces when i blamed them for my aunts death. said that if it wasn't for them she wouldn't have come.
You remember, right?" staring into the coyote's eyes, a shake of the head no. "you remember me? garcia?" another no. "amira fucked you up real bad..." he gave a sigh. garcia... it sounded familiar.
Trials: Chapter V
He remembered different things from varying times.